Party! Woo!

Started by Holby, October 07, 2004, 02:25:39 AM

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 *steals parrot*
*cooks parrot*
*eats parrot*
I like my other account it terrifc.

Ashyra Nightwing

 *unscrews one of the wooden legs and hits Arguia with it*

*unscrews the other wooden leg and hits Wolves with it*

Arguia Zsah

 *steals wooden leg*
*force feeds the Wolves the leg*
*cackles evilly*
*pokes Ashyra*
*pokes Ashy again*

Peace Alliance

 *peace alliance scratchs his head while watching over the madness... disappointed, he decides to head on over to the refreshments table*

so.... shael... how you doin? (ahhh, joey's favorite pickup, lol)

*of course, he keeps kilk in the edge of his sight, kilk, who was still passed out in the middle of the dance floor with rum soaking into his clothes*

Arguia Zsah

 *gives PA the last chicken nugget*
*laughs at Guthie*

The Lady Shael

 *dumps another bottle of rum on Peace*
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.

Ashyra Nightwing

 *eats Peace's head*

Mmm, tastes like.... rum?


 RazorClaw sighed in disgust that this pitiful excuse for a party was still going on. Partially because Ereptor whooped his posterior on Turbo, and partially because Turbo was hopeless, and partially because he didn't yet have enough turns to make a run on reg.  

Arguia Zsah

 *pats RazorClaw*
*gives him a chicken nugget*
*refuses to give Guthie one*
*feels hungry*
*eats chicken nuggets*
*joins Shael and tips rum other Peace*
*drinks rum*
*gives Ashy ketchup to go with Peace's head*

Ashyra Nightwing

 *pours ketchup on Peace's head*
*hands ketchup bottle back to Arg*
*drinks rum*


 *thanks Arguia*
*eats chicken nugget*


Quote from: RazorClaw*thanks Arguia*
*eats chicken nugget*
*NO THANKS* *shoots you*
allo i am Demonslavers.  Feel welcome to P.M me anytime

Aim: Babylocke991


The # 1 Turbo Playa'

Guthorm Swordmaster

Quote from: Peace Alliance
so.... shael... how you doin? (ahhh, joey's favorite pickup, lol)

Lol I like it.You will give me chicken nuggets

Arguia Zsah


NO! My chicken nuggets!

*feels kind*
*gives RazorClaw another nugget*
*hits Ashy with empty ketchup bottle*
*laughs at the hollow sound it makes*

*drinks rum*



 *me flashes kevlar vest*
*eats chicken nugget*
*before thanking Arguia, blows up Demon*
*thanks Arguia*
You're being too nice, I'm slowly being recruited to an IOU-Minion, aren't I? *hides*