Two accounts disabled.

Started by wolf bite, November 06, 2004, 07:42:35 PM

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Quote from: NohcnonkNo, but I agree that admin should be accepted...
not if they did something wrong! I KNOW shoe did NOTHING wrong and yet they disabled him!


 So you watched his every move from over his shoulder?

Wolf Snare

 Nohc, shut up. We know the situation better than you. Josh recieved aid, he didn't cheat.
1. Fire Bringer (#22)
1. Jaturungkabart (#12)
1. Estranged (#50)
1. Fierce Deity (#17) 
1. bored... (#98)
1. Versace (#24)
1. Noah Calhoun (#10)
1. Day Old Hate (#7)
1. The Grand Optimist (#12)
1. Beast Mode (#7)


 *shakes head* Since all he does is bring trouble, I'll be the better man and just back off since that's apparently what you want.

Wolf Snare

 No, it's not that nohc,.. Did you know that wolf is lying? did you know peace alliance stole some of joshes money and land before he got disabled? Did you know that for some reason wolf knows this but is doing nothing about it? Did you know that wolf is purposefully giving peace alliance the edge to win? Did you know that Josh doesn't know how to hack? Did you know that he didn't cheat at all this round? Did you know all of that? Because I did.. Now please, don't argue, because I know this for a fact.
1. Fire Bringer (#22)
1. Jaturungkabart (#12)
1. Estranged (#50)
1. Fierce Deity (#17) 
1. bored... (#98)
1. Versace (#24)
1. Noah Calhoun (#10)
1. Day Old Hate (#7)
1. The Grand Optimist (#12)
1. Beast Mode (#7)


Quote from: NohcnonkSo you watched his every move from over his shoulder?
No, but i DO talk to him on IM everyday! He tells me alot of stuff.


 hmm, I think I got more outta it than peace...
"Through the wonders of scientific and mathematical reasoning, we can now reasonable infer that "cloud" is in fact "a bear"."

Once an emperor, always an emperor...

Wolf Snare

 yes well he set it up... he set the emperors back to make the game fair... and yet you guys (all mysteriously on the Ice team) have huge chunks of the former emerors money and also land. Wolf, how the (hades) is that fair? you dont deserve to be an admin.
1. Fire Bringer (#22)
1. Jaturungkabart (#12)
1. Estranged (#50)
1. Fierce Deity (#17) 
1. bored... (#98)
1. Versace (#24)
1. Noah Calhoun (#10)
1. Day Old Hate (#7)
1. The Grand Optimist (#12)
1. Beast Mode (#7)


 I want Wolf to be deducted to a regular memeber!


 One thing can describe this...  :rolleyes:  

wolf bite

 Sometimes I just don?t understand where people are coming from. It is an undisputed fact that josh has cheated many times and caused many problems on this server. Each time he did, he denied that he cheated or hacked. So why would people believe that this time that as he denies any wrongdoing, people stand behind him?

As far as the timing of the disable, there was not the intent to help either side. That is simply ridicules. If I wanted someone to win, I could aid them much more then someone stole form Josh.  And Peace would not be my first choice to aid.

We had the proof days ago that he was cheating. We had seen it. We just let him play because we had yet to find the hole that he sucks food from. There was a hope that by watching him we could catch the actual move that he is doing. We want to plug this hole so that when reg resets, the game will be fair to all.  We also know that once the emperors had been broken, there would be no further need for anyone to use this bug, so the questionably hordes were to be deleted as soon as they were in reach of the emperors. I missed the final attacks, but came on line shortly after and quickly disabled. I had not checked where the profit had gone to. Whatever was taken from josh is not enough to make anyone win.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles

Peace Alliance

Quote from: Wolf SnareNo, it's not that nohc,.. Did you know that wolf is lying? did you know peace alliance stole some of joshes money and land before he got disabled? Did you know that for some reason wolf knows this but is doing nothing about it? Did you know that wolf is purposefully giving peace alliance the edge to win? Did you know that Josh doesn't know how to hack? Did you know that he didn't cheat at all this round? Did you know all of that? Because I did.. Now please, don't argue, because I know this for a fact.
lets play a game called fact of fictionm shall we?

QuoteDid you know that wolf is lying?
Quotedid you know peace alliance stole some of joshes money and land before he got disabled?
QuoteDid you know that for some reason wolf knows this but is doing nothing about it?
QuoteDid you know that wolf is purposefully giving peace alliance the edge to win?
QuoteDid you know that Josh doesn't know how to hack?
QuoteDid you know that he didn't cheat at all this round?

so the truth is, you DON'T know all of that for a fact. when i attacked josh, i did not know he was cheating, i pressganged, used all my stored up loyalty and resources to attack him. if wolf bite were to reset me to where i was at without josh's aid, i would be at an unfair disadvantage having lost all my resources. plus, it would be countless hours calculated how much josh effected EVERYONE in the game, and quite frankly, i don't wish that work apon wolf bite or any of the staff, especially if its because of someone who isn't even supposed to be playing the game.

did josh cheat? other then the mere fact that josh PLAYING the game is considered against the rules, yes i believe he was cheating. wolf bite was watching every move... this is why i don't think removing him from admin would be smart, david, because he is the only person i believe who would be able to find the bug by watching josh. you DO reolise that when somebody recieves aid, that it shows up in recent history right? and you DO reolise that wolf bite has the ability to view josh's recent history, correct? so OBVIOUSLY he knew that josh was doubling food without aid.

furthermore, with full knowledge that josh is a cheater (because he's done it so much in the past), and full knowledge that he shouldn't even be playing, i understand wolf disabling him once he broke the emperor for the mere fact that the only reason he was playing was so that we could find the bug, but once he starts effecting gameplay, he has to be taken out for the sake of the people who are important - the players, you and me.

guys, i've supported josh so much in the past. i argued with retto for hours, there are old topics where i went all out defending him, trying to get him unbanned. and he, in full knowledge that i supported him, signed up on reg and cheated his (behind) off. he made a jerk out of me. i defended him, told retto he wasn't going to cheat, then josh cheats and ruins an entire season on regular. no more will i be supporting such a dishonest gameplayer. i still think he's a good guy, just not when he gets behind the controls of a horde.

Wolf Snare

 He did not cheat. Me and him were planning this for many days. I used my turns generating cash for him. I know exactly what situation he was in.. his incomings through aid, and his ability of creating resources himself. Never once did I not know what was going on inside his horde. We conversed for hours about it. He was not cheating, I am sure of it.
I'm not gunna go much further in this, because as you said Peace, it is not worth defending him. All I can do is state what I know, and if anyone so choses to think otherwise, I dont care anymore. He idn't cheat, I know this. Wolf is settin this up. The only reason he's getting away with it is becuase Josh has a history of cheating, and he knows its not worth fighting becuase the admins just change his posts without anyone knowing. Peace, another thing. the only reason you are being like this is because you got something out of it. You're covering wolf becuase you got something out of it. When you get ripped off, or smething doesnt go good in your favour, you aren't exactly easy going.  Remember the way you went on when Ashaman poisoned you? You're a sore loser and if anyone was cheating, it's you.
Wolf, I can't believe the bull(smelly stuff) you have been saying... I'm getting pretty heated right about now, so I'm just going to.  leave.

This place is going to HADES.

Edit: Do not use try to get around the filters. if you have to work to get around them, then you know you should not be posting it. WB
1. Fire Bringer (#22)
1. Jaturungkabart (#12)
1. Estranged (#50)
1. Fierce Deity (#17) 
1. bored... (#98)
1. Versace (#24)
1. Noah Calhoun (#10)
1. Day Old Hate (#7)
1. The Grand Optimist (#12)
1. Beast Mode (#7)

Peace Alliance

 wolf snare i have been arguing against josh since he cheated on regular, and that didn't got for, or against my favour. I'm no soar loser, and i'm not cheating.

i think you've gone a little overboard, perhaps you should wait untill you actually have points before you join in on the arguement. you say you knowwhat josh was doing? wolf knows better. and wolf doesn't even NEED a reason to disabled josh. you do reolise the he could have just disabled josh as soon as josh signed up, no questions asked, no reasons needed. josh is BANNED, and for good reason.

wolf bite

 As a side note, I can also disable everyone that helps a banned player. It is considered cheating to help a person that is banned from here. So Wolf Snare, you say you talked to Josh every day about what he was doing and helping him?

If I was this big meanie like you are making out, I would have disabled everyone that gave him aid, thus almost your full clan, I did not.

The reason your clan is behind right now is because half the clan was knowingly sending aid to Josh. When Josh was disabled, so goes all that aid. Thus the risk your clan took for working with Josh. You have some catching up to do.

... oh and he did cheat. He does not tell the people he is working with what he is really doing.

At one point when Josh did one of his food bugs, I asked a person that was working with him why Josh?s net just went up. That person told me that Josh had just told him that he had pressganged a few times to raise his net. However, since I was looking over Josh?s shoulder, I could see that his army did not go up, just the food had doubled. If Josh would lie to that person in order to get them to send him aid, then why would he not be lying to you? He lied in the past to Peace, who he grew up with. I am not saying Josh is a bad guy, but there are lines of morality that he has difficulty with.

So it comes down to who should people believe. The Admins whose job it is to make the game fair for everyone and have no stake in the game or a confessed mutable cheater/hacker who knows if he admitted he was cheating he would not have been able to talk people into sending him aid?

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles