The Bells Tolled

Started by Morzan, August 16, 2004, 08:46:19 PM

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 with quiet precision the armys of Firefox took back what land had been taken, and then more.  windhound surveyed the damage done.  Not much.  Not much atall..  besides the loss of some skiffs and a few leaders, his army was back..  

Juska, you cant even hold off a mil skiffs..
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


 The hoard of Asha'man is here to assist Juska in his quest to solely own the One Power.  The newly trained asha'man are just getting used to all the new obstacles and code changes.  In no time, they will be able to master the use of One Power and become an unstoppable force, not even the Dark One or the hoard of Aes Sedai can stand in their way!
To war!!!    


 Holby surveyed his horde and yawned. Too Old for this, certainly. Hairs of grey were already springing from his head- wait, no, that was dandruff.
At any rate, he felt old. He should move to a nice little green Protection area, like Shael had done long ago. But when he went, he would have the classiest rocking chair in the neighbourhood. All Shael could manage was Kilk's lap.
Yes, he liked his chair better than Kilk's lap.
"Get me my chair Servant Who Always Happens To Be There." He giggled. There and chair rhymed. "Oh, and chocolate grog, too. Only a filthy Sworn has strawberry."
I will not deleted this

Itha Dragonslayer

 The large wolf laughed insanely as he heard the reports. Holby was back in rank what, 10? The fools had done nothing, and after their espys hadn't touched Itha. They thought they could kill, but that was foolish! He watched as more rats reported to him, all his. Then he remembered. He had blacked out last night, and he did not know why or how. He didn't remember any details of last night. All he remembered was a horrible dream, which only now he could remember some evil, dark creature cutting him down. Why was that? Oh well, he did not care. He would ask his healer vixen to bring him something, maybe he was sick?

He looked out at the beautiful night, the moon full and in view. Perfect, that was how he liked it. Forsworn would be looking at this same moon, but from hiding or their make shift tents. Fools, they could not touch the impressive Loren. He touched his axe. And this so called King would fall to. If he didn't scuttle into hiding, like Itha thought he would. Or knew...The fox laughed as he looked upon the sea. Perfect, all so perfect.  


 Also, that's grammatically incorect. Death did not happen, therefore "and death rang" is an improper statement. You could say something, (if you wanted to be dramatic) like, "And the scent of flesh ranks upon the air..." or something like that.


 Razorclaw, 2 things. Number 1, I posted this when Holby was down to 500 land or so and before Neobaron kicked him out, I figured we would kill him. 2, death did happen. Holby's rats and such were killed
For every end, there is a new beginning.  This one shall have no endings, and no new beginnings shall come forth.

~Magnus Proditor~

The Lady Shael

Quote from: HolbyHolby surveyed his horde and yawned. Too Old for this, certainly. Hairs of grey were already springing from his head- wait, no, that was dandruff.
At any rate, he felt old. He should move to a nice little green Protection area, like Shael had done long ago. But when he went, he would have the classiest rocking chair in the neighbourhood. All Shael could manage was Kilk's lap.
Yes, he liked his chair better than Kilk's lap.
"Get me my chair Servant Who Always Happens To Be There." He giggled. There and chair rhymed. "Oh, and chocolate grog, too. Only a filthy Sworn has strawberry."
Hm. You think you're amusing, don't you?

:lol:  Okay, I admit, I do too. ^_^ I burst out laughing when I read that. Reminded me of a certain chat a very long time ago...

*wishes she could say something else, but can't, because she knows nothing going on in-game*

BIC: Shael relaxed in her nice little green Protection area, sipping her pina colada. Yet she was lounging on a comfy lawn chair, seeing as Kilk wasn't there at the moment. The Daughters of Delor were lying about on the grass, having an archery contest and a volleyball contest.

OOC: Okay, sorry, I'll stop. I'm sorry, I'm probably being a very incompetent admin right now...*promises to control herself in the future* Ignore me.  
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


 Alas for the days when my lap was my own...



 Wow, Kilk, keep up this posting and you'll reach 1000 yet!  :D  


 If it comes to that, I'll use one of my several multi accounts after hitting 999...Yup. Multis. Constantine is one, obviously. No posts after 999...I will be cool like that. And I will use my 1000th one to flame EVERYONE. It will be a spectacle for the ages, a novel, really...a novel where I rant about things for a long while.

Larrusus Deathspear

 Juby, S.E. hasn't tried to kill anyone but "the first"  
Jesus Is a LIE
One of my classmates remarked that I "emanate evil"
MY science teahcer thinks i'm a muslim extremist
The mormons came to my house and I told them I worship satan
My neighbour think that I perform evil rituals on my porch when i burn candles
maybe I should run for president......

Regular Era 2
#391 Slasssk Troopers
Regular Era 3
#92   Slazzar Ectalask
#214  Slasssk Troopers
Regular Era 4
#37    Slasssk troopers


 Juska awoke to a clear cold beautiful morning, a great day to destroy Loren and her alleis he thought to himself. Just then his Loyal Bodygaurd arrived. "Spy on the enemy I want to know everything about them, their troops number, food and gold everything!"ordered Juska.

A short while later he returned. "Sir there empires vaults are ungaurded!"

"Good steal all their gold we need funds for our attacks."

After stealing the cash from the traitorious rat Swordmaster, the unaware Razorclaw, and Blood Wake Juska turned his eye toward bigger fish, landfat fish.

Swordmaster got the first attacks after that the Swamp Lord Slazzar, Scarwake, and Bloodwake completed his attacks. Now with a large empire under his commands Juska set about fortifing his lands. Just then a scout arrived.

"Lord Juska. Nohc the commander of Ill has somehow slipped beyond our eye and boasting an empire ven larger than our sire." "No matter, have my Bodygaurd lead his troops into his empire and take his land. Nohc is powerless to stop the Forsworns advance across the lands of redwall.", he replied.

And so Nohc's empire was captured. Even then two more of his officers arrived ready for battle. Juska and his Bodygaurd had stolen over 1.5billion in cash and become powers again, there was little left for his officers to do toehr than clean up.

In a last minute report Juska learned that his faithful Ferret Lord has stolen Scarwake gold aswell, everything was going to plan.......
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19

Juby (Tercios)

Quote from: Larrusus DeathspearJuby, S.E. hasn't tried to kill anyone but "the first"
ummm, why would anyone attack  a target down to 500 land?  If you were sacking then that'd make sense, but to attack someone when they have less then 1000 land just for the land is idiotically unprofitable, and so why would multiple members of your clan do this?  Cause your lieing to cover up how embarressingly terrible your attempt was  :lol:  
Real Betis? ? -? ? Tottenham Hotspurs? ? -? ? Partizan Beograd? ? -? ? Hannover 96


 RazorClaw spat. The disgutsting and unprovoked attacks upon him had made him feel sick. Back when he played, one didn't simply attack 8 times or steal 10 times then  attack three for the hades of it. But he was ready, he was prepared. He would fight back.  


 They do when it's a war, unfortunately ;)
Also unfortunately, it was all wasted.

Khur Groshid (#272)
Turns (?) 46 (max 450)
Turns Stored (?) 83 (max 150)
Rank (?) #22
Workers (?) 48,506
Acres (?) 22,745
Cash (?) $67,360,730
Food (?) 23,979,760
Loyalty (?) 558,494
Networth (?) $17,932,283
 Locations (?) Southsward
Race (?) Fox
Health (?) 90%
Tax Rate (?) 30%
Rats (?) 2,526,674
Weasels (?) 97,342
Stoats (?) 131,757
Skiffs (?) 122,953
Leaders (?) 947,911

Numenor (#271)
Turns (?) 17 (max 450)
Turns Stored (?) 0 (max 150)
Rank (?) #16
Workers (?) 39,038
Acres (?) 17,972
Cash (?) $0
Food (?) 5,352,986
Loyalty (?) 500
Networth (?) $21,183,476
 Locations (?) Southsward
Race (?) Wildcat
Health (?) 100%
Tax Rate (?) 11%
Rats (?) 1,499,057
Weasels (?) 724,871
Stoats (?) 1,589,748
Skiffs (?) 438,744
Leaders (?) 0

Juskabally II (#269)
Turns (?) 29 (max 450)
Turns Stored (?) 0 (max 150)
Rank (?) #11
Workers (?) 70,247
Acres (?) 27,434
Cash (?) $19,324,300
Food (?) 50,416,018
Loyalty (?) 50,107
Networth (?) $33,886,457
 Locations (?) Northlands
Race (?) Rat
Health (?) 100%
Tax Rate (?) 10%
Rats (?) 6,366,443
Weasels (?) 1,021,515
Stoats (?) 727,333
Skiffs (?) 1,250,321
Leaders (?) 33,330

Loyal Bodyguard (#195)
Turns (?) 20 (max 450)
Turns Stored (?) 0 (max 150)
Rank (?) #14
Workers (?) 87,267
Acres (?) 31,407
Cash (?) $151,098,880
Food (?) 55,960,173
Loyalty (?) 568,047
Networth (?) $29,503,730
 Locations (?) Northlands
Race (?) Lizard
Health (?) 100%
Tax Rate (?) 10%
Rats (?) 6,383,913
Weasels (?) 51,163
Stoats (?) 36,301
Skiffs (?) 513,849
Leaders (?) 1,320,584

Spent everything on troops, yet they will be unable to hold their land... what a waste.
I will not deleted this