Final Assault

Started by Kilkenne, October 25, 2004, 05:14:01 PM

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 (Recent events on RWL Reg)

The true Emperor of the Northlands turned his head and spat blood over the ground, mist rose from the snow, but was quickly dispersed by the body of a stoat falling face down over it, spilling it's own blood with that of his Lord's, creating steam of it's own.

"For honour and glory!" Shouted Kilkenne, swinging his scimitar down, cleaving an enemy in two, while taking a step back as he sighted a new surge of Ereptor's reinforcements. It had been not long ago since the war had been going well.
He had been the commander of over 300 million stoats, 500 million rats, and a collection of others. It was one of the greatest hordes to ever enter the Northlands. It rallied under the banner of Kilk's Marauders, and none other.

Then the slaughter had begun. His troops were murdered by the millions, and Ereptor's forces suddenly smashed his lines. There was nothing he could do to stop the onslaught except counter-attack. It was a mistake that nearly cost him his life. For the past days, he had been biding his time, ready to build a grand army, and attack Ereptor, but unfortunately his usurping the Emperor was seen as he was still collecting his forces. In a flash, he was broken, and drove deep into Ereptor's army, his stoats smashing against those of his former Lord's, rats readied for the second wave. As victory neared, the tables turned, as the Dark One sent his all legions back against the would-be Emperor. Unprepared for this counter-attack, his forces were all but obliterated.
They were too many for the Northern force. His grand ambitions were shattered under the iron might of an Emperor whom he had once served. Breathing heavily and holding an open wound on his side, Kilkenne plucked his standard from the paws of a falling rat, releasing his wound and fighting ever on. His eyes, while normally a blood red, were shining with a rage unforeseen as he used the scimitar to hack through the soldiers of Ereptor, the entire time yelling and brandishing the standard.

Once proud and true, the black cross set on the pole was tattered and torn. It was reminicent of the one who held it, the one who was beginning to lean heavily on it as he sunk slowly to the ground, watching a circle of enemy soldiers surround him, brandishing spears in their circle as he dropped to his haunches, his world spinning as the scimitar fell from his paw. Blood dribbled from the side of his mouth as he made an attempt to stand, and fell back, the standard falling down on him, an unfelt wind blowing the tattered fabric, buffeting it against the muddy ground, against the one it signified, and his former lands.

Blackness overtook the Leader of Will.


 In the mean-time, a rogue warlord had been traveling Southward, using his will and raiders to yeild large amounts of cash and sustenance to supply his troops for a long and fierce battle.  He was just finishing up hiring some rat mercenaries, and sent his raiders off to attack two warlords and ransack them of their supplies.

One of these warlords was named Cloud.  The raiders met little resistance.  The attackers captured the land and were excited to find that they could report gains of billions of dollars in the attack.

The other sacking, against a warlord curiously named Baby was very successful as well.  The defender's inhabitants were only common workers who fled at the sight of the beastly warriors that came upon their land.  The reward here was equal to the gain in the other raid.

Le Basket was very pleased with these results.  He quickly sent out in invitation to invite all strong warriors to rally at his main camp.  It was time to take a main offensive to the Emperor.

The name of Le Basket was being brought up more commonly in the meetings of IG leaders.  They would have to do something about this threat before real damage was done.

(Edit: Haven't made that mistake in a while...)


 Standing is his great City of Fire Golden looked upon his great lands to the East was Ruin, the land of his great rat hordes, and to the West lay Dae'th, home of his weasel engineers. His forces were strong, and had been talk about abroad for some time. Bounty's had been set upon his head, bounties so high if he could only attack himself he would. With a wave of his paw the mysterious fog surrending him vanished, he stepped forward....

The True ruler of the Northlands has come! Step down Kilk your time is spent.



 Upon hearing about his multiple defeats on the battlefront, The Warlord known simply as Cloud was quite conserned. His forces were not used to such humiliation, as was the case today, and the toll it had taken on his food and cash supply was deep.

About to draw his sword and prepare for a swift counter-attack, Cloud was informed that the final outcome of him and his advasary were one... the defeat of the emperor, however his support towards the cause is mainly through the aid of kilk. Ereptor did not take kindly to this, as his retaliation was quick and hard.

Cloud was also informed by one of his highest ranking generals that they could not survive many more attacks like this, and all of their guard would be on high alert for the next couple of days. The war-strained leader put out an issue to all other leaders that any threat will be crushed without an ounce of self restrain.
"Through the wonders of scientific and mathematical reasoning, we can now reasonable infer that "cloud" is in fact "a bear"."

Once an emperor, always an emperor...

A Darkness Conquered

 Though light had fallen, it's candle kindled.
Beneath the gates of sure defeat, were an army bellowing.
Under the flags of Ereptor, the challenges of his father, Aryan the Great, would emerge to serve as Light's
successor and king.
The kingdom of Light is once again within rule.
Having heard the plea of allies, Aryan devotes his forces to destroying weaklings like, Le Basket.
Death to the enemy. Life for the light.


 Though the leader still lay on the field, fighting for breath, a new wave surged from the citadel. Reinforcements from the Empire's stores. They had made their final move.


 "Sir, We are looting the landside. We shall quickly become a force to reckon with."

John looked at some scrolls of paper. "Good, good, good.....say, do you know of this rouge warlord? Can we ally with him? Red is my favorite color."

"Certaintly, Lord. I believe the word is "rogue" however." The wildcat pronounce quite carefully so John would understand.

"Ah yes. Well, I'm always liked rebels! *hums to himself* Well, go'loot the countryside' some more then, alright?"

Heark! For the City of God comes before us!
And so he asked, "How is a man to judge in such times as these?" and he was answered, "As he always has judged, for good and evil have not changed and the differences are as great as they have ever been."

Former Emperor

Former Member of Rome

A Darkness Conquered

 The infidels of Le Basket have infiltrated the Holy City.
A stop must end this reign of terror.
Band together, for I call upon you.
Those who destroy Le Basket, #408, shall be entitled to 100 million rats, 50 million weasels, and 50 million stoats.


 His rage still burning strong, but at the mercy of his enemies, the leader felt the patter of rain on his bloodied body as his last. The clouds that had been brewing in the east had finally overtaken them, and the din of water on metal could be heard. Blood mixed with the mud, forming an ugly slop over the battlefield. This is where Kilkenne was to breath his last.

A strange thing happened just then, as the enemy soldiers moved on, letting the dying Lord live his last in peace. The ferret's eyes opened slowly, he could see the sky. Slowly closing again, his soul was released from his body. As it left, it passed another. And within seconds, the leader stood anew, picking up the fallen standard, and scimitar, watching his wave of reinforcements come over the hill, driving Ereptor's soldiers back from whence they came.

He was lost for words, and yet, he spoke. Though he was still Kilkenne, Lord of the Northlands...

"The Light faulters by none..." He said, and held the battered standard high, the clouds parting around him, a single strand of light breaking their cover and falling on him.

And so he rose again. Ereptor had been crippled by the Marauders, and though he would not deal the death blow, one of his allies was sure to come to his aid.

The Light faulters by none.


 Juska looked at his empire, Live and Let Die had stolen his land for no apparent reason, all he had left now washis cities and the farmland surrounding them. What dark forces were behind this attack?
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19


 Still angered from the recent attacks on him, Cloud sees the struggling warlord Kilk pushing back Ereptor's forces and thinks that there could be some profit in this war. An order is sent out among the ranks of his mighty stoat army to slay anyone alligned to the once mighty Ereptor, for any ally of his must be an enemy of the rebellion.

While Ereptor's forces grow gradually weaker and the battlefield becomes wet with the blood of his allies an enemies, Cloud's forces are gathering an preparing to deal a mighty blow to the one time emperor. One last command is issued, a message to Kilk that read, "You're allies hold you with great reguard and trust, such that is only earned by the greatest of leaders and warriors. I should be proud to fight and die by your side, if must it be. Our armies shall become one and spill the blood of Ereptor together with such intensity that it will clense this land of him. Death to the emperor."
"Through the wonders of scientific and mathematical reasoning, we can now reasonable infer that "cloud" is in fact "a bear"."

Once an emperor, always an emperor...


 Neobaron milled around for some time. Without a war to fight, he was confused. He could hardly remember the times before the war, and not much was left for him to do after the Forsworn were dispatched.

Hearing a strange clanking to the south, Neobaron climbed the tallest tree around him. It was a tall tree, and quite fuzzy for that matter. He sat in awe of the fuzz, occasionally perring over the treetops to see a great battle going on.


Rubbing the trunk, he saw a sight he had never seen before, two battles happening simontaneously, neither one affecting the other.  Furthermore, all of the fighters were legends that the younger warlord had never seen battle.

On the one side, Kilkenne and Ereptor were exchanging blows. The fight was a seesaw. At first, it appeared that Ereptor would see through to another easy victory, but at the last moment, the overcast cleared, and it was revealed that reinforcements were approaching from deep inside of kilkennes empire. The fight started anew.

On the other side, the legendary Nohc, though with a much smaller and organized army than his counterparts in the other fight, was exchanging blows with a great figure engulfed in light. Neobaron was temporarily distracted from the amazing fuzz while trying to make out the identity of the character. He could not, but the figure's fighting style reminded him of something he had seen in the past... in another place.

Completely lost to the tree, and the battle that ereptor was at-the-moment losing, Neobaron set off in the direction of the Light.


Though he had a traditional friendship, with the empires of Nohc, he had to find out where the light was coming from... and learn his tactics, if the young warlord was allowed.  
Neobaron, first among the lords of the south and captain of the flying skiff

Quote from: Death on February 08, 2010, 09:40:29 PM
oh lawd the drama done begun yo

Quote from: HolbyI am writing a post explaining how lame you are.

Dead Eye

 Dead Eye smiled. His army was huge, thanks to the efforts of his own Lords, that of Lord Light and Lord Kilk. Now he sat up with the 6th largest networth in the game, and was happy. His armada of skiffs was insane, none but his own Lord's and a few other's even touched him. But what did it matter, he was now in the game of securing the peace. If anyone tried creating Chaos for only the reason of creating chaos, his skiffs would tear them apart. He grinned. This was brillant.

No, the Empire of Umbar was here to stay and hold peace. If people did not like it, then with the combined efforts of Umbar, BA, and his Lord's, they could die. He grinned wickedly, then walked down towards his ships. He had each raise new banners, then chant:

"Long Live Peace! Long Live Prosparity! Long live the Lords Kilk and Lord Light, Long Live the Gods! Long Live UMBAR!" they shouted, and he raised his famous black bow. Today, Dead Eye was officialy back in action.  
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;a href=&#039;; target=&#039;_blank&#039;&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Spokesperson for The winter clan. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov


 Long live my enemy?   *Mutters to himself and walks off into shadow*
The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*