RWL is alive

Started by wolf bite, August 13, 2004, 12:17:41 AM

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 So I think it's time to introduce the idea me and Wolf have discussed. As of now it is called the "Buddy System"

So this system is like an alliance with a warlord. There are 5 types of alliances. You have the offense, defense, trade, Food, and Money alliances. There will be one slot next to each alliance type, and you can have any alliance with anyone, whether its one person in all the slots, or 5 different people, one in each spot. So...

The Offensive Buddy: This "Alliance" allows you and a buddy to share units during attacks. If you decide to attack some one, 20% of your buddies units come to your aid. If you are doing a Frontal Assult, then your buddies Stoats will come to you aid. IT is also vice versa, if your "buddy" attacks some one, 20% of your troops must come to their aid.

The Defensice Buddy: This buddy is like the Offensive Buddy, except for defense. If you are attacked, 20% of your buddies troops must come to your aid. If some one does a Frontal Assult to you, 20% of your buddy's stoats will come to you aid. It is also Vice Versa.

The Trade Alliance: This one is simple. It allows you and your buddy to trade for free, without having to pay the skiffs or anything. You can do it no matter if your buddy is too small or too big. The only thing that stops you from trading to your buddy when you have this alliance is if they are protected or on vacation mode.

The Food Alliance: This alliance is to help you and your buddy share food. When your forage or feast, 10% of what you gain goes to your buddy. If you forage and gain 100 food, 10 of that goes to your buddy, and you only get 90. The same is vice versa.

The Money Alliance: This is also the same as the Food Alliance. If you loot, whether by leader or regular, 10% of your money goes to your buddy. So if you lott $100, your buddy takes 10 dollars, so you only gain 90. The same is vice versa.

We are contaplating on the Land Alliance, just because if you are going very low on money or need to go leaders and are dropping land, your buddy may scout, and that will screw you up because you would gain 10% of the land he gets. I think we may also put a Loyalty Alliance.

So basicly this "Buddy System" makes you have to talk with your partner/s. It forces comunication and diplomacy. You can only have one type of each buddy, because if you had say 4 offensive buddies, you would have 60% extra troops when attacking, and if the person your attacking has 0 defensive buddies, they are going to be destroyed. This "Buddy System" is like an upgraded version of the Protactorate deal, and will/can be used very efficenatly for strats. Your buddy could go farmer, and you could defend him and not have to worry. But it also cause other better things then that, your buddy could go rats and you could go stoats, so you have two units to use. Or better yet, you both mass say rats. That would give you a lot more rats to work with attacking.

I am not as good as a speaker or thinker as Wolf, and I am sure he will be able to explain this better, but we are thinking of a few other ideas, including a "Castle"(a building like a city but instead is like military, guards and barracks) and other Lands and Land Bonusess. But I want opions on the "Buddy System" as it is the most detailed idea we have thought of.  
For every end, there is a new beginning.  This one shall have no endings, and no new beginnings shall come forth.

~Magnus Proditor~


 I'd just like everyone to savor this moment-- Kilk is online! Let's give him a big hand! *applauds* That system sounds cool to me, and I'd especially go into the castle thing, 'twould be a tremedous help to the way I build up.


 *Takes a bow*

Just reading Morzan's work. Hey everybody.

*Is not staying, just wanted to read a few old topics and has now been spotted.*

*Ducks back into hiding*


 NOOO! Where's Shael when you need her... *chains Kilk to the forums* *superglues him the the chain* puts a stra--however you spell it jacket on Kilk* *frantically waves at Shael with no avail (hey, that ryhmes, the thought makes me pale!)* Morzan is Dead Eye, who evidently read Eragon, which was written by a fellow Montanan.  


 I've been in contact with Shael all summer over AIM...

*Whacks RazorClaw over the head with something blunt*

No more chaining me places. Good ideas. Now get this topic back on track.

EDIT: Happy now?


 Bah, Dead Eye was a hot headded war like barbarian who was sneaky and went to the biggest army and followed people and didn't think, changed his mind when some one bigger and badder said the opposite. Past three months taught me a lot, been training my body, and realized my old self was a coward. I am Morzan now. But I did read Eragorn.

Now the castle idea shouldn't be too hard to come up with. And I plan on helping Retto. I have voluntered to do this news thing, I am going to help with the game guide, and these new ideas.  
For every end, there is a new beginning.  This one shall have no endings, and no new beginnings shall come forth.

~Magnus Proditor~


 Ha! You whacked me on the head with a blunt pillow, and I felt no negative retributions whatsoever. Dangit! Evidently not even Kilk can spell RazorClaw right... It's not Razor Claw (Juby) and it's not Razorclaw. It's RazorClaw, capitilise "C"!!!!! Yes, I know, but from her reports to the forums she hasn't been able to get you on here... I'll always remember, though, the true marks of Kilks superiority. Which was when he said, "I AM CONSTANTINE!"


 Constantine dominated everyone when ROME was still around...No one knew who it was...STOMPLED?. *That is and shall forever remain my word*

Juby (Tercios)

 *mourns his redwall classic idea, begrudges wolf bites stealing of the thunder*
Real Betis? ? -? ? Tottenham Hotspurs? ? -? ? Partizan Beograd? ? -? ? Hannover 96


 The attack buddy system: It sounds ok, but what's the downside? With this people will get buddies as fast as they can. If you can have as many buddies as possible then everyone in the game is going to buddies with each other. Can buddies attack each other? What about leaders? No IMO.

Suggestions: If you are an offensive buddy you cannot be a defensive buddy and you and your buddy have  -20% def. You also only gain 5% instead of 10% if you are a cash or food buddy. Buddies cannot attack each other, buddies work like clans you have to be in them for 3 days before you can get out. Buddies can not be formed if the clans they are in are at war.

The defensive buddy system: Isn't this why we have shared forces and clans?

Suggestions: Same as offensive buddy except you have -20% off. We have protectorates.

Trading buddy: There is a reason why little people can't trade with big people so that the big people can't get too far away. There's a reason why we have clans, so we can ally and have unlimted trades.

Suggestions: Scrap the trader buddy.

Cash buddy: What if you make all your money from selling on the mercinaires like my rat strat? What's the point of even using this is you both get 10% of your buddies cash?

Suggestions: We already have these, it's called protectorates.

Food buddy: same thing as cash buddy.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19


 Ok, I can say a few points but Wolf is the one you want to talk to. First off, you must be buddies for 12 days. You can be in seperate clans, heck your clans could be at war. Thats what happened with the protactoate of Holby and Wolf Bite during Rome. You must tell your clan leaders, share things with everyone. Talk with Wolf, he has better details.  
For every end, there is a new beginning.  This one shall have no endings, and no new beginnings shall come forth.

~Magnus Proditor~


 you /must/ tell your clan leaders about you having a buddy in a clan that's at war?  heh..  sounds like a good way to be booted outa the clan  :rolleyes:

the disadvantages to the buddy system?  
ok, lets say that somone becomes my 'Defencive Buddy'  but I keep my strat and build only skiffs with nothin else.  My Buddy is trying to keep near equal amounts of everything.  I get gurrilla striked, the foe breaks through, and my Buddy loses rats because I have none..  infact, if they attacked enough they could wipe out my Buddy's rats.

That could be a strat associated with this, take out the Buddy of the one you're trying to break, and you'll weaken your original target..  Especially if everyone knows who your Buddy is..  

You would also have to trust your Buddy..  if you became their 'Offencive Buddy' and they made 100 (or whatever) attacks per run, that could weaken your army quite a bit as troops die in battle..

oh, and the 'Cash' and 'Food' Buddies should get a % of what you make during leader spells (loot/feast/goldmine)  

btw, Wolf was not in a clan that I know of while he was a protectorate of Holby, Ereptor just disliked him..  for details see the other topic..
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


 That is sort of the point, you must trust your buddy, and communicate. It forces sommunication, trust, and diplomacy, and new people or people who don't talk on forums are going to want to have a buddy for the benificial(spl?) reasons, so then they would have to make friends, or invite in real life friends who may be good at RWL. And Windy, the cash and food buddies do make the % of food or money you make when doing leader spells. Also, your buddies rats wouldn't all be whiped out, since only 20% of his army comes to your aid.  
For every end, there is a new beginning.  This one shall have no endings, and no new beginnings shall come forth.

~Magnus Proditor~

wolf bite

 Okay. The Buddy System was something that I was working on in an improvement of an original plan by Dead Eye, it is still being worked on. Dead Eye also suggested the Castle improvement; I had worked on that some time ago with some others (interesting that Dead Eye came up with that same type of plan not knowing we had worked on it). Retto was given the information and decided to put the Castle concept of Huts and Towers on the side and rather improved towers to give defensive Leader assistance. But all these major ?improvements? that will change the strategies of the game are best used on turbo. Like the Ladder system that X and I came up with that was tried on turbo for 2 months.

If you guys want to keep working on them, then great, but we should give them their own topic. But I will response here, since I am here now, to some of the things mentioned above.

A person could only have one buddy that would share 20% of ALL wins and losses of their Buddy, except market purchases, Leaders and land (unless gained by Ernie search). Bros and same Ips of Buddies would not be allowed. The commitment would be for 12 days on a slow server, less on a fast server. A Buddy cannot be at war AT THE TIME they become buddies, but no one needs to tell who their Buddy is. But it would be wise not to have your own clan wipe out your Buddy and your own forces(as Rome did to Holbys armies). Having different people being different types of Buddies would not work because a person could use up that guys cash, lets say, and never make any himself. All good things must have a downfall to keep it even. Poor planning, communication and choice of a buddy could be ? hazardous. Since you share almost everything, if your buddies is, say murdered, you will lose 3% of 20% of your army with each attack. As you would lose on sack some of your goods.  The Buddies would have to work out a delicate balance or they would find having a buddy a disadvantage.

Now back to your regular scheduled thread.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 Morzan: His rats would be wiped out because 20% come to his aid.
Your buddy has 10,000,000 rats you have zero Someone attacks you and breaks your buddy sends 2,000,000 rats and losses 4% of those 2,000,000 = 1,920,000, now your buddy had 9,920,000 rats hen you get attacked again he sends 1,984,000 now he losses 4% of those = 1,905,000 now your buddy has 9,905,000. I could go on untill every single on of your buddies rats dies, but it would take too long to do the math and type it.

All leader attack should also affect your buddy, but only at 1/4 of the % you lose, 20% of your buddies leader should come to your aid.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19