Well on my way...

Started by RazorClaw, August 20, 2004, 12:59:25 AM

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 I've calculated, and at my and the rest of the forum's current post rates, in a bit I'll have the most posts, despite my current low position. I find this sad. I do not insanely spam, I mean, I do insanely spam, but I don't spam in insane quantities. I just voice my opinion, or make a one-liner. I think part of the problem with the forums is that people just don't post enough. Why?

Mind Cycle I: Hmmm, this looks interesting! Lemme see... Whoa, Kilk and Shael did that in the back of their car?! (this is PURELY hypothetical, and since my opinion doesn't matter too much, this is in the spa room. It can be moved if you think it's reaonable, admins/mods) Well, I dunno, I feel sort of out of it, it's a joke with these guys, but I'm new. They seem sophisticat-- sofiztik- I can't spell that, they seem smart, what if they make fun of me?
This is called the intimidated shy person. A lot of the discussions in the forums need to be more open, and welcome.
Mind Cycle II: Hmmm, this looks interesting! Lemme see... What's this ratio? What's that ratio? What's a ratio? This game is too complicated. I quit, mom! Aus has already talked about a simpler server. I think it needs its own little section-forum thing here, like turbo has, if it is implemented. Makes it so it does not get confused w/ the normal game.
Mind Cycle III: Man, this place seems dreary... that many members and that many posts? Jeez... POST MORE, PEOPLE! But don't spam too much...
Mind Cycle IV: Hi daddy! Wut's in that there package? Is it a cumpueder? It iiiiis, oh, thank you, daddy! Did you buy a new shotgun yet? You'll need it if them pesky salesmen start cummin back! Um, R-r-reeeedwaaaall. Daddy, I read a word!!! (okay, this is ridiculous. NEXT!)
Mind Cycle V: You really blow my mind... I guess you're just what I needed! Oh, wait, that's not a post, that's a sig with a whole song in it, that goes on for half a page!
Mind Cycle VI:  There are like, there are NO new members, like, there's a recruitment system that we like, do for volleyball, you guys need to do that. Oh my God, I broke a nail! I might go into like, shock or trauma, like I did when a dirty leaf fell into my hair! HEEEELP!
Mind Cycle VII: Me dumbo, king of jungle. Me no fisticated, no is me great maker of chuckles like goofy guy from australia! Me just want to play, why people hassle me? I no need get clothes, me have loin cloth! Ahhhhhhhhhhh, thump! *hits tree*
Mind Cycle VIII: I'm an oldbie. I'm cool. I'm really sick of the immaturity that goes on, and the bickering. S'all good fun for a while, but I'm OUTTA here.
Mind Cycle IX: I no longer play RWL. It's a mystery why. I'm like Raine, or Klamath! "Why do you want tot leave?" "Cuz, it's erm, time consuming. Gotta have time to build upon mental stability, and playing RWL is not a way to do so."
Mind Cycle X: I'm Julie! I'm goofy, and have an obsession with penguins, and I'm hiding for no good reason!
So, there's my two cents. Now fix it!


 Was that supposed to be funny?
The man
Of virtuous soul commands not, nor obeys:
Power, like a desolating pestilence,
Pollutes whate'er it touches, and obedience,
Bane of all genius, virtue, freedom, truth,
Makes slaves of men, and, of the human frame,
A mechanised automaton.

Percy Bysshe Shelley

user posted image

TR Shadow

Quote from: RazorClawMind Cycle X: I'm Julie! I'm goofy, and have an obsession with penguins, and I'm hiding for no good reason!
1. You're not me.

2. I'm not obsessed with penguins.  Now it's troodons.

3. I'm not hiding...



 not really supposed to be funny...