I'm back and ready for action!

Started by Checkerpaw, September 16, 2004, 02:34:59 PM

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 I talked to Retto and he dis-disabled me, so I can play again!  I have full turns and 200 stores turns, so I'm ready to go.

I'm not completely familiar with what's going on between Forsworn and the new Loren clan, but since I haven't played for so long, I have no grudges toward anyone, and I'm willing to jump in on either side.  So here's my offer:  the first clan that contacts me through PM and gives me an offer to join them, I'll join.
Highest rank in Regular: #6 (August '08)

Highest rank in Turbo: #1 (July  '09) as The NKVD
Highest finish in Turbo: #4 (August '09) as The NKVD

Also played as: Roadkill Collector (June '08) Gotten Smart (July), Mr. Holmes (August), That's What She Said (September)


 OK, I have received an offer and accepted.  So no more PM.s

Highest rank in Regular: #6 (August '08)

Highest rank in Turbo: #1 (July  '09) as The NKVD
Highest finish in Turbo: #4 (August '09) as The NKVD

Also played as: Roadkill Collector (June '08) Gotten Smart (July), Mr. Holmes (August), That's What She Said (September)

General Austin

 Welcome back checkerpaw! I hope you don't end up against us... ;)  
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.


 That means he is with Loren. Checkerpaw I am disapointed in you...
For every end, there is a new beginning.  This one shall have no endings, and no new beginnings shall come forth.

~Magnus Proditor~

Guthorm Swordmaster

 A sworn member might have messaged him?


 Gurthorm, you were part of Sworn before you betrayed us. Did you not notice that I know of everything inside my clan?
For every end, there is a new beginning.  This one shall have no endings, and no new beginnings shall come forth.

~Magnus Proditor~

Ashyra Nightwing

 Welcome back, Checkerpaw! Don't smushle #90!

Guthorm Swordmaster


 Deadeye, how would you /know/ if one of your clan didnt ask him first?  
There's no way to actually /know/ anything if noone tells you..  

and what about SE and Blades?  how do you /know/ he joined loren  :blink:  you is parinoid beyond belief...  surely if Sworn/Royal is as good as you say then they should beable to handle a few more members againt them?
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't

Guthorm Swordmaster

 Thanks for sticking up for me windy.


 He'd know, I doubt any Sworn member besides me or Morzan would going around authority and ask him to join us. Seeing you guys live on the forums most of the time He probally joined Loren, which is fine. Too bad your not on the winning side Checkerpaw :)
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19

Peace Alliance

 welcome back.. *shifty eyes*... i guess

General Austin

In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.


 So which side are you really on checkerpaw?

Ashyra Nightwing

 Stay neutral, like me. That way, you get attacked a lot less.