What would you do if a 9th grader hit on you?

Started by Nohcnonk, August 31, 2004, 08:18:25 PM

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Guthorm Swordmaster

 Depend whether they're hot or not.I know a year 8 whos  been suspened 5 times once more and hes outta there.


Quote from: GermaniaAll fun and games until their skull crushes in.
It's only funny until someone gets hurt. Then it's hilarious.  :D  
The man
Of virtuous soul commands not, nor obeys:
Power, like a desolating pestilence,
Pollutes whate'er it touches, and obedience,
Bane of all genius, virtue, freedom, truth,
Makes slaves of men, and, of the human frame,
A mechanised automaton.

Percy Bysshe Shelley

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The # 1 Turbo Playa'

Bladetail the Ferret

 yes but on the first time this kid got mad and punched my bro then my bro punches him in the gut falls down and starts crying and kid got sent to the office :snicker:  



Quote from: Kilkenne

Weird freshmen to hit on someone a lot older.
You've never met me then.  Seniors are fun.  Especially for us Freshman who know how to handle them.  =P

Nothing wrong with hitting on somebody 4 years older.  Sadly enough, I do that a lot, and manage to not get rejected.  Then again, flirting and being friendly sometimes is the same for me XD.


 I'm actually sort of bad with the reception, especially with older people, I sort of start answering their questions and then slowly ask them questions and stuff... It's unexpected. Some girl (who is one of the girls of the best hockey player I play with) just walks up with a wierd half-smile on her face, and starts asking me questions...  :blink:  Scaaaary...


 When I was a senior in HS, I had a fairly good sized freshman/sophomore boy following... I was, of sorts, their goddess... also known as, I was the only girl who paid them any attention/played Magic: The Gathering with them (and beat the pants off them)/helped them with homework and girlfriend problems and stuff (and told their pipsqueak girlfriends off if they were mean or whatever...)

Of course, towards the end of the year, they all had fallen in love with me at least once (great ego boost!) and two of them were writing me love letters. They knew my boyfriend rather well, but they kept it up... eventually, I dated one of them for a week when I had broken up with my other bf. The second love-letter-writer tried to feel me up one day in ROTC, and I had to smack him...
He called me that night and asked me out. That one was pitiful.

I think it's different though when the girl is older and the guy is a fishie...


 Hey I was a 9th grader last year and I hit on a 17 year old and now we have been dating for 6 months. Guess it matters with who your trying to hit on eh?

~Dead Eye~
For every end, there is a new beginning.  This one shall have no endings, and no new beginnings shall come forth.

~Magnus Proditor~