Brainstorming for Commanders

Started by Peace Alliance, October 22, 2004, 12:56:14 AM

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Peace Alliance

 have you ever had a wacky idea about something that could be incorperated into RWL? If not, give it some thought, because i wanna have your ideas of what you could see in the next RWL commanders

Guthorm Swordmaster

 I was away for the last commanders so was being able to buy land in it put in that one?

Arguia Zsah


Actually, I have never played commanders. I was going to play last time for a while before I went to Germany, but my account got randomly disabled as soon as I signed in. So... <_<  

Peace Alliance

 we didn't do the buying land thing in the last commanders... mainly because it had already been done in turbo, and it didn't have the best reaction.... i'm thinking of other ways of making it so theres massive land in turbo... ideas?


 ...a land farm that gets 100 acers per turn regardless, probably give it more turns, donno..   and make it so that noone can send it aid ;)  otherwise the point of a landfarm as an easy source of land is pointless..  the landfarm was in the top ten recently, which is really sad...
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


 Well, if someone ppl, I heard it was PA, wouldn't aid the ladnfarm it woudln't be in the top 10.

Problems with the current game:  

1. Land, there is not enough land period.
2. The only viable races are wildcat and to a lesser extent weasel.
3. Mercinaires refill to slow and why can you only buy the same amount of troops of each type instead of like 10 rats 5 weasels 3 stoats 2 skiffs*, like the production multipliers and selling should refill faster.
4. Public market is too slow and you should be able to sell more troops on the market, lower max prcies - 750, 1500, 3000, 4000, 1 hour delivery without camps, but 6 hour return, 50% of troops can be sold at a time. That will help fix the mercinary problem aswell.*

How to fix?

1. Increase scouting, give every race a (at least)+150% scouting bonus on top of what they already have
2. Why are only wildcat and weasel the only decent races? Corsair and Pressgang, both races can sit and store food/cash/loyalty for15,000 turns and then come out and pressgang/corsair and get huge nets. Marten aren't even half decent and their the 3rd best choice, Marten would be better if the Mercinaires were revised. Let's look at the other races. Rat - Rat are one of the best indy races, but with the low amount of land in the game they cannot possible even challenge a marten. Stoat - with academy and high turn rate they could be a factor, but again because of mercinaires they cannot beat the marten/weasel/wildcat. Fox - Fox could be a power if there was more land, they are a good all-around race, but almost no matter what they will not be a winner. Filtcheye - Basher race, but again with the low land and the low max attacks they will be even less effective than the Rat. Lizard - alot in common with the Filtcheye and Rat, but I think the Lizard scouting bonus should be increaed dramaticly* increases land in the game and giving lizard a shot at the top. Wolf - Good race for leader spells could be effective if mercinaires were revised and food was upped some net(not as much as reg., but more than last commanders) Ermine - Again drastic increase in their scouting bonus and in the effectiveness of shearch*. Painted One - Same plain as the Rat and Flitcheye.

The races needed almost total revising aswell.

* = should be implemented in reg. and turbo aswell.

As for new ideas I think we need to fix the problems before we create more.

Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19

Peace Alliance

 hehe, i aided te land farm then deleted, it was my herioc final stand! MOA HAHAHA! hehe

juska, i'm asking for ideas for commanders... nto balencing issues, as much as just fun things.

although i'll use your ideas when i go to make my own promisance game which will hopefully be soon


 You can't add new parts to the game untill you fix the load of (junk) the old one was.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19

Wolf Snare

 That's an understatement. The game needs major work, whether or whether not authority continues to deny it.
1. Fire Bringer (#22)
1. Jaturungkabart (#12)
1. Estranged (#50)
1. Fierce Deity (#17) 
1. bored... (#98)
1. Versace (#24)
1. Noah Calhoun (#10)
1. Day Old Hate (#7)
1. The Grand Optimist (#12)
1. Beast Mode (#7)


 Set clans... You're automatically put into one when you join.

Peace Alliance

 Juska, balencing commanders is important, and i'll do that. however, regardless of how much balencing goes into the game, with turns that fast, every single inbalence is amplified... its a mere imposibility to have it perfectly balenced. And balence isn't the purpose of commanders, commanders is a quick expedition where people go to beat the heck out of eachother and try to finish on top... i mean, its not about strict tight gameplay.

But, i'll say it again, when my games up and running, it will be fully balenced.


 The purpose is to also have fun correct?  
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19

Peace Alliance


Quote from: Wolf SnareThat's an understatement. The game needs major work, whether or whether not authority continues to deny it.
Wolf Snare, my good man... You have continuously succeeded in irritating me. You have an air of arrogance about you and like to make "obvious" statements you can not back up in fact. Would you be ever so kind to inform me what is extremely wrong with this game that has not been attempted at fixing already? You're adding to the problem rather than tyring to fix it.
I will not deleted this

Guthorm Swordmaster

 How about the land farm that always has 1mil land and dosent have a max attak that'll get more land into the game.