Started by Kilkenne, November 01, 2004, 04:07:48 PM

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 "Edit:It is more interesting when people insult people for insulting people. Do NOT swear on this forum! WB "

I find it more interesting  how people think the word ("ANT EAT*R" ) is insulting or a swear word, it is a proper medical term.  By your logic, doctors around the world should apologize for using such profanity.

Secondly, I will not argue with you further, I just want to know one thing.  How the "Chipmunk" (did I get that right?) are other people allowed to call Admin. Jerks, yet I can not use the word (Ocean liner)?

Edit: Edit: Repeating a word I just took out but this time putting *******s around the word does not change the word. And NO, INsults to the staff for doing their job is never alowed.

You just got a warning!

Wolf Bite


 Uh....you forgot the last swear word.  It still hurts my eye's when I look at it.  :(

In all fairness I did not know putting **** in between "swear" words was not allowed, is that a rule?

I think It was the first poster of this thread that used the word, ....well I can not say, but It was aimed at an Admin..   It began with the letter J ended with a K and is meant to convey the idea that someone does things out of spite.

wolf bite

 Our rules are not harsh, and they are listed in many places around the forum, including the screen when you signed up. Words like ?jerk? and "fool" are usually allowed, unless directed at a member of the staff when doing their job. If you look closer you will see that the person above was permanently banned from here for doing so, and other things he did.

But you went way beyond that. You used the medical term for obviously non-allowed swearwords. You made personal attacks on another member concerning their sexuality and intelligence that I had to outright delete.

Wolf Bite
(Admin Duties)
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles

Peace Alliance

 Sparticus, a few things.

firstly, you can edit signature sizes so that only 175 characters are shown and the rest is just in the scroll bar.

Secondly, you mentioned how dumb it was for people to spend hours (and i highly doubt it took them hours, you know some people don't take as long as others to complete a thought) to make their comments in this threat... but i'm sure its taken you quite some time to make the last bundle of tripple posts you just made. not to mention you had to actually think of what to say.

thirdly, i'd like to welcome you to the RWL forum. here, people are free to politely disagree with the admins, they are allowed to politely debate with others on the forums, and just like in real life, sometimes people get a little heated, and say things they don't mean. so perhaps you've gone a little overboard in your replys...

btw, i don't like anime either... the trend has taken over the internet, everywhere i go is anime. plus on deviantart, every artist who can draw an anime character becomes the most popular person in the world almost instantly, but myself being a scenery artist... i don't get noticed at all! i don't get whats so bloody amazing about anime art! i could do it if i wanted too, its not that hard!
that being said, the pic in cloud's sig isn't half bad, at least its good some good shading and an interesting looking sword.


 thx for that bit of backing peace, lol.

Anyways you can't just join this forum and start attacking people...really not a good way to make
friends. And your comments have been a lot worse than anything else that was on this post, and
that includes josh's comments. Anyways, refering to my previous post, since you're obviously not
smart enough to know what anal retentive means. It refers to someone who is considerably stuck
up and stubborn.
"Through the wonders of scientific and mathematical reasoning, we can now reasonable infer that "cloud" is in fact "a bear"."

Once an emperor, always an emperor...

wolf bite

 I know you are just defending yourself, but attacking the guy for attack you does not calm down the topic.

* closed *

Wolf Bite
(Admin Duties)
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles