Game Platforms

Started by Death to DemonSlaver, August 21, 2004, 08:58:25 PM

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Death to DemonSlaver

 I love my Xbox hate ta say lol.


my mum wouldnt ever let me have anything but a PC..  said XBoxs, Gameboys, Playstations etc where a waste of time and enery..  and that is a valid point, but it is a fun waste ^_^
now I'm in college and too poor to buy a tv for my room,  much less buy a system and put games on it..  and my roommate didint bring his..  
PC games tend to be Much cheaper anyways..  
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't

Wolf Snare


I'm with windy. PC rules all... I voted X-Box, because I own one, and didn't want ps2 to get ahead. *shakes fist*
1. Fire Bringer (#22)
1. Jaturungkabart (#12)
1. Estranged (#50)
1. Fierce Deity (#17) 
1. bored... (#98)
1. Versace (#24)
1. Noah Calhoun (#10)
1. Day Old Hate (#7)
1. The Grand Optimist (#12)
1. Beast Mode (#7)


 Actually, depends on the game. A PC made for purely gaming purposes that is as high-quality as a gaming console costs anywhere from 1500-5000 greens, (not vegetables, as in dollars, American), and the games are generally 10-30 dollars. So, if you get a Gamecube ($100) and 20 games ($800-1200) then you are spending less than a PC (average 3000 greens) and one game (average 20 bucks) but with internet, the value is increased, but as the comp was made for gaming, not anything else, its other capabilities are limited. As for Gameboy, it is uncomparable to gaming consoles, as it is portable and therefore has both extended and limited capabilities.


Quote from: RazorClawActually, depends on the game. A PC made for purely gaming purposes that is as high-quality as a gaming console costs anywhere from 1500-5000 greens, (not vegetables, as in dollars, American), and the games are generally 10-30 dollars. So, if you get a Gamecube ($100) and 20 games ($800-1200) then you are spending less than a PC (average 3000 greens) and one game (average 20 bucks) but with internet, the value is increased, but as the comp was made for gaming, not anything else, its other capabilities are limited. As for Gameboy, it is uncomparable to gaming consoles, as it is portable and therefore has both extended and limited capabilities.
I don't see how a PC geared towards gaming has less uses. Your gameboy argument is supplemented by the PC with the use of Laptops. Essentially they can match almost anything a desktop has to offer.

Technically, technology wise, the latest and greatest, and even two generations behind PCs far outclass ANY console.

I'd also like to point out one small thing...

Name 20 Gamecube games you've bought that you still actually play.


 I liked PC's better mainly because of online play. I know you can play online now with some Xbox and Ps2 games, but theres alot more varity for PC. Besides PC has the only RTS games that are any good.

Razorclaw does make a good point though.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19

Death to DemonSlaver

 My old acct was Death To DemonSlavers this is it now and i still say Xbox wins.... The Halo games are just too awesome... ;)  


Quote from: windhound*shrugs*
my mum wouldnt ever let me have anything but a PC..
Me too. ^_^

I always liked PC games better though.  
The man
Of virtuous soul commands not, nor obeys:
Power, like a desolating pestilence,
Pollutes whate'er it touches, and obedience,
Bane of all genius, virtue, freedom, truth,
Makes slaves of men, and, of the human frame,
A mechanised automaton.

Percy Bysshe Shelley

user posted image


 Halo is fun espically with like 8 people going at it.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19


 Super Mario Sunshine, Spider Man (if only for the fun of jumping off buildings then webbing at the last minute  :D ), Rogue Squadrons II&III, all three Bonds, Kirby Air Ride, Super Smash Bros Melee, Luigi's Mansion, F-Zero, Wallace & Gromit, Metroid Prime, Animal Crossing, Metal Gear Solid (The Twin Snakes), Zelda (Windwaker and Four Swords), NHL Hitz 2002, 2003, 2004. That's 20 and I've got lots more, Germania. The PC games aren't geared towards as good of graphics or as smooth of gameplay as a gaming console. The XBox is the closest thing to a PC's power, but also all of its exclusive games stink except for Halo. Ga,ecube is portable, has the best franchises and games, most comfy controllers, pretty good graphics, really smooth gameplay. PS2 is an inbetween thingy. Gamecube doesn't have a DVD player, but have you ever had to sit through someone watching Dances With Wolves on your PS2 while your rental game is sitting gathering dust? Ick! But, a PC only outclasses any console because of internet, word proccesor, etc.  


 PC's are great for gaming, but gaming consoles have their uses.  Here's some insight.

For one, RTS's are wayyyy more suited and better on computers, but sports games are way better on consoles.  This also applies with a few other genres.  PC's aren't too portable, and are much more involving than video game consoles as well.  You can take a Gamecube and a few games to a hotel and plug it in (you might need a portable TV) and play as much as your want, but PC's are generally much more fragile and vulnerable.  And then you have to install games on PC's.  You don't have to with video games.  Also, video games are designed for the system that they'll be used on, and pretty much every game will run smoothly.  You'll have a lot more upgrading to do more often if you wanna run some new games right when they come out on your PC.  And when a gaming console hits the market, you can buy that.  That's pretty much equivalent to upgrading your PC, but has been cheaper in the past, and will most likely remain cheaper for a while.  Then devices such as the Gameboy are much cheaper than a laptop, but then again the laptop is more powerful.  PC's also have much more games, and can be used to go online, use non-gaming apps, etc.  You can now play online with both, and those are about equal and depend on the games really.  And you don't need four $1000 machines to play 4 player multiplayer on an X-Box. :P

I'd say that if you have the money and like gaming, I'd get a good PC and at least one gaming console.  For info on which, GameCube is more geared toward younger audiences, though both have many mature games.  X-Box is more powerful and has a DVD player and hard drive, but is more expensive and Game-Cube games can look just as good and run just as smoothly as on X-Box.  And if you already have a DVD player, it's not too helpful to have another built into your gaming console.  Gamecube is much smaller, but you can't really play online with it like you can with X-Box (though you'd need X-Box Live, which has a monthly fee).  I think X-Box live is absolutely necessary if you have an X-Box and are any kind of gamer at all. ^_^ They both have a good deal of console specific games, and I'd say that should be the deciding factor on which you should get if you can only get one.  Gamecube has all of the Zelda games, SSBM, Metroid, etc.  But X-Box has games such as Halo, Fable, and Full Spectrum Warrior.  Notice I haven't said anything about PS2, the third Next-Gen console.  That's because it's less powerful than both of the others, and the games generally look much worse.  You can also play many games on either X-Box or Gamecube than you can on PS2, and though you can play PSOne games on PS2, both system's games are generally worse in quality.

If you need a PC for something like college, and are tight on money, you might as well try and get the best PC that you can for your money at the time, and they get games than you can afford and that can run on your PC.

If you're a kid and don't know much about computers, GameCube or X-Box all the way. ^_^


 But note that the PS2 was made like a year before XBox and Gamecube, so if Sony had had the extra year to spend working on the PS2... Also, Sony's coming out with a PSX system, which, though it still probably won't have as good of games as Gamecube, will make everything else's graphics look like a Gameboy Color's. And Gamecube does have an online connectivity gameplay option thingy, just only a few of their games endorse it. Nintendo has a wildcard though, which should pretty much revolutionize console gaming. Which is, of course, as all of you know, the Nintendo Dual Screen. Better graphics than the N64 in a lap-positioned, a bit too big to be hendheld, gaming console. It means that Nintendo has WAY more versatility than Microsoft or Sony. I hope we'll be seeing an attempt to compete w/ Gamboy and the DS from Microsoft and Sony, because it would be interesting to see what kind of products the create. RTS's, s', RTSs? Anyway, those, RTS games are okay on Gaming consoles, but like you said, way better on comp. The same way, Flight Sims and Shooters are better on concoles, IMO. The Gamecube is geared mostly toward, according to Nintendo, having games which are playable and fun at all age levels. I know 20-30 year olds that still enjoy playing the "kids" games like Mario and Zelda. At the same time, my 6-year-old-brother can enjoy playing that same game. Whereas XBox's games seem to be for the most part violent, gory, bloody, and obscene in many other manners. Gamecube has a few games like that, just as XBox has a few games that are suitable for all ages. But my thing is, why is it that the people making XBox games make them with blood, gore, swearing, etc.? All of it is unecessary and IMO does not really enhance gameplay.

General Lothar

 Halo 4v4 rocks you run around in tanks and blow them up... Capture the Flag is best  :)  Oh  Im Death To DemonSlavers I just changed acct



 Was at my friends house yesterday 3v3 capture the flag, blood gulch is the best. I suck at it though like 20 kills when my friends have 90, but I don't play constantly.

Graphics aren't everything, I can't beleive you can say the PSX is going to be better than Xbox and Gamecube just because its going to have better graphics, were on forums for a text based game here!!

Though graphics do play a role, I can hardly play an Super Nintendo game, though they had some of the best ones.

Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19


 I did not say it was going to be better. I did imply it would be better than XBox, as XBox's claim to fame is the graphics, so if the PSX's graphics are better... However, if Microsoft makes 50 Halo sequels, then they'll have enough good games to stay competetive (sp?). Gamecube has all the best game frachises, as I've already stated, so they'll be okay because of superior gameplay and an inexpensive system.