
Started by sh0e, November 09, 2004, 04:41:40 AM

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 When you dominate a server to the point of banning on sight, are receiving healthy barrages of moronic and ignorant accusatory comments from lame sideline stick throwers (along the lines of OMAOMFG YOU TEH HAXX)RR)RZ EVEN THO I HAVE NO IDEA (what the elk) IS GOING ON), and you get to the point where your unrelenting secksiness is no longer properly appreciated.. you know its time to come clean;  it is time to unveil "the exploit?" secret so commonly and ignorantly referred to.
All the bullying, psychological tactics, and wanton/misplaced personal attacks that have been employed have finally payed off.  Your immoral, egotistical, and distasteful tactics have finally worked.  I hope you are proud of yourselves.

Me and Josh have had an unfair advantage over you.. we have been abusing an undeniably dangerous and horribly unjust "the exploit?" secret; here in the following link are the dire confessions and explanations of the entire details of this most intimate "the exploit?" secret we abused:
the lliks hax secksy edition

Please find it in your hearts to forgive us for not unveiling something of this magnitude;
the unrelenting Truth of the content was simply ineffable.



It's blank.

Or maybe my computer is not enjoying it...

Or maybe it's intentionally blank?

Sarcasm noted...if it's there...?

Peace Alliance

 *dances along to the music*

sh0e's, to sexsy for his shirt, to sexy for his shirt, he's too sexsy!

Guthorm Swordmaster

 I dont see anything either I also trace a not of sarcasm.


 uh yea...I really dont see anything either...
"Through the wonders of scientific and mathematical reasoning, we can now reasonable infer that "cloud" is in fact "a bear"."

Once an emperor, always an emperor...


hard thing about internet is that it's extraordinarily hard to detect sarcasm

my sarcasm meter went into the red while reading that post, epsecially with the piccy, which isnt even a piccy..  it's somthin made with Macromedia  :lol:  
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


 I could definately tell that this post was sarcastic...

So sad.

I bet they were looking for us to ban them again just for saying that.


 *turns on his speakers*


Heh. Now THERE'S how you get banned. In STYLE!  :lol:  


 Yes, just a tad of sarcasm...  

Guthorm Swordmaster

 sh0e's done that over at FaF as well not the confessions he used the same exploit then went into vacation.


 guthorn = idiot.

faf was the easiest thing EVER to conquer, i owned it before, and sh0e owns it now.
they deleted my account last time, note the : tiki hut has owned the game
at the top of the thing?
my nw was undefeated, you're all a bunch of newbs, grow up.
sh0e is better than you, there is no exploit, i'm better than you

Guthorm Swordmaster

 Why do you and sh0e even bother trying to say theres no exploit?


 1) Spelling "Guthorm" gets you on the right track to being superior in intelligence to anybody;
2) Capitalization of "I", which is a proper noun, also increases the impression of one's intelligence, and one's actual grammatical mastery is developed by using proper punctuation;
3) We're not newbs, and we sure don't spell like them.
That's out lesson for today class. You are dismissed. Tomorrow, we study the history of idiocy, and its affects on RWL. Toodles!

Guthorm Swordmaster

 Lol are you setting any homework?

for all those who do not know why nick thomas is a complete retard please follow that link to have a good laugh for yourselves
(aside from the fact that these two candlestick melters have no idea what they are talking about and continue to make idiotic claims when they clearly know nothing)