Sworn is no ruling clan

Started by Orcrist, September 10, 2004, 09:24:14 PM

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Death Eater

 I knew you played rerisen...hahaha, you dont realize how easy it is to wither :a) surpass me or B) take me down in that game. Anywayz, its irrelevent, I just had a hunch you knew me from somewhere else.

Oh, and its because there is such a low playerbase I stopped playing...
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Guthorm Swordmaster

 I stopped plsying because i don't have the time to waste on that as well ive got rugby training 5 nights out of 7.


QuoteIf 1 clan has 11 members and the other has 3, the one with 11 will be the ruling clan. With Blades, Loren, and S.E it's 13- on 10.

Actually, in the earlier runs of RWL this was proven false. Often times a very well-organized 2 or 3 army clan would hold sway over the top spots, stopping the attacks from clans with inane amounts of members. (I think 18 was the largest...)
"If thine enemy wrongs thee, buy each of his children a drum." ~ Chinese Proverb

Guthorm Swordmaster

 Thats true on FaF theres a clan war and the smaller one of 3 members is the top clan and the one of 11 is second.