Two accounts disabled.

Started by wolf bite, November 06, 2004, 07:42:35 PM

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Quote from: wolf biteAs a side note, I can also disable everyone that helps a banned player. It is considered cheating to help a person that is banned from here. So Wolf Snare, you say you talked to Josh every day about what he was doing and helping him?

If I was this big meanie like you are making out, I would have disabled everyone that gave him aid, thus almost your full clan, I did not.

The reason your clan is behind right now is because half the clan was knowingly sending aid to Josh. When Josh was disabled, so goes all that aid. Thus the risk your clan took for working with Josh. You have some catching up to do.

... oh and he did cheat. He does not tell the people he is working with what he is really doing.

At one point when Josh did one of his food bugs, I asked a person that was working with him why Josh?s net just went up. That person told me that Josh had just told him that he had pressganged a few times to raise his net. However, since I was looking over Josh?s shoulder, I could see that his army did not go up, just the food had doubled. If Josh would lie to that person in order to get them to send him aid, then why would he not be lying to you? He lied in the past to Peace, who he grew up with. I am not saying Josh is a bad guy, but there are lines of morality that he has difficulty with.

So it comes down to who should people believe. The Admins whose job it is to make the game fair for everyone and have no stake in the game or a confessed mutable cheater/hacker who knows if he admitted he was cheating he would not have been able to talk people into sending him aid?

Wolf Bite
Fine you can be a (CAN OPENER) about it! You told Josh he could play this round, then you turn around and backstab him making it sound as you are a BIG HERO! well guess what Wolf Bite, YOU AIN'T!!

Edit: And Wolf bite, stop editing my posts!

Edit Again!!!!! : NEVER, as in EVER, Edit back in something I had to edit out!  Warning and a 3 day gag!  WB

wolf bite

 If you want to have an adult type conversation about this, then fine. If you are going to start insulting me for doing my job, then fire and brimstone will start flying.

I had told Josh that I would do nothing to stop him from playing if he did not cheat and could show me he could break the emperor without aid.  If he could do this, I would do my best to redeem him on the server. I even told Retto I was letting Josh play and took the responsibility on myself for Josh?s actions.  Josh let me down, as he did you. I would have held to my deal. But Josh did receive aid and did cheat. I can not be held to my promise if he breaks his.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


Quote from: wolf biteIf you want to have an adult type conversation about this, then fine. If you are going to start insulting me for doing my job, then fire and brimstone will start flying.

I had told Josh that I would do nothing to stop him from playing if he did not cheat and could show me he could break the emperor without aid.  If he could do this, I would do my best to redeem him on the server. I even told Retto I was letting Josh play and took the responsibility on myself for Josh?s actions.  Josh let me down, as he did you. I would have held to my deal. But Josh did receive aid and did cheat. I can not be held to my promise if he breaks his.

Wolf Bite
DUde, he didnt flippin cheat! He recieved aid from many. You ARE allowed to send aid. So there is no reason at all to disable him!

~>John<~ long have you been playing this game. honestly. nor promiscance, but RWL.

Josh isnt allowed to play, period. he deserved to be banned right away, but since he hadnt done anything in a while wb decided to see if he had changed.

David...............this is not a "democracy." We do not vote for the administrators. They are here to make sure the game is fair.I honestly ask you, what would Wolf Bite gain by banning someone who is playing the game fairly?

shut up about this, admin make rules, follow em.

Wolf bite knows how much aid is sent and by whom. If josh had 521 million, recieves 1 milion in rats and suddenly has 1042 million, you can say he received aid, and that thats not illlegal, but more was going on then just aid.  
Heark! For the City of God comes before us!
And so he asked, "How is a man to judge in such times as these?" and he was answered, "As he always has judged, for good and evil have not changed and the differences are as great as they have ever been."

Former Emperor

Former Member of Rome

Wolf Snare

 Conserning josh being disabled...

Quotewolf snare i have been arguing against josh since he cheated on regular, and that didn't got for, or against my favour. I'm no soar loser, and i'm not cheating.

(what the elk) do you call it when you alone (oh, and a few of your ICE buddies) come out 200 billion dolars richer while Josh simply gets disabled?

Quotei think you've gone a little overboard, perhaps you should wait untill you actually have points before you join in on the arguement. you say you knowwhat josh was doing? wolf knows better.

What the (wash my mouth out with soap)? excuse me peace, you're the one who knows nothing of the situation! i have my /facts/ straight buddy, your the one pulling idiotic excuses off the the top of your head. But hey, anything to cover up the truth and to cover your (donkey) eh peace?
I know exactly what josh was doing, the whole time. Start to finish, I was basically inside his head with this plan. he grew 3 NW, I knew about it. now how can you tell me he doubled his food multiple times without me knowing? not possible.. his part of the deal was to take care of food and some loyalty, and everytime he did something i gained knowledge of it over msn. I bet your (wash my mouth out with soap)ing retarded little sources didn't tell you that, eh wolfy?
Now I have something to deliver on account of josh not being able to make it. Wolf Bite, you are a lying sack of (I missspelled a swearword)! look.
keep in mind that it I recall every one of these events. not like that would matter to you people.
Josh` says:
tell him he's al ying sack of (smelly stuff)
Josh` says:
from josh
Cody says:
Josh` says:
abnd my food
Josh` says:
never doubled
Josh` says:
it went from 0
Josh` says:
to 2 billion over 600 turns
Josh` says:
0 to 2
Josh` says:
then to 100
Josh` says:
Josh` says:
then to 3.1 the next day
Josh` says:
when i madem y run
Josh` says:
(pulled off markte)
Cody says:

exactly as it happened.. but what ever, carry on your pathetic rant about how you are supperior to everyone else because you are an admin of some retarded online game where little critters fight eachother. ::agrees::

Quoteand wolf doesn't even NEED a reason to disabled josh. you do reolise the he could have just disabled josh as soon as josh signed up, no questions asked, no reasons needed. josh is BANNED, and for good reason.
you know what peace? you're right for once.. Wolf doesn't need a reason, but you know what this game doesn't need? Some old guy making (smelly stuff) up about another person just because he is having some sort of midlife crisis. Thats right! I said it.
now honestly, he can play his little james bond thing where he scopes out others accounts and whatnot, but what the (wash my mouth out with soap) does it matter? and honestly, what is a forty some odd year old guy doing here anyways? I mean get a (wash my mouth out with soap)ing life! Wheres it gunna get you? oh wow you admin a (wash my mouth out with soap)ing retarded site owned by @s/sholes... whoopedy (wash my mouth out with soap)in doo.
anyways... I can feel the ban coming already...
back on topic...

QuoteAs a side note, I can also disable everyone that helps a banned player. It is considered cheating to help a person that is banned from here. So Wolf Snare, you say you talked to Josh every day about what he was doing and helping him?

go ahead, disable me, you (wash my mouth out with soap)ing (snow ball)! you'll see how much I care  :rolleyes:
god (sorry, but I can't think of a word to use), i bet you really feel tough once you get through with some of us eh?uhh, can anybody say pathetic? geez..

QuoteThe reason your clan is behind right now is because half the clan was knowingly sending aid to Josh. When Josh was disabled, so goes all that aid. Thus the risk your clan took for working with Josh. You have some catching up to do.

phht... what the (wash my mouth out with soap) do you know? oh wait, I forgot you have nothing better to do than sit on your (donkey) all day in front of a computer screen and look at peoples stats... *coughLOSERcough*
ok I'll give you that one..

QuoteAt one point when Josh did one of his food bugs, I asked a person that was working with him why Josh?s net just went up. That person told me that Josh had just told him that he had pressganged a few times to raise his net. However, since I was looking over Josh?s shoulder, I could see that his army did not go up, just the food had doubled. If Josh would lie to that person in order to get them to send him aid, then why would he not be lying to you? He lied in the past to Peace, who he grew up with. I am not saying Josh is a bad guy, but there are lines of morality that he has difficulty with.

So it comes down to who should people believe. The Admins whose job it is to make the game fair for everyone and have no stake in the game or a confessed mutable cheater/hacker who knows if he admitted he was cheating he would not have been able to talk people into sending him aid?

nono no... it comes down to this.. who are people going to believe.. some old (I missspelled a swearword) who has nothing better to do but make peoples lives a living (hades) through the internet by making (smelly stuff) up, or a teen ager who just doesnt care anymore? Not like I care, Im banned anyways!

ok, next.. WHY THE (I missspelled a swearword) did you disable david? what a (snow ball).. i bet that made you feel all high and might eh? stingy (I missspelled a swearword)...

ok and last and probably least, John. what is up your (donkey)? dont answer that... ok david actually knows whats going on, so 1, stay the (wash my mouth out with soap) out of the arguement. 2, for all i know you dont play, and i dont care. so unless you were part of thid, which you weren't, then go to (hades)!

ok im finally done my (wash my mouth out with soap)ing post... DONT DELETE IT OR EDIT IT! everyone deserves to voice their opinion. but ok wolf, you can ban me now biotch!
1. Fire Bringer (#22)
1. Jaturungkabart (#12)
1. Estranged (#50)
1. Fierce Deity (#17) 
1. bored... (#98)
1. Versace (#24)
1. Noah Calhoun (#10)
1. Day Old Hate (#7)
1. The Grand Optimist (#12)
1. Beast Mode (#7)


 all I can say is yay for filters

oh, and that Snare needs to calm down..  grab his blanky and go get some much needed sleep
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
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wolf bite

 Days like this I really feel sorry for how Retto has been treated over the past year and a half by Josh.

It is amazing how many people will blindly follow Josh off the end of a cliff.  I just miss the logic. Josh states that he does not cheat right after getting disabled from the other server only a week before for ? cheating. Then people have temper tantrums that make my little filters hurt.

Anyways, I have granted your request to be gagged. Since it was a deliberate attempt to get gagged, I will have to talk to the other Admins as to handle it. My only question is whether I should go through that post and edit out most of it, or just delete it. But then I rather like showing your rant as the proper evidence as to why you are gagged. Humm. Will have to think about it.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 I must admit, this rule about disableing, gagging, or banning anyone who knowingly helps Josh is very broad, and very ineffective at keeping Josh off of your server.  In fact it seems to be causeing a whole lot more truble in the commuity than I belive it is worth. It has caused incidents like this one, and will continue to cause incidents like this one in the future. It is part of the reason for the decline in playership. It is impossable to properally and fairly enforce, as you cannot, and should not monotor private transmissions off of this site. As such, there are any number of situations that this rule can be used by those, and not just Josh, who wish to cause harm to this site, its administrators, and its users.

Although, I cannot think of any alternative to this rather ugly situation...  
AKA, Nevadacow
First person to ever play RWL

"Program testing can be used to show the presence of bugs, but never to show their absence!"-Edsger W. Dijkstra

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wolf bite

 As of yet, I don?t think anyone has been punished directly for having aided or befriended Josh, even though the rules allow us to. Those above are being punished only on the forums for their actions on the forums. A few people on the regular server were disabled that seemed to be part of the cheating. But if there actions are highly questionable in game and they are acting in concert with Josh, then they are risking.

It would seem that if people really like to have a fun game of skill, then they would simply not help Josh who is known to put an end to people's fun.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles

Peace Alliance

 Indeed, i would have to agree that the rules is rather sticky. however, its intent is to encourage people to notify the admins apon knowledge that josh is playing, and help the administration keep him banned. keeping him banned, ultimately keeps the game under control... or at least as much control as it can have ;)


i didnt' see wolfs post, heh.

QuoteJosh who is known to put an end to people's fun.
yeah but so am i  :D  


 People have been directly punished for knowing that Josh was playing in the past... Check the Imortlized  (round 13) topic, I think.

Reguardless of the rule's intent, this is its effect. It is harming the game, and people who have violated no other rule. And it is ineffective, as even if people report him he already has an account in game.
AKA, Nevadacow
First person to ever play RWL

"Program testing can be used to show the presence of bugs, but never to show their absence!"-Edsger W. Dijkstra

Visit today!


 On a side note, casting feast with 0 cash 25 times tends to kill the fun too, lol... I just lost 4 million skiffs, 5 million rats, a few million stoats/weasels, and 1 million leaders... yay for stupidity...
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 Now that a few people have been gagged, I decided to return to what would hopefully be a more reasonable discussion.  But looks like John, Peace, and Wolf said pretty much everything that needs to be said.  I feel sorry for anyone who still doesn't get the point.


 W/out those who were gagged, there is no opposing discussion...


 or maybe nobody cares anymore... or there's also the fact that the opposing side isn't listened to,
so there's no real reason to talk anymore.
"Through the wonders of scientific and mathematical reasoning, we can now reasonable infer that "cloud" is in fact "a bear"."

Once an emperor, always an emperor...