First Decree

Started by Ereptor, October 10, 2004, 01:50:43 AM

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 Juska sailed away from the troubled lands of Mossflower to other lands were there was more to be had in the way of wealth, power, and glory. Sworn would always be a scar on Juska's hide and the bringer of many troubled dreams. In the new lands Juska recieved very little news of what is happening in Mossflower, but Ereptor the emperor and Dead Eye joining him was something worthy of noting.

(OCC: Happy I rped)
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19


 John watched. And waited. And Waited some more. And decided the time was ripe for him to walk again on the lands. He would take the name of......John. Himself revealed. And think about which side to join.  And wait.
Heark! For the City of God comes before us!
And so he asked, "How is a man to judge in such times as these?" and he was answered, "As he always has judged, for good and evil have not changed and the differences are as great as they have ever been."

Former Emperor

Former Member of Rome


 Holby looked out the window he forgot to build from his solid, brick, doorless house into the real world. He saw a beautiful, luxurious, seductive array of bricks.
What a terrible, horrid, pathetic lot of words in threes. He went back to playing noughts and crosses with himself on a little piece of paper.
It was a mentally straining match, but thinking very carefully, he discovered a way to beat his opponent. Unfortunately, somehow his opponent had thought of the counter... Rats!  
He cackled at the pun and looked up at the bricks again. Gold was a nice colour.
I will not deleted this


 Breaking the embrace with the Emperor, he accepted the blade, putting it onto his belt, a slight smile extending over his features.

"My lands are now yours. I will serve you unto my last." He said, the messengers already dispatched, telling his forces to allow the land to be transferred to Ereptor, to strengthen the Empire. Kilkenne bowed slightly, and withdrew from the room, preparing to make plans for the crushing of the last free strongholds of Mossflower and beyond.

There is IG, there is Ablaze. While affiliated with Ablaze, Kilkenne viewed himself as his own power. If Peace Alliance was to be Ereptor's right paw, the ferret thought of himself as the sword yet to be drawn by said paw. He would smash the enemies of the empire without remorse.

A Darkness Conquered

 Light paced peacefully through the gardens of his capital, sighing by the eccentric paths laced with marble and gold, he thought to himself, "None are here to fight such wars in distant lands, no thundering cries of death are heard behind these walls, this colonial existance, is bliss."
Returning to the castle, he summons dispatches: sending message to the corners of the world.

Ereptor, Lord and Victor
I find times of great need, succeed such times of glorious conquest, while times of great splendour, perish and die.  You must manage yourself wisely and protect your borders without rest, bring not your battles to my kingdom, or your warriors to my wall, and I will endorse your reign, show my love, and watch your power, limitless.  For your blackened lands shall not conquer my bright faith, my loving kin, my indestructible force.

Light faulters by none.

Peace Alliance, Knight of Darkness
These spirits of late, are troubling and deceitful - bringing course to my troubled heart, and shadow to my bleakened mind.  You must be aware of your capabilities towards leadership, and your compassion for peace, not your lust for power or deafened ears for mercy.  These days sooner yield to darkness than light, they are weak and compelled by envious reputation.  Bring forth your legions, defeat thy enemies to find your ailment and meet eternal torment or love thy foes and defend those weak, bless your kingdom and your soul.  May goodness guide this path you must travel.

Light faulters by none.

Germania, Lord of Living Breath, True King of Man
There are thoughts of mine, troubled and fond as life often proves, of a vast kingdom, one of light and prosperity, with thousands bowing to you, millions praising your name, billions awaiting your words.  This kingdom has no boundary, no limit, no prejudice or plague, it is your home, your future, life's fortune.  I bring you these thoughts, as a friend and companion, one to wait for your command, to serve as your guide.  I will not open my holy doors, or bound my armies to war, I will not defeat these evils that plague our world, for I am too ill, too weak, to peaceloving and old.  My men serve me well, they hold fast faith.  I see prosperity beyond your lands, and power beneath your seat, there is little to find or succeed before light must be reborn.  With God's blessing, defeat these shadows of present time, destroy the darkness within your walls, cleanse this world of impurity.  Serve well, and conquer.

Light faulters by none.

Kilkenne, Hero of Kins
From past through present, you have fought by honour and vigor.  You bring true meaning to hope and rushing defeat to ignorance.  There are few bound to such qualities, thus I pray for your instrumental glory be shown by your hand, not written by others.  I bless your kingdom and send word of my praise, continue success for your name, not play.

Light faulters by none.

With completion, Light returns to his land.  As he rests by the garden he wonders if life will return to bliss as he hopes, or will he need break word and march again?

A Darkness Conquered

 Germania, Lord of Living Breath, True King of Man

I write you one final time, as a friend and brother.
You were here for me, as darkness reigned, you protected me, as honour feigned.
I now comit, my armies to your capital, and suspend your life, for save your soul.
Good bye, dear friend, I march again.

Light faulters by none.


 Wasn't meant to be posted, just an idea, sorry.
Heark! For the City of God comes before us!
And so he asked, "How is a man to judge in such times as these?" and he was answered, "As he always has judged, for good and evil have not changed and the differences are as great as they have ever been."

Former Emperor

Former Member of Rome

A Darkness Conquered

 Light has faded through darkness, to destroy a once dear friend.
Defeat meets death. Death through defeat.
Farewell, Germania, my king.


 From the Shadow's comes a new leader of the Southward, one who has far surpassed Ereptor in both size and strength, and the past emperor should know his place under what will inevitably be the new ruler. You all know who I speak of, and it should come as no surprise, as he sits in the shadows and watches you destroy eachother by your own lust over this wartorn land. But this land is not for one to rule, but for all, and for them to do with it as they please. We must have a ruler for the free people, one that doesnt insight war, but merely keeps it at bay. I would raise my sword to a ruler of that calibur much as you have to ereptor.
"Through the wonders of scientific and mathematical reasoning, we can now reasonable infer that "cloud" is in fact "a bear"."

Once an emperor, always an emperor...



You're bold.  
Neobaron, first among the lords of the south and captain of the flying skiff

Quote from: Death on February 08, 2010, 09:40:29 PM
oh lawd the drama done begun yo

Quote from: HolbyI am writing a post explaining how lame you are.


 Cloud - Nothing against you, but the whole switching from third to first person deal in one paragraph gets a wee  bit confusing. I get your point, but it's not well organized...Took me a while to read it in the early hours of the morning.


 RazorClaw stared at his empty stores. No cash. How to run things? Well, not many, considering he was losing over six-million dollars per action. He needed to think of a plan... AHA! He would pester windy! His usual way of getting out of financial crisis!!!  

Ashyra Nightwing

Quote from: RazorClawRazorClaw stared at his empty stores. No cash. How to run things? Well, not many, considering he was losing over six-million dollars per action. He needed to think of a plan... AHA! He would pester windy! His usual way of getting out of financial crisis!!!
Loan, sack, sack, sack, sack, sack.



 lol..  figures..  pester me after I've payed off my loan Razor ^_^  could be a day or two..  at the rate at which I'm getting attack methinks it could be a week or two ;)  hard to generate resources when all your turns have to go to attackin to rebuild your leaders..  meh..  

*glances at Neo's siggy*
*prods him hard* /I/ was emp. of FaF far longer than you have been so far XD  a shame I let Rush die..  *kicks inactivity*
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't

A Darkness Conquered

 Loans? what?

As the breaths of nature calmed and the flags of war fade to rest, Light fades to chambers.  Thoughts race through his mind; betrayal, deceit, life, future, decisions.

What should happen to this world gone astray? Who will lead these armies to victory?  Will a leader emerge again?

Light becomes strengthens to erect composure, and summons one scribe.
"A message for the lords of lands and life."
"A message for my friends of strife."
"A message for the death of light."
"A message for powers of might."
"A message to strengthen their fight."
"Dispatch, dispatch!"

Kilkenne, Leader of Will
Life is doomed, to destruction.  Hearts are pale as plans malfunction.
Face my kiss, embrace my wish.  Bring your armies unto the light,
Destroy your enemies, that bother your plight.
Decide my coffers, their grand design
As I enforce your will, with mine.

Light faulters by none

Germania, Distraught and Dismembered
A grand design is thought and felt,
My life for yours is the card I've dealt.
Rebuild your armies, consult your will,
I'm forging you, a life anew.

Light faulters by none

A Mysterious Traveller, Endowed by Fate
To you, life has shone through,
As a power, to be born anew.
Someone to find, something to fear,
A friend to side, a voice to hear.
Your armies must march, regaining strength,
The hour is late, and your will contempt.
Fight my war, to find my hand,
To bless your heart, soul and land.

Light faulters by none

Peace Alliance, Warrior for All
Light to be brought,
A fight will be fought.
Your armies are built,
Your lives are tilled.
Bring forth glory and rage
As I council your stage.

Light faulters by none

Razor Claw, Peasant of One
A reward is now found
As my word is to sound,
Your coffers shall flow,
As mine soon do slow.

Light faulters by none

As the dawning thoughts of old friends that lost, the king grasps his sword, bridle and saddle.
Turning to a messenger he describes, "Ready my beast, and open these gates!  Summon the court of Ereptor, to ready for their guest.  I arrive by moonlight, I refuse to rest."
The revived warlord, through new spirits decides, one last realm will be defied.  A man to conquer, a friend to defeat.  A message shall barter, near Ereptor's first keep.

"Til' the moon shall rise, my friendship I'll prize,
Ereptor prepare, to be sought by mine eyes."