OMG, i liek got to talk to SHEAL!

Started by TR Shadow, September 04, 2004, 08:49:07 PM

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TR Shadow

 Heheh.  Yay for cell phones!

*Mutter*  Only my parents got mad at me for something or other and made me get off the phone.


 Use Skype if you've got mic on your comp.

TR Shadow

 Parents won't allow me to get a mic.  Or a WebCam, for that matter.


 I've actually had a webcam for awhile.  Never bothered to use it, and I'm still trying to get my parents to toss it.  Dreaded things...

Ashyra Nightwing

 *maniacal laughter* Soon I will get a mobile phone!! Mwahahaha!

TR Shadow

 I have one.  And I've used it to talk to Daniel (Stormclaw's friend) and Ragefur's mother.

Don't ask.


 Huh? why would you talk to them? There I asked. Im using n00b gramar were u can read it but it isnt grate, wichis beter than sum n00bs that type lik julie did.

TR Shadow

 Because Ragefur wasn't home...


Bladetail the Ferret

 That's cool I don't know anyone from the game but one person but he is on FaF but I really never play it.



 I have a cellphone, I love it...And my parents don't tell me to get off of it because I won't listen neways if I am on it....and if they bug me while i"m on it I just yell at them and tell them to stop interrupting me while i'm on the too

I've talked to Ragefur before, and Sean(Blood Wake), Sarah, Sha, Timmy(Sonoras), seems like there is somebody else, but I can't think of who it is...hmm
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
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 Now you should talk to Dan! Call up Daniel son! Dan would love to talk!
For every end, there is a new beginning.  This one shall have no endings, and no new beginnings shall come forth.

~Magnus Proditor~


Quote from: MorzanNow you should talk to Dan! Call up Daniel son! Dan would love to talk!


 phones are one of the many tools of the devil  =P
*hates phones*
they are the tools of such demonic people like polling people and salespeople..  
I've stopped answering the one in my dorm..  nasty college polling/ad. people call wayy too much and ask for personal info like my ssn which I refuse to give out to some random person, even if they say they are from a bank..  the nice thing about a phone though is that if somone annoys you you can just hang up..  
and, if you get lost or break down while you're driving they are useful..  I do both frequently..  so meh..

A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't

The Lady Shael

 *giggles at windy* I found that amusing, for some reason...

Ju was actually the last person to talk to me before Frances hit, except the family, of course. Twas very fun...she's the second person to have a conversation with me on my cell...Kilk was the first. ^_~

*pokes TJ* I haven't talked to you yet.
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.

Angst Vulpine

 If my mother wouldn't kill me, I'd have you call..

Oh well.
Angst Vulpine  
-Unofficial forum artist, and resident furry..Now an Unchallanged Retto Fangirl, and owner of teh one and only  Retto Plushie, OtterSocks, Big Plushie Donut, X-mas Wolf Bite Plushie, A Pink Lightsaber (With a flower coming out the end), and a TGF Plushie!

I have the X-mas Wolf Bite plushie. It's mine, no one else has a Wolf Bite plushie, except Teufel, she's got the original one.  Mine's wearing a Santa Hat. <3