K+ - Kill One.

Started by Veranor, October 19, 2004, 03:41:10 PM

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 K+ (with a final blow from Elite [Ksers, but we don't mind, the important thing is it's over]) has killed #63.


#63 kills a member of LTA while most of K+ was still with them.
#63 overattacks members of LTA while K+ was still with them.
#63 disbands his clan and runs off to RTC who LTA had a treaty with.
#63 overattacks s'more.
#63 Gets talked to by windhound
#63 Limits attacks to 10 - however they were captures and sacks
#63 attacks me as we message each other back and forth. I kid you not:


Mon, 18 Oct 2004 19:07:59 -0700
From: Vstrike (#35)
hey buddy, I''m online. Online attaking is a big no no.

Mon, 18 Oct 2004 19:08:39 -0700
From: CloudTheAllAvenging (#63)
what do you mean by that?

Mon, 18 Oct 2004 19:09:27 -0700
From: Vstrike (#35)
You''re not supposed to attack people when they''re online. It''s frowned upon because you can really mess people up. Sometimes the effects could be similar to murdering someone 20 times or more if their econ is messed up as a result.

Mon, 18 Oct 2004 19:09:59 -0700
From: CloudTheAllAvenging (#63)
eh, well you have fun with that

Mon, 18 Oct 2004 19:10:45 -0700
From: Vstrike (#35)

What''s that supposed ot mean.

Will you stop?

Juska and I got extremely pissed but Nohc and DE told us that Windy could probably handle it (I believed this until the online attacking), so we left and joined up with David to form K+. Now we have killed #63.

# rovl.org


 that really wasnt smart... I limited myself to 10 attacks, there were no other restrictions other than that.
Now I'm gonna use my resources and blow a hole in your clan.
have fun boys.
"Through the wonders of scientific and mathematical reasoning, we can now reasonable infer that "cloud" is in fact "a bear"."

Once an emperor, always an emperor...


 Aw, I liked that guy.  He gave me 1300 land when he completely failed an attack on me...  That's why you don't just sack and capture everyone for each attack.  You lose land and get killed.



I told yall cloud was new here, he would know /nothin/ about online attacking, yall never told /me/ that he did online attack..  you see, the newsearch doesnt tell you that..  so it is hard to fix..  

you complained he over attacked, so I set the whole clan at a 10 attack limit..  

yall suck, to put it lightly

Cloud:  need aid?  message me..  I'll help you get back up...
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


Quote from: windhound*growls*

I told yall cloud was new here, he would know /nothin/ about online attacking, yall never told /me/ that he did online attack..  you see, the newsearch doesnt tell you that..  so it is hard to fix..  

you complained he over attacked, so I set the whole clan at a 10 attack limit..  

yall suck, to put it lightly

Cloud:  need aid?  message me..  I'll help you get back up...
Windy, I explained it to him and he said basically "I don't care" and continued to attack me. You told us ZUMP was new, and so we stopped against him. The guy killed. The guy online attacked. The guy sacked/captured. I'm waiting to see the next crazy excuse you will come up with.

When you set the clan to a 10 attack limit he went on to online attacking and sack capture. You see, I have it in my news. You  doubt what I'm saying?


20.4 hours ago     CloudTheAllAvenging (#63) attacked you!     Your enemy captured 583 Acres of Land and destroyed:
2,111 Skiffs
You managed to destroy:
2,442 Skiffs
20.4 hours ago    CloudTheAllAvenging (#63) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 712 Acres of Land and destroyed:
1,438 Skiffs
You managed to destroy:
4,273 Skiffs
20.4 hours ago    CloudTheAllAvenging (#63) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 75 Acres of Land and destroyed:
793 Skiffs
1,655,286 Food
12,361,764 Cash
You managed to destroy:
4,864 Skiffs
20.4 hours ago    CloudTheAllAvenging (#63) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 91 Acres of Land and destroyed:
1,397 Skiffs
96,936 Leaders
You managed to destroy:
4,482 Skiffs
20.4 hours ago    CloudTheAllAvenging (#63) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 250 Acres of Land and destroyed:
85,765 Rats
45,119 Weasels
24,261 Stoats
267 Skiffs
You managed to destroy:
159,699 Rats
150,238 Weasels
22,700 Stoats
50,043 Skiffs
20.3 hours ago    CloudTheAllAvenging (#63) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 999 Acres of Land and destroyed:
1,003 Skiffs
22,102 Leaders
You managed to destroy:
4,506 Skiffs
20.3 hours ago    CloudTheAllAvenging (#63) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 708 Acres of Land and destroyed:
761 Skiffs
43,762 Leaders
You managed to destroy:
1,551 Skiffs
20.3 hours ago    CloudTheAllAvenging (#63) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 29 Acres of Land and destroyed:
815 Skiffs
42,886 Leaders
You managed to destroy:
3,425 Skiffs
20 hours ago    CloudTheAllAvenging (#63) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 533 Acres of Land and destroyed:
1,933 Skiffs
42,028 Leaders
You managed to destroy:
1,184 Skiffs
20 hours ago    CloudTheAllAvenging (#63) attacked you!    Your enemy captured 248 Acres of Land and destroyed:
1,601 Skiffs
882,953 Food
11,876,784 Cash
You managed to destroy:
2,180 Skiffs

If we do a little math we can see he attacked me around our convo.



Mon, 18 Oct 2004 19:12:45 -0700
From: Vstrike (#35)
More offenses by Cloud:

I''m messaging the guy and literally inbetween each message he''s attacking me. I explain that that''s dirty and he says

"eh, well you have fun with that"

and continues to attack me.

On our recent convo log on your info page.

EDIT: Firefox is bugging out on Ctrlv for me.
# rovl.org


 you're just mad cuz i was owning you.And no online attacking is a gay rule, cuz someone could just stay logged in all day and no one would ever attack them...
"Through the wonders of scientific and mathematical reasoning, we can now reasonable infer that "cloud" is in fact "a bear"."

Once an emperor, always an emperor...


 If you don't change your page after 15min the little sign goes away that your online, so no they can't do that unless they keep refreshing every 15min.

Get their stats, online attacking is only bad when done not in war and done when the other person is in the middle of a turn run.

You died, put a little II up by your name and get your behind into action if you want us, lets so how good you do when you die your first run outta protection.... :ph34r: .....

PS: why is


blocked? personally, I think donkey outta be replaced by it.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19


 'inbetween attacks"
what that meant to me is that he hit you, you signed on and sent a message..  a little while later he attacks you again, ignoring the message, you sign in again and say ???!  then later he attacks..  

you need to be more clear, as that can be interpreted 100k different ways...  

and what's the problem with me having two new members in my clan?  Nohc pwned first time he played too, some people pick up the game faster than others..  Zump is most definatly new, Cloud has had some tutoring by others, so he's in better shape..  

yall need to chill before I'm forced to make my horde into a kill horde..  god I'd hate to do that..  really screws with everything.. but it makes it easy to make a kill singlehandedly..   and if you kill me then there's no question about it..  I'd beable to kill most of yall before the reset, or atleast wreak havic  ^_^
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


 cloud - if you start whomping them, I'll fund you, don't worry about money...

Hazaa. Time to get DEMOLISHED.

windy, I can get you some money too if you need it. Get me on AIM if you need it.


 Good Kilk, they need all the help they can get.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19


A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't

Peace Alliance

Quote from: cloudyou're just mad cuz i was owning you.And no online attacking is a gay rule, cuz someone could just stay logged in all day and no one would ever attack them...
if you notice someone is refreshign to stay online, then simply either espionage them, and check if they have under 50 turns, or wait a good 15-30 minutes, and if their NW doesn't change, feel free to attack em. but when you attack someone when they are in the middle of a run, it ruins any plans they have... and thus making the only plan they left being to attack you back right away... when two people attack and fight at the same time, all it really does is end up lowering both accounts a TON and causing pointless greif that doesn't benifit anyone... so thats why we dont online attack.

as for being killed... i think its the latest trend lately to kill people to make a point. prolly a trend i started with my 'ol kill runs in slayer, but oh well, get back up there and instead of killing em, take everything they got. land, money, food. that way they don't get the chance to die, just lose everything they've worked for. thats what i'd do.


 define "new" for me, hehe.
I will not deleted this


 Sure Peace you started this......

#47 has been destroyed. His Crime? He joined RFC.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19



Boar was a player I helped to dragged over from FaF
now that he's been killed he may not return

is this what yall want?  do you /want/ to see all the players leave?  I've been slowly and painfully pushing and prodding a few members back over here..  then they get killed off FOR NO REASON!!  

People are complaining about how both servers are slowing down and people are leaving, and now I know exactly why..  'cause a few old idiots get pissed off at a few new hordes then go phyco on the rest

Walter Mitty and VStrike have no army left, not that it matters I know, but I standared both of you evil twits until you lost nothin'
it will be slightly harder to make a kill without troops, and if you do remake I'll simply standard them away again till you learn
you dont mess with my clan

Grunger is my next target, but he whines like hades every time I hit him ever so slightly and I cant stand that right now...  

Back off K+
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't