First Decree

Started by Ereptor, October 10, 2004, 01:50:43 AM

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 Ereptor gazed over his lands from his balcony. Wow, I had really forgotten how beautiful it all is, he said to himself. The early morning messenger was just arriving with the days first reports. He bowed and said, "My lord, here's the latest on your country sire." Ereptor thanked the messenger and nodded for him to leave. Ereptor glanced over the realm of incomes in his country, the buying and selling of troops and what not. Everything seems to be ok, could be better he muttered to himself. Then to the war section. It seems as though ablaze and the black adders had been at it again. Such a history with those warlords, he shook his head and smirked. Well business is business i guess, though i would much like to not see another war like the one sworn had lost in. A blood battle indeed. Ereptor sat down in his chair and remembered how he had actaully been a member of sworn back in the day. Ah, but those days were gone, and new ones are ahead. The black adders had formaly recognized him has the emperor. Heh heh, Ereptor laughed, but how could anyone not. A smile drew across his face.
First things first though and Ereptor hoped out of his chair and rang for the messenger. "Sire, your wish?" "Come here loyal messenger. Deliver this message to the warlord Peace Alliance at once." Ereptor finished signing the decree and with a little of dripped wax and with a strong claw he sealed the document.

The document read:
To the now Vice-Lord of Southsward,
Peace Alliance I am naming you the protector and overseer of the southlands. Albaze has supported me through these last days and i wish to show my graditude for your loyalty and support. I am sending my fastest and most trusted messenger in delivering this message. Send back with him what you wish. Your duties if you accept this post is only to report to me the actions being taken in the southlands and to if in your power solve any conflicts that might threaten the kingdom and its Emperor. I leave you with wishes of good luck and long life.
God bless you and your lands,
Emperor Ereptor The Great

The messenger was off in the flash of an eye. Ereptor stepped out onto his balcony and watched as the doors of his castle opened and the messenger scurried through. Ereptor now turned and headed down to the war room to meet with his captains on the recent failed attacks on his lands. Ereptor sighed, these are going to be trying times. As he dissapeered and *Walked into shadow* ...........
The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*

Peace Alliance

 Peace Alliance stepped out of his hut, angred across his face as he pushed aside the healers who were trying to tend to his battle wounds.
"Who is this?" He belted to his informants
"Who is this who harms our emperor?"
They shy'd away, hushed with murmers.
"s-sir, we don't know... he came... out of n-nowhere." studdered a nevous military stratagist.
"Well, he is claiming now to be supporting the emperor he attacked... having turned around completely, we con't know quite what to think sir" said another.
Before Peace Alliance had a chance to further question the informants, a messanger came running forth.
"Peace Alliance sir, i have a message" the messenger handed PA the letter.
Peace Alliance reads it with a blank expression. He tosses the letter aside and looks at the messenger.
"You will retourn with my message to him, and you will do so, so quickly, that by the time he gets it, HE'S NOT IN RUINS!" he shouted, throwing a parchment at the messenger and stomping away to his hut.

The message read:
"Ereptor, as youre vice-overlord of the southsward, i must apologise greatly for ever letting anyone grow strong enough to strike you. however, you're attacker has now bowed down to you... i wish i could say it was because of our heroic efforts to thwort his might, however i'm still clueless as to who he is, and what he wants.
I will serve you, with all my might,
May God Bless your lands,
- Peace Alliance"


 A massive surprise attack was launched upon Ereptor's lands in the early hours of the morning.  The good news, if there was any, was that most of Ereptor's army was still standing.  Ereptor fiddled with a dagger as he paced his war room.....

Ereptor had a very difficult situation in front of him.  His armies are well feared throughout the lands and not just because they are the Emperor's army, but their history of well fought battles in the past is widely spoken about.  It was these armies whom Ereptor had been willing to sacrifice.  The story unfolds.  An ally and friend of the Emperor had attacked and taken much of his lands in a surprise attack.  The Emperor was then sent a message of peace and alligance.  In a fit of rage and betrayel Ereptor tore the letter up and sent his armies on a suicide mission to take both his opponet and himself down in every way possible.  So the story goes when Ereptor's forces had broken the walls of the attacker he waved a white flag and sent many of his armies to Ereptor in show of alligance.  Ereptor was dissapointed of a battle not fought, but it was a victory non the less with few casualities on either side.

And so the Imperial Guard was formed to protect and serve the Emperor.  

During this attack Ereptor sent another message to his only Vice-Lord, Peace Alliance.  
   Honorable Vice-Lord Peace Alliance,
         Your clan has lost two warlords and one has turned and attacked my lands.  Please keep a careful eye on this one for he has horded much gold in anticipation of something which i do not yet know of.  I am sending my Imperial Gaurd to help you with any situation you need aid in.  Use them to your fullest.
                          Emperor Ereptor

The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*


 The ferret paced throughout his citadel. Not long had it been since he returned, and he had made massive land grabs before leaving the protection of the Warlords Ablaze. Ereptor had recently declared dominion over his homeland, and that did nothing to help his raising temper.

Kilkenne watched the messenger leave the south gate, bowing against the chill north winds,  clutching something beneath his cloak.


So you've returned. As have I. You have claimed dominion over what is rightfully mine, and that does not bode well. Withdraw your claims, and there will be no quarrel atwixt us.

Kilkenne, Emperor of the North

He waited for days for a return message to arrive, but was he waiting in vain? Soon, he would find out, and (hades) would rain down on whomever he pleased.

Juby (Tercios)

 Tercios looked at his stockpiles in disgust 'what a waste' he thought.
The bizarrness of the attack astounded him, out of no where, a random opponent poisoned his stockpiles of food and money, no attempt at stealing the money or even land where made; his opponent was still weaker then him after the assualt which was most puzzling as well.
'A motiveless crime or a conspiracy?' Tercios' pondered.
Either way, his armies were still powerful even if he appeared weak and he awaited orders from the emperor.
If his empire were to crumble, So be it, he would die with a rebel corpse on his sword.
Real Betis? ? -? ? Tottenham Hotspurs? ? -? ? Partizan Beograd? ? -? ? Hannover 96

Peace Alliance

 Peace Alliance walked lightly along his main pathway, looking at his workers as they stack wood and resources. A flautist played softly in the backround and Peace's sperit was raised. He looked at his armys, looked at his allies and took a deep breath.
Peace Climbed the stairs up his castle, stopping at the top to take a long look at his distant Guard towers, and the southlands. His land was a fine one, and with Ereptors emperorship it would was made even better. He leaned against his sword his furry marten paws clenching to the well-known handle.

He was smug. But restless. Peace knew very well, that just as things are looking good, something can go terribly wrong. He had much to attend to. IG was to be watched over, not to mention the many threats to his mighty Clan.

Ablaze had taken a bit of a beating, however it wouldn't be long before with his help they were back to their strength. Peace had recieved word of the near death of his distant clanmate Thorn. Troubles stirred, and Peace Alliance prepared to face them.

A message was sent;

Dearest Ereptor,
Our armys are strong, our resources moderate. We are ready for the storm. I will be looking towards you for guidence.
God bless your lands,
Peace Alliance

Wolf Snare

 Wolf Snare snorted in discust.
He sat at the head of a large oak table, his captains nervously arranged on both sides.
Snare was in a rare mood. His lands had been captured, his troops slaughtered. It was genocide. And yet he remained calm.
The wolf himself was massive; His impressive physique covered entirely by sleek black fur.
Snare had an edgy personality, his horde never knowing what he would do next. He was niether headstrong nor impatient; his implosive behaviour allowed him to think things through carefully. His plans were usually ingenious, as they rarely failed.
IG had made a dangerous move in trying to kill him..
Snare usually sat alone for hours in times of war. His generals aloud him his space, leaving him to think of the next move. Snare wouldn't have it any other way.

After an hour of discussing the incident with his fellow beasts, the wolf rose from his seat, notioning for everyone to leave.
The room cleared.
Snare approached  the east wall of the room, where the map of the world hung plainly in the form of a tapestry.
He stood quietly, observing the situation.........
Wolf Snare had a history with the enemy. He'd foughten alongside him ages ago. That was what made this war different from others.
After careful concideration, Wolf left the room.

A plan had already begun forming in his mind....

1. Fire Bringer (#22)
1. Jaturungkabart (#12)
1. Estranged (#50)
1. Fierce Deity (#17) 
1. bored... (#98)
1. Versace (#24)
1. Noah Calhoun (#10)
1. Day Old Hate (#7)
1. The Grand Optimist (#12)
1. Beast Mode (#7)


 Orcrist looked around in astonishment. He had been left unscathed, but many of his clan members were hit...hard. He looked around in fury: his friends would be avenged. This sneak attack was out of hand. It was a clear conspiracy. Orcrist made a vow to attack Ablaze's enemies and to protect the crown of Ereptor. With that he studied the attacks made and began to calculate a plan to take revenge...

"We will win the is a simple case of mathematics." -Samuel Grant


 A long row of huts bordered a gigantic orchard, which was abundant in fruit.  In a medium sized harbor that bordered the orchard a fleet of skiffs rose and fell peacefully with the tide.  A small group of stoats roamed peacefully amoung the trees, occasionally quarreling about who would be the owner of the biggest and ripest fruit, but otherwise the lands of Blue Dragon were tranquil.  Finaly.  

A violently orange and red fox browsed amoung the trees with his horde, sampling the results of his leader's last feasting.  The hordes of Sworn thought they had killed the firefox, but they were wrong.  Very wrong, as they had found out to their cost.  The firefox had regrouped as Blue Dragon and helped to end the long and bloody Sworn vs. Loren war.  Now it was over and the lands under windhound the firefox were once again fruitful and full of food.

At the corner fringes a further few hundred acers were taken, but it did not worry the creatures of Blue Dragon overly.  They knew they were strong enough to take it all back and more, but for now it was a time for resting (and storing turns  ;) ).
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


 The allies of the Emperor had grown strong and many of the lands once taken away from the Emperor now stood again in his hands.  The Imperial Guard, Ablaze and Black Adders had shown and proven their loyalty to the new Emperor and he was pleased.  

Ereptor put down the dagger he was fiddling with and jumped up to greet the warrior that walked into his door.  Kilkenne!  My old and dear friend.  The two shared hugs and sat to discuss the latest on the country.  My many thanks to you for taking back my land and giving it to me.  Kilk noded.  Ereptor rose from his chair.  Kilkenne you have proven yourself beyond what i have ever asked of you.  Please accept this title which i humbly give to you for your service.  Ereptor presented a gift.  I silver bladed dagger almost exactly like the one he had given to Peace Alliance except for the words, Kilkenne Vice-Lord of the Northlands.  
The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*


 Go S.E! They are still fighting you right?

I hope you landstarve yourselves.

Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19


 wont happen..
BA and Ablaze feed each other, even though we're kinda still under 'reptor...
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't

Wolf Snare

 (OOC: *smacks Juska and windy* this is RPing only)

Wolf Snare had decided. Despite the fact that he was nearly destroyed a mere two suns before, his loyalty to the emperor was indeed more important than revenge. He had his horde pack up much of his own resources, and shiped them away on millions upon millions of skiffs.
He enclosed the shipment of aid with a letter;

Dearest Ereptor,
     What is mine is now yours. Shipments will flow regularly.
             I stand firmly with you, my lord.

                 Wolf Snare, Commander of Thorn~
1. Fire Bringer (#22)
1. Jaturungkabart (#12)
1. Estranged (#50)
1. Fierce Deity (#17) 
1. bored... (#98)
1. Versace (#24)
1. Noah Calhoun (#10)
1. Day Old Hate (#7)
1. The Grand Optimist (#12)
1. Beast Mode (#7)


 Neobaron sat contently in his room, staring out the window at a seeminlgy endless row of tents inhabited by his army. A small army it was, as the once proud slice of the south that had been the empire of Neobaron hasd been destroyed by the war. But it was growing, steadily, to serve the whims of Erpetor from wherever they came.

He thought of the war. It had been his first practical experience in war in this area, and he had been victorious. The experience he gained was invaluable, and he was making use of it in peace time to expand his empire rapidly, almost to triple its strength in his second campaign.


His enemies had made a mistake when they challenged him.

A Grave Mistake.

And now he and the BlackAdders would return to the position they once held, that being one of the most feared and respected clans that all of Redwall had ever dealt with, and all for the promotion of the emperor, Ereptor.


*lifts glass*

For the glory of the emperor, Peace Alliance, and the BlackAdders!

Neobaron, first among the lords of the south and captain of the flying skiff

Quote from: Death on February 08, 2010, 09:40:29 PM
oh lawd the drama done begun yo

Quote from: HolbyI am writing a post explaining how lame you are.

Dead Eye

 The fox warrior stepped out of the tent flap, into the building of his new fortress. Ah, it felt good here. Ereptor and Kilk back, grand things happening! And Dead Eye back under his new name. He had gone under a spree as Morzan, a foolish one. He was only Dead Eye now, and would only ever be.

He walked down the lines of his warriors, all geared for war, all wearing his sign, the Black Bow. Yes, he was back and an army behind him. Not just back to being Dead Eye, but back to his old lands. Ah, the old castle of the SilverJuska. This was where be belonged. Not as a Clan Leader, but as a loyal servant to Ereptor. This was the time of greatness. He had lead Sworn, allowing a war to commense way past it's purpose so that his Lord Ereptor could gain power easier. And now, as Dead Eye, he would serve the Dark Lord himself.

"Messanger! Send this message to the Emperor himself! LEt it read:

Lord Ereptor, Emperor Over All, Dark Lord, Warrior of Death,

I am back and ready to serve. I have strived for your victory, and today your banner is raised high. I will fight with it, Dead Eye Trueflight fights for no other. When commanded, I shall die protecting you. I am prepared to serve anyone for you, go to any lands, and die fighting. May the enemies of Emperor Ereptor truly tremble this day, for he sees all!

General Dead Eye Trueflight, Admiral of the Seas For Lord Kilkenne and Lady Shael, Black Warrior of Southsward, The Dragonrider, and Most Humble Servent"

Dead Eye waved the servent away. Yes, soon his armies would pour over the lands and he would stand straight with Ereptor. In 4 days times, he would stand proudly. Dead Eye drew his bow and raised it to the red sun. They had said that the most ever kills had been under Ereptor's reign in the Dark Era. 16 kills had already been commited, most of them thanks to Dead Eye for starting the Sworn Loren war. How many more would paint the grass red?
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov