Amusing Quote(s)

Started by windhound, October 04, 2004, 09:22:24 PM

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 "Before the caution thay said they would have just enough to go all the way. So if you extrapolate that out they should have plently to make it."

"What was that word?"

"Extrapolate, I'll explain it later."

-the hosts of the NASCAR Race, today


"That tree was in the way."
-Me after falling off Naltaca's dirt bike, yesterday


"I've got to leave you here Clammy to build your colony, live long and prosper."
-Naltaca talking to a clam shell he stuffed with black rocks that he found in the river, yesterday


Me: Yellow bellied water snakes are deadly.
Naltaca: So we'll paint it a different color. Problem solved.
"Less talky, more drivey." ~Hawk, Applegeeks Issue #161

~the mighta awualis