Time limits on reg

Started by Death Eater, October 31, 2004, 08:36:39 PM

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Death Eater

 Okay, this is, in my opinion, a major issue in the game.

Why is there no time limit for RWL reg? Why doesn't it end every month? Or every 2 months? I mean, what is the point of playing if you don't have anything to aim for...

Coming from various respected servers that all reset after one month, I find it hard to comprehend why this is the main game of Redwall and it never ends until someone decides that its getting a bit too long. In most games, everyone is building there empire carefully throughout the month, each day helping them progress toward the final day, where they plan to peak just enough to become victorious. But here...I find it more like..."who cares if I just Standard attacked down to 1 mil net, I can easily get back up in another 3 months."

And this leads to another thing...why try and get high networths? Unless you can continously grow (which is very difficult unless you are massing grain or indying) than whats the point of buying up troops or going for a really high networth?

Not that it matters, theres still 8 months to go! (example)

Now, I understand that you guys try and become Emperor...which I believe is when you are first for over a week or so.  But I really don't see a point in doing just that...you get real high for a week, where you jsut sit around, running 1 turn a day so you don't get deleted, until your "the emperor." Big whoop. No one remembers who was first for a week during the set...the only thing that people remember is the Immortalized. Those are the winners. Thats what is recorded.

So why not play in 2 month sets? Every two months, the scores are Immortalized and the game is reset. If this doesn't happen, I'm afraid I see no point in playing Reg. It's just not that much fun wasting turns without reason...especially with such a slow turn rate. I'd be fine with the speed if the game reset.

Please, consider this. You are probably one of the only promisance games that does not have a set date when the round ends, and I fear you are losing members because of it (I know a bunch of QMT'ers left for just that reason).

Think it over

user posted image


 I agree.

Right now, what is the point in playing regular? The current people will most likely never be taken down, and with what I know of their strat (I assume pressganging) they'll just grow exponentially. Faster and faster until they can not even support themselves. (I was just reading about Red Stars in Science... bah).

No new person can take the top without the support of these people (most likely).  What is there left to do. Who wants to play a game where there is no way to win. There is no great struggle or rush or anything. What's the point?

A reset every two months would solve this problem. That or a voted reset could also work.

Can't we just say Light, Ereptor and ?? won?  
# rovl.org

A Darkness Conquered

 I've discussed this before, when I was first newb.

It led to the first ever reset for rwl, under my rule (it was hard to take first, away from the veterans)

They wont listen, they don't care.

Death Eater

 It's ridiculous the way it is now...if we get enough support, changes may be made. They should be made. As is evident, this game is slowly starting to fall apart. This may be the key to bring some life back into it. Give it a purpose!
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Wolf Snare

 I'm all for it... Reg can't keep going on pointlessly for such long periods of time.
1. Fire Bringer (#22)
1. Jaturungkabart (#12)
1. Estranged (#50)
1. Fierce Deity (#17) 
1. bored... (#98)
1. Versace (#24)
1. Noah Calhoun (#10)
1. Day Old Hate (#7)
1. The Grand Optimist (#12)
1. Beast Mode (#7)


 I dissagree. Why keep a saveings of goods and cash if you know the round is going to end in a such small time as a month? Also, people have more at stake with the longer rounds, as it takes longer just to build up your horde. They cannot just start over, and be back to where they were in just a few days. This makes people think about defence, and prevents most from keeping an exterem massing stragity (all of one trooptype, and 0 of any others, as opposed to 90% or so of one trooptype, and evenspread of the others). It can be made so you have a goal to work towards. If something similar to my old "Horde Tracking" idea was implemented, you could have a current and record top ten listing for various stuff. Amount of cash, food, troops, leaders, networth, etc. It would be a respectable goal to work at takeing one of these record spots. Also, I dissagree with the idea that it is impossable to take down those who have been going for long periods of time. It happens relatively often, with the clan wars and whatanot. There were what, 7-8 emporers of round 1, which lasted, about 6 months. That's a change of once or twice a month. Clearly possable, even though two of those simply resigned as emporer.
AKA, Nevadacow
First person to ever play RWL

"Program testing can be used to show the presence of bugs, but never to show their absence!"-Edsger W. Dijkstra

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 I like reg as it is. It never ends, it leaves players struggling with the hope they can get their account up there one day, part of what makes it so good is that it's always there. Clan wars keep going, multiple in the same era and creates its own history.

The way you rule is not the same as how long you rule. People remember Ereptor in Era 2. He owned the game for months. They don't remember him because he was displayed osmewhere as being in the top. What's more, all of you Prom guys like to complain about the food massing, the drawing of stuff at the end of the round. That does not define the greatest player, but that's what happens if an end date is set.
We are into what, era 6, 7? We are spread over 2 years, and while that is a long time, resets do occur.
Nobody remembers those who were immortalised for Commanders or Turbo, they make their reputations over reg and the forums. I have the best Turbo record here, and it's not what I'm known for.
Regular is what RWL is about, if it's changed, I think we lose it.
I will not deleted this

wolf bite

 Typically, regular should not be reset. Turbo is more about either doing the mission Retto sets up, or getting the highest net on the reset day. But Regular is about trying to hold the top from all contenders. A different type of game. Which is what holds us different from other servers.

But the fun of that has decreased for everyone as the present top people have unlimited funds, making it almost imposable, unless they turn on each other. If all that net is found to be received unfairly, then there will be a bunch of people deleted when and if they are found exploiting a bug. If that net is being received fairly, then it is up to the players to find a way to counteract their actions.

A big down side is that when an emperor is seemingly imposable to beat, then for all but the top ten, then game is boring. Those on top don?t seem to care about the game being fun for others, only themselves. When the lower people don?t feel it is possible to ever reach the top, then they either start kill teams so they at least have something to do. Or they leave the game to never return. That is what happened in era 2 when Ereptor held the top. We had hundreds of players, most left. It was not until the last day of the game that he was broken. (hehe). This is why when my clan, the real Slayer, held the top and could not get a reset, we did a mass suicide so that others could still have fun in the game.

If I remember correctly, there is a way for regular to reset. If one person has clearly won the game, a poll can be started in polls forum asking for a reset. Then 2 Admins must agree. Once that is done, an in game poll will be started, if the reset passes in game, then a week time limit will be given for the reset. (at least this is how I remember it.)

As of now, I would not give my stamp for the reset. First, the top people are changing, so there is not one emperor that can be declared the winner.  There is a big possibility of an upheaval at the top. Also, many lower people are gaining force to take, or at least damage, the top. A counteraction has yet to be found to stop this from happening again, so the players need to put their heads together to work on that or it will just be a new game with the same problem. If there is no downside to this strategy, and it is not an exploited bug, then the coding has to be changed because each strategy must have a downside.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles

Death Eater

 nevada cow, I can see you haven't played a competitive promisance game that resets once a month. You've got it backwards...why mass food and cash for a set that never ends? There's never a need to spend it. You spend it all and...well...you wait until your passed again in which you have to get rid of your troops or whatnot and start again. So the best way is too keep massing food and cash until the set ends...but wait....thats IN 6 MONTHS!

You see my point? It defeats the purpose, it gives no meaning to playing, other than being emperor, which really doesn't mean much. Why do I want to take you down if your up there and I can still win the set a few months later?

Also, nevada, your backwards about the defence and importance about running turns. If you get your money stolen, your troops destroyed, your food lost, etc...it doesn't matter AT ALL...because you still have 6 MONTHS to get back up, which doesn't take much at all. Sack a few people to get your food, take a few turns to gather loyalty...its not like your in a rush, you have all the time in the world.

That is not the case when you have a limit.

If the game is only played for a month, and someone destroys 2 weeks worth of work, it'll take you another 2 weeks to get back up to where you started, and by that time the sets over. So it makes you be extra careful about your defenses and protecting your empire, etc.

I do agree that emperors can be taken down no problem. Thats not the issue.

Holby, you say food massing and massing cash is not how we like to play and does not define a good prom player. You also said that with a reset, these things will happen. Basically you are condemning your current game of a never-ending, emperor game to only ONE strat...and the way it looks, that is certainly true. To win your game right now, you need to be able to have a lot of troops so you aren't broken, correct? Well, that means the only way to win is to indy (make troops) via pressganging. It allows no variation of strategies. Why play marten when you know the Black market doesn't give you enough troops to buy and hold? Why food mass (which should be nerfed IMO) if your just gonna be sacked when you make it to the top.

With a reset, leader-massing strats will be effective, as will troop-massing. It gives the game more than one way to play.

Also, to add in, I'm not saying it has to be reset every month. Every two months is fine, or maybe more, but a date MUST be set so that people know WHEN to peak and what to strive for.

Finally, you feel that Reg is where legends are made, correct? I agree with you. But really, theres no way in justifying your achievements in Reg the way it is set up now. So, you were Emp for a bit. Maybe during that time no one cared that you were there, and they were preparing for something else? Maybe during that time people we warring and you snuck in their. It doesn't prove ANYTHING if you become emp. So what? Unlike winning a game that is reset, EVERYONE's goal is to strive for first ON THAT LAST DAY. Your strat and they way you played will be tested against everyone who all prepared for that one day. Everyone is on the same page.

This is not how it is right.
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Ashyra Nightwing

 Reg. ends when the admins feel that the round is truly over. The fact that there is no time limit is one of the things I like about Regular...


 Darkness Conquered, unless you are Retto (which, for all I know, you are) you did not lead the reset. Retto reset because he had made the first expansion... Turbo is for resetting. Reg is not. You guys want to play on games with resets, play turbo or another server. But I like reg as it is, and I dunno if I'll even bother to play if it's an 8-run deal. You realize, generally one waits 3-4 days for full turns? This means that one gets basically 2 runs a week. If we were to reset every month, that's only eight runs. Not very fun. I play Turbo for the fast runs and resets...

Arguia Zsah

 I think reg doesn't need a short time limit, but maybe when enough people feel that the time is right, it should be reset. then everyone would be happy with the limit.


 Yes wolf you are correct.  During the dark age i was asked two times to step down as the emperor so that the game would progress.  both times i said i would not step down.  i pushed for changes in the game instead that would not allow someone like me to rule the game without it stalling.  i wanted it to still be able to grow.  i had many ideas, some of which i still think could be implimented.  i finally pushed for a reset instead of me stepping down.  i started a poll and brought it to rettos attention.  he finally said if i get a poll passed and convince two of the admins then we could reset.  

The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*

Dead Eye

Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha' target='_blank'>http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha</a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov


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Reg is not supposed to be reset ever - it is a game of long term alliances and diplomacy. It is a game where everyone does not necessarily start off on equal footing. It is a more strategic effort.
The 'ittle otter,