
Started by RazorClaw, August 23, 2004, 02:28:31 PM

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 I go to a private high school and will be a sophomore next year. Here in southeastern Pennsylvania, private schools are 2 to 3 years ahead of the public schools, depending on the class. I'm happy and grateful to go to it, as I'm getting a pretty good education and still belong to a community. That and it just seems easier to make friends through school (no offence to home schoolers- it's just MHO).

"We will win the is a simple case of mathematics." -Samuel Grant


Quote from: Juby (Tercios)AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, none of you know how funny that actually is.
Really? I buy/repair/sell used cars and do professional computer repairs hardware/software. I run a Pawn Shop and also a private supply business with a buddy of mine.

Arguia Zsah


1. grades? does 10th grade= year 10 over here?
2. i won't want to be home-schooled, I'ld miss having different teachers and meeting loads of people, and anyway my parents couldn't teach me languages (and i like them...) my parents wouldn't be as good as teaching me as teachers... and they wouldn't have time either! Anyway, i suppose there'ld be less homework if you were home-schooled! :)
3. PAWN shop? :huh:  


Quote from: The Lady ShaelMost parents homeschool their children for three reasons:
1) Their kid is insanely smart
Hehe, thank you. *bows* *pets 147IQ*
"Less talky, more drivey." ~Hawk, Applegeeks Issue #161

~the mighta awualis

Arguia Zsah

 don't know my IQ... and anyway, it isn't nice to boast


Quote from: Arguia Zsah3. PAWN shop? :huh:
People bring various things ranging from car stereos, tvs, playstation games, playstations, and even cars. They trade it for cash on spot until a certain date. If they don't pay the cash back then I keep the item and sell it.


 Hmm, I always thought pawn shops were for buying chess pieces, meh... (j/k, obviously)


 Most parents homeschool their children for these reasons:

1) Their kid is insanely smart
2) They think that their kid is insanely smart
3) They are a religious family or a family of extreme political views
4) They disaprove of the school system and it's ways of teaching children
5) Metal/physical disability

2 is usually the main reason.  :P

I've met a lot of homeschooled kids who end up going to highschool (in Ontario you more or less have to for Grade 12) and only a few of them are brilliant. Mostly it's because their parents wanted them to grow up with strong morals.  
The man
Of virtuous soul commands not, nor obeys:
Power, like a desolating pestilence,
Pollutes whate'er it touches, and obedience,
Bane of all genius, virtue, freedom, truth,
Makes slaves of men, and, of the human frame,
A mechanised automaton.

Percy Bysshe Shelley

user posted image


 lol..  when I think of Pawn shops I think of rather dingy, underlighted places in not the best neiborhoods..  

ah well..

I know somone who had to be homeschool their junior and senior year of HS because of severe asma..  eeh..  astma?  still doesnt look right..  the breathing problem..  I know she wished she could be back at public school..

and, no offence to yall homeschooled persons, but most of the people I've met who have been homeschooled most their life are rather snotty..  think very highly of themselves..  probably 'cause of Myrth's 2nd point..  
spaace..  all gonee..  

Arguia Zsah


i thought pawn shops faded out years ago, but i did see one in Brighton the other day...


 I'm a Junior in Highschool and unfortunately school just started back up today, so BLAH!!!

I go to Homestead High School, if you'd like me to be specific.....

I'm looking to attend Ball State, Penn State, or Florida University for my college years....then move onward to Law School.
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
Emperor of  RWL Photo Album
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 I wish to go to Syracuse University to major in Journalism and Writing(forget formal title thing for it) My largest story is the one I am working on, already 50 pages and only a beginning so far, rest of story is in my head.  
For every end, there is a new beginning.  This one shall have no endings, and no new beginnings shall come forth.

~Magnus Proditor~

Guthorm Swordmaster

 Going to highschool in 8 days.Im very excited so i am.

wolf bite

 Humm running a pawnshop. That is a hard job, but very profitable.  Maybe a better definition would be a ?legal loan shark.?  People that need instant money want a loan. They bring something they own (a Ring) that is worth $100 as collateral, the shop loans them $30.  The person has (say) 1 month to repay the loan plus interest of $10 and they get the ring back. If they do not bring the money, the pawnshop keeps the ring and then sells it for $60 to get their money back.  A very hard job. The pawn broker needs to know the value of just about everything that could be brought in, most of their clients are desperately poor, has to have the money ready to loan, has to determine if the object is stolen and deal with the police, then has to negotiate the sale later to a buyer if the first guy defaults on the loan.  

I have been self-employed all my life. It is far harder then it is made out to be for many reasons. Your income is always changing. You have no boss to toss your problems to. Any money loses are your own. You have to control all areas from advertising to bill collecting. My hat's off to Germania for running several small businesses.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 hrm..  the stolen object part of a pawn shop would be kind of hard to deal with methinks..  
on one hand, if it is somthin relitivly expensive such as a tv (etc) you could make some money out of it..  however, if you think the tv is stolen, and you report it as such you probably wont make anything out of it..  depends on morals I 'spose..

*appluads Germania and wolf for they self-employedness*
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't