Last thing you copied.

Started by The Lady Shael, October 06, 2004, 04:49:46 PM

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Ashyra Nightwing

 I found exactly the same information for my homework, Arguia...


Arguia Zsah

 Ah! The wonders of Google!



Brian Rifly tripped and fell down the last four steps to the main floor of the immense

senate building. He was there on that particular day to see a friend who had recently begun

work there. Four days before to be exact.

He picked himself up and began walking toward the door, when something shiny caught his eye.

Literally. Someone had tossed a coin up and it had hit Brian in the eye on its way back down

to the earth. This was not turning out to be a good day.

Once Brian had made it to the door he opened it and walked out onto the massive marble

steps, and looked up. The sun was nearing its midday resting place, which ment the noontime

lunch rush would be begining. Some much for making it home quickly. More evidence that this

would not be a good day.

He began walking down the steps, steps so massive that they required three steps for an

average man to reach the far edge. Two and half for Brian, because of his slightly higher

than normal height. This caused many problems for him as it was near impossible for him to

find the right length of stride to walk down the steps without stumbling. Of course, he did

eventually figure it out, on the last step. He sighed and began to head for his truck.

As he neared it he noticed someone on the other side fiddling about down low and some people

laughing nearby. Brian arrived on the far side of his truck as the man zipped up his pants

and ran off with his friends.

"He peed on my truck!" he screamed inwardly.

"What the (hades) is wrong with you!" he shouted after the vandal.

He walked back around to the driver side and climbed in.

"Got to wash it now. Dumb people, running about peeing on things." He turned the key and the

V-8 rumbled to life. A soothing sound for our hero, Brian.

Yes, I said it. Hero. Which implies action to come later. But, that's for later. Now he's

pulling out of his parking spot, and onto the main road. Heavy traffic, of course, but

nothing ever dampened his driving skills and need for speed. The first opening he saw and

the tires were screaming, the engine was roaring, and he was dodging in and out of the

myriad of cars; some the them the new levitating variety, but most of them the old wheel


Levitating cars were a new thing. Just come out in the last year. Big with the rich folks,

but prohibitavely expensive for the lower classes. Brian prefered wheels anyway, gave him

more control he said, more fun.

Ah, there was the car wash coming up on the right; but he was in the left lane. He slowed a

bit and flipped on his turn signal. Just as he was about to change lanes some idiot came up

on his left stayed there, music blaring through closed windows loud enough to drown out the

truck's new engine. He passed by the car wash, unable to get to one of the entrances.

Definately a bad day.

* * *

Now that I've introduce our main character, and identified him as such, it's time for some

info on the world he lives in.

The planet itself is called Grantion. It does not revolve around the sun and is not round.

The sun revovles around it, it's flat, and it's the center of the univers. No one has ever

found the edges so it's commonly held to be infinite in area. Even though the people don't

know this, they are correct in their assumption; Grantion has no edges.

The senate building, where all the most important people in the government work, is on the

original continent, Trenton. Trenton is approximately 9000 miles long and 2000 miles at it

widest point. Running down the center, sort of like a spine, is a chain or mountains know as

the Cathedrals, named for the incredibly large carverns found throughout.

The rest of the island has numorous cities, the largest of which is Faust, which just so

happens to have been the first city ever built by man. Amazing, no? It is also the location

of the senate building and many other govermental type buildings. It's population is

somewhere just north of 500 million. The city is located on the western coast near the

middle of the islands length.

It's generall warm all year round on Trenton, but in the mountains the temperature drop

dramtically. Few people live about 20,000 feet, but those that do are considered insane by

the rest of the world.

There are other islands and continents, too. Seventeen continents and 473 islands have been

discovered. The smallest of the islands is only 200 square feet, and anything smaller is

just considered to be a large pile of rocks in the middle of the ocean.

Speaking of the Ocean, it's big. And wet. But you probly could have figured that out on your

own. Man hasn't yet been able to go into the deepest parts of the ocean, or even reach them

with sonar, but they know it goes father because several research vessels have been dragged

down by large sea monsters. The deepest recorded transmission from one such ship, came from

the Deep Sinker at 73,572 feet. It went like this,"Nononono, we will dump your oil into the

ocean and drink your tequila." It's doesn't make any sense unless you know that it was a

recording of the wildly popular "Frank with Frank" radio show. Apparently they were fans.

Where was I? Ah, yes, the Ocean. People simply call it "The Ocean", since there is really

only one, but scientist and geographers insist on subdividing it in to various smaller

sections. The Alpich, the Brounc, the Fashtion, the Goup, the Soup, the Doup, and various

others. I should point out the the geographer the name the Goup, Soup, and Doup was rather

insance and had a fetish for the "oup" sounds. He was locked up in a mental institute for 67

years before his death in 23947. There are 43 current subsections.

There is only one government, and it's it quite incredible. First there are five people at

the very top with their individual staffs and their staff's staff. Then there is the senate,

which is populated by 3700 senators each with their own staff constitency. Some of the

senators inherit there posts in a monarchial sort of way and some are elected. There are

inumerous little political wars between Senators and between their constituencies.

Needless to say, it doesn't alway run smootly, with 3700 opinions flopping about. The five

Heads are elected by their fellow senators and then their vacancies filled by someone else

as they take their more important but subdues place in governement. The Senate has more

power than the Heads, and can overrule the Heads in anything; but the Heads pretty much run

everything because of the inherent impossibilities in getting 3700 people to agree on

anything. But, when they do it usually benefits the entire population. Except in the case of

the "Commitee for the Forced Eradication of Stars".

Theres quite a story behind that that could fill a whole book of it's own, but not this one.

This tome is here to chronical something far great than the Committee for the Eradication of

Stars. We should begin now, before it's over and we miss it all while trying to explain the

intricacies of the toaster oven. Which is quite fascinating, if I do say so myself.

Narrators have the power to do that you know.


Chapter One
A tall, brown hair man of 24, our hero Brian Rifley, was just finishing hosing off his

truck. He coiled the hose and hung it on the wall of his garage. Some vandal had peed on it

earlier when Brian was visiting his friend at the Senate building.

The Senate building was 80 miles away, in Faust, that enormous city on the coast. Brian

lived near the coast. Not close enough to say he lived on the coast, but near was good

enough for him. Every once in a while the breeze would carry the smell of the Ocean to him.

He walked up the twisty path that lead to his door, fumbled with his keys for a moment, and

walking in.

"Home at last," he thought, as he plopped on the couch and picked up his newspaper.

He tossed out the weather section. "Expect heavy rain today." The sun cast the shadow of the

airborn wad of paper across the floor as it not-so-gracefully collided with the inside of

the trash can.

"Sports, wonder when they'll decide to cover something interesting, like motocross." He

tossed it on the floor at his feet.

"Political news. Let's see. 'New Faction Rising'." He glaced at the picture of an angry mob

beneath the headline. "Yep, that sounds interesting." It to sailed for the land of the

garbage can, but it missed.

Brian put the rest of the paper down and went into the kitchen to grab a soda. None left. He

slammed the door to the fridge shut and went into his office/library.

The office/library was an interesting room, to say the least. A more acurate description

would be, this is where the brain of brian exploded, accentuated by the piles of books lying

everywhere. Topics ranging from "The Life Cycle of an Elephant" by Gary Holiday to "How to

Turn Water into Gold" by (pleasant intellectual) Herbert to "The Modern-Day Art of Woodsplitting" by Joe "Four

Finger" Burrows. Nothing of interest to our hero at the moment. He sat down in front of one

of the three computers on a large oak desk and waggled the mouse. After a short clicking

spasm and some beeping on the computer's part, a game loaded. Some sort of puzzly thing, the

sort of which is easy to learn but impossible to master by anyone with and IQ below 300.

* * *

We'll spend the time explaining more in depth the Headline that read "New Faction Rising",

for this will be the source of a good part of our action.

This faction that the article was refering to called themselves the Legion. It was headed by

four intelligent and well-mannered men. You may be wondering now, why are four well-mannered

men the source of the action of an entire book. Well, they're not.

After that story was written, those four leaders were assinated and their positions taken

over by less savory characters. Four ruthess and evil men from completely different

backgrounds, all with the same idea. World domination.

They couldn't have know how much trouble this would entail or they wouldn't have undertaken

such a risky venture. But, they were determined. The fist, know to all as Ajaa, was the

leader of the four, also the oldest. Forty-five years, to be exact. He was the intelligent

but cruel type. Willing to bribe and threaten all in the same breath.

Brighton was to take care of public relations, making the faction look good while keeping

their less scrupulous undertakings hidden from the general public. A politician if you ever

saw one.

Griege was the leader of the militant side of the faction. He coordinated troops and such.

Taking care of the general warfare with the rest of the fringe factions.

And this brings us to Number Four. We'll just call him Number Four for now to keep things

simple. His real name is so long and complicated it's not worth the time to try and explain

it. He takes care of the covert operations. The sort of things that Brighton is supposed to

make sure no one finds out about. The ends justfy the means would be a fitting slogan for


Their plan is to take over the world, which I've already stated; but, they'll attemp to do

it in a way nobody has before, for they are far larger than they appear.

More about that later.

* * *

Several hours after we left our formerly alert young hero he is sweating and angry and

swearing at his computer screen.

"NO! NO! Why don't you do what I want you to?!"

He rose, agitated, and went to the kitchen for a soda. Still none. He slammed the door more

viciously then before casing dust to rise fromt he top. He dropped onto his couch and turned

on the TV. Nothing interesting. He turned it off and fell asleep.

* * *

There was a crash, then a muffled curse. Brian awoke, somewhat grogily, and rolled off the

couch. His dark brown hair, just long enough to be annoying, fell in front of his eyes; one

rebel hair attempting to gouge one out. He brushed it away and stood up. Something large and

black was headed for his head. He instinctively leaned to the left a bit and it wizzed by.

There was another crash, and a hissing, fizzling sounds. He didn't pay much attention to it

at the time, being more concerned with the man in the white ski mask in his kitchen.

Brian jump over his couch and ran for the man in the white ski mask. He man in the white ski

mask ran for a broken window at the far end of the kitchen. Once there, he jumped out, and

let out a small yelp upon impacting the ground. Brian stopped at the window, the intruder

was gone, "Well, no need to go jumping out windows."

The fizzling sound was there again. He turned. There was a frying pan where the screen of

his television used to be. "I wanted a new one anyways," he thought. He walked into the

kitchen to see if the criminal had taken anything worth while.

Nothing missing, but there were deep scratch marks on all his cabinet doors. He moved

closer. Apparently the criminal couldn't spell that well. "Suprise, surprise, a criminal

that didn't fininsh the third grade. Lets see, Legon is takeing ovr. One of those radical,

fanatical persons." He moved to the next cabinet. "Perpar yorselvs." The next, "Join us or


The phone rang. He darted around his liquor bar to the small table by the couch.




"I just talked to Derek and he said there were words cut into his lawn. Legion is ruler.

Join us or Die. Stuff like that. There's some at my house to. You heard anything about


"Yeah, I was asleep, but he knocked some stuff over. Ruined my cabinets with his propaganda.

Join us or Die. One of those Legion fanatics."

"Did you catch him? Get a look at him?"

"No he jumped out the window, and had white ski mask on?"

"To bad. I've got a friend, one of those Drige factionist, said that this was happening to

all those who Legion thought was associated with a rival raction."

"But you know I've always stayed away from those. Why would they think I was."

"You're friends with Alisha Vorak, correct?"

"Yeah, I was just visiting here the other day at the Senate building, she got a new job


"Senater Gerrard was assinate this morning. By his new aid Hellen Walker. She matches the

discription of the new leader of the Frishion faction. Who just happens to be Alisha Vorak.

You're friend."

"How do you know all this?"

"I'm (click)"




More silence.

He hung up, and grabbed his keys. He went into his bedroom and packed a small bag, grabbed

his laptop and went back to the phone. He picked it up.

A mechanical female voice said, "I'm sorry, your line has been disconnect for failure to

obey the terms of your licensing agreement ..."

"What the ..."

"We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have cause."

He hung up. "I didn't violate anything." He ran to the garage and opened up the door. He

left his freshy washed truck where it was and climbed into the one next to it. This was his

project. He'd just finished it two weeks before and had only got a chance to drive it twice.

A 434ci V-8, a lift, and 35 inch tires. It was built for a mud racing legue he wanted to

join, but it looked like that would have to wait.

He turned the key. The 800 horsepower engine roared to life under the hood, the exhaust note

rattle the windows of the cramped building. He backed it out then drove around to behind his

house. There was a narrow one land dirt road leading to the coast. I was a twenty minute

drive due to some rough terrain further along, but nothing to complicate.

Brian was at the othed in twelve minutes and accelerating to the north. There was loud

explosion behind him and a column of fire reaching for the sky. He pressed the petal to the



Chapter Two

Brian pulled into the the Senate building public parking lot thirty minutes later. He'd

never driven that fast for that long before. The cops wanted him now, but he'd managed to

out run the so they were the least of his prolems right now. He tried to run up the steps,

but his unusual height caused him problems. Once he managed to ascend the 57 marble steps,

he barged through the door, and through the metal detectors as well. He prayed that it

wouldn't go off. They didn't.

He stopped at the reception desk, a 900 square foot raised platform with seven secretaries

busily typing away at computers.

"I need to find Senator Gerrad's office."

One of the secretaries stood up from her desk and walked over. She looked down at him with

obvious displeasure at being interrupted. "I'm sorry, that area is off limits for the time

being. Senator Gerrard was murder yesterday and the police are conducting their


Brian scowled and turned away. He thought to himself, "Of course, she wouldn't be here

anyways. She killed him." He ran back through the metal detector. It went off. He scowled at

the security guard. "I just came through and it didn't go off."

The security guard scowled back. "It's my job."

"I don't have time for this." He dodged between the five lines of people waiting to pass

through. The secruity guard tried to get after him, but she tripped over one of the ropes

that seperated the lines of people.

Brian was in the parking lot, running for his truck. He notice a chopper fly over head. But

it wasn't a police chopper like he was expecting. It was completely white. Four more came

after it in formation, all completely white.

It took a minute but he made the connection. "Legion." He suddenly remembered the

scratchings on his cupboard. 'Legion is taking over.' 'Joing us or die.' 'Legion is ruler.'

They were doing exactly what they said they would. "I thought they were new. A new faction.

Not some huge army," he thought.

He made it to his truck and jumped in, turned the key, spun the tires and was headed out of

town again.

He got to the intersection of Horas and Johnson when he noticed that coming towards him were

several large tanks. All completely white. "More Legion." He turned left, hoping to avoid

them, but there were more coming. They were behind him too. All headed for the Senate

building, no doubt. They didn't bother to go around cars, opting to just run them over. Some

of them, Brian could see, still had people inside.

He looked around, searching for an exscape route. There, the park. He turned for it, jumping

the curb just as the tanks were passing over the spot where he was just sitting. He ran over

some bushed and park benches, and hydroplaned across a small pond. Once on the other side,

there were no more tanks. Nothing that he could associate with Legion was in sight. Just a

bunch of people running in all directions.

Brian needed to find someone who knew something about the factions. He need to find Alisha,

as well. Where, where? He tried to remember something Joe had told him about the factions.

Ah, there was a club on Briant Avenue that was know for brawls that were started by rival


There was and explosion behind him, then another, then several all at once. Legion had

reached the Senate building. More white helicopter flew over head, these the larger

transport type. Two dozen, three dozen helicopters passed by. Then there was a blaring

siren. The Senate had gone into lock down. The private army that was used to guard the place

was probly getting in position to return fire. More explosions. The was a mound moving

across beneath the road in from of Brian. He hit it before he had time to slow down. The

truck was airborn for almost three second before it found traction again.

A tunneler. There were going to try and tunnel into the Senate building. Or perhaps the

vault beneath.

There was the club. The Drag Out. The truck screached to a halt in front of the building.

Four men came out of the front door with guns drawn, and dragged Brian of his truck.

"What the ..."

One of them put a gun to his head. "Are you Legion?"

"I'm not with any faction!"

The stocky man cocked the gun.

"No! I'm not!"

They dragged him inside and set him in a chair.

"Why are you here?" Their guns were still drawn.

"I'm looking for information."

"About what?"

"Alisha Vorak."

They were silent.

--- ---

more of my insanity driven nanowrimo drivel
"Less talky, more drivey." ~Hawk, Applegeeks Issue #161

~the mighta awualis

The Lady Shael

~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


 Component     Percent of NW     Amount of NW     Equation
Skiffs             90.52%               72,147,078    Skiffs * 3000 / 500

The Lady Shael

 I'm bored. *Ctrl-V's again*

Hey shawty
You think you bad but you ain't bad
I'll show you what bad is.
Bad is when you capable of beatin' the baddest.
I been workin' at it since I came to this planet
And I ain't quite there yet but I'm gettin' better at it.
Matter of fact,
Lemme tell it to you one mo' again
All I got to do is tell a girl who I am (Petey!)
Ain't naa chick in here dat I can't have
Bada boom bada bam ba bam!

Oh. That's just the away message of this one guy on my buddy list...he's weird. A sweet guy, but just weird sometimes.
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.

Peace Alliance

 Cinema 4D

oh yeah, heh, its the program i'm now downloading. :)

i like this game


 Lifeguards Saves Kids from Tidalwaves

   On Novemer 16th, 2000, a big tidalwave, almost 100 feet high, came and swept 1,000,00 children and theirn teachers from the shopre. 1,000,000 lifeguards came and saved the children and the teachers, if you like. They were careful not to carry the children by the scruffs of their necks. They were also careful not to push the kids tummies too hard to get air into them. They were careful not to swim too fast to alarm sharks.

Playing With Legos

I Love playing with llegos. Do you? It's awesome. It's my favorite because you build and build until you're tired out, and you can't think of anything else. I especiallt like making the mini-figures. They're cool!
Courtesy of my little brother...

The Lady Shael


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magna. Suspendisse sit amet justo eget turpis interdum commodo.
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In consequat mauris vel sem. Aliquam at odio. Nullam volutpat. Nulla facilisi. Nullam placerat, mi sed
molestie tempus, dolor magna mollis lacus, vitae pellentesque wisi nisl viverra dui. Vivamus pharetra
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accumsan leo. Morbi bibendum. Maecenas eros quam, facilisis et, porta blandit,
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<!-- The code for this page was written by [insert my real name here] -->[deleted]">"
alt="Valid HTML 4.01!" height="31" width="88">

Lesson from my Web Masters course. Took out a couple things.

~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.

Arguia Zsah

 Arguia Zsah: hi
Arguia Zsah: hi
Arguia Zsah: how are u?
Arguia Zsah: how are u?
Arguia Zsah: coolll
Arguia Zsah: coolll
Arguia Zsah: weird
Arguia Zsah: weird
Arguia Zsah: how was your day @ skool?
Arguia Zsah: how was your day @ skool?
Arguia Zsah: urgh.
Arguia Zsah: urgh.
Arguia Zsah: u too?
Arguia Zsah: u too?
Arguia Zsah: skool is bad
Arguia Zsah: skool is bad

Ashyra Nightwing

Quote from: RazorClawComponent     Percent of NW     Amount of NW     Equation
Skiffs             90.52%               72,147,078    Skiffs * 3000 / 500

I've had 96% skiffs before... that does baaaad things to your economy.


 I was minus 48M per turn. You?


Quote from: The Lady ShaelI'm bored. *Ctrl-V's again*

Hey shawty
You think you bad but you ain't bad
I'll show you what bad is.
Bad is when you capable of beatin' the baddest.
I been workin' at it since I came to this planet
And I ain't quite there yet but I'm gettin' better at it.
Matter of fact,
Lemme tell it to you one mo' again
All I got to do is tell a girl who I am (Petey!)
Ain't naa chick in here dat I can't have
Bada boom bada bam ba bam!

Oh. That's just the away message of this one guy on my buddy list...he's weird. A sweet guy, but just weird sometimes.
Heh.. heh... heh.  Petey Pablo...

Gen. Volkov

 One. Been in negative billions before in econ. THAT sucks.... 4 billion stoats does HORRIBLE things to the economy. Two last thing I copied.. umm the references section of my term paper lol.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


O.o..  *wonders why he copied that*
oh.  yeah.  my E115 website project..  
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't