RWL is alive

Started by wolf bite, August 13, 2004, 12:17:41 AM

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wolf bite

 Many times people have said that RWL is dieing, they have been wrong.  I think that even saying it makes people feel free to leave a sinking ship. But this is not the case here. Our forums are very active and we have about 50ish people on regular server. It is just that the old members remember the days when there were well over 100 people.  The newer people have never seen those days and if anything the game is picking up for them. But the older members strive for the good old days. All things have their cycles; we were in a downslide and are now going back up.

Dead Eye?s idea to bring excitement to the game was/is well motivated.  But the flaw is that only the current members know if it and what it has done is liven up the game we are currently having.  So maybe the question is why did all those people go? Then we ask how we can improve ourselves. And finally bring those people and others back.

I think that we lost a lot of people for the following reasons?
The evil emperors locked up the top and punished the bottom.
Many people were immature and belittled people in the mail.
Turbo was too time consuming and regular was too slow.
Greed for land overtook and people would max out uncontrollably.
Although we offered training, many would not take help and could not keep up.
People got depressed that they either could not get anywhere or were so intimidated that they left.

Although I like the timing of Regular, Turbo and the occasional Commanders, I think we could have a middle game with some built in safeties. What if ?

We create a Starters Game that gives 2 turns every ten minutes. We lower the max attacks to about 8. We have several non-playing peace keepers monitor the mail. Reduce the number of people per clan. Setting someone to war will notify the other clan. Clan attacks are limited to within 4 times your rank. Put a link on the main sign in page to a site with well described strategies and methods of play listed. Then have designated teachers that will respond to any question asked.

After we build it, they will come. Everyone here knows people that were here and have left; we use the mail option to tell our lost acquaintances of the new game (those with AOL will not get their mail). We inform our own friends and families of the game what is more friendly to keep your rank.

What do you guys/gals think?

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles

Guthorm Swordmaster

 I think thats a great idea!


 Very good idea.  
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19


 First off, thank you for at least saying my idea was good, I was beginning to see a hopeless cause, but now a few new plans are made and I am writing a giant thing for story line, it shouldn't die. Wolf, you are an oldbie and you have to realize that RWL sick(lol) I mean in era 1 we had, what? 600 people active. And it has just decreased since then. I joined up, saw that no plots had happened, no wars, no big clans, and no forum discussion really about in game in regular. That seems like dieing to me. Second off, I know some of you may be able to, but I can't even play Turbo and Regular, I just don't have the time, I can only ever play one of the three game types(turbo, regular, and commander) So I probably wouldn't be able to play this game your talking off. But I like it. I always know that me and Retto talked about a few new ideas for RWL too, and hopefully he takes a few of them. Actually Wolf, I wanted to talk to you, since you are the guy who is pretty big about this stuff, I figured you could find out the bad points of it.
For every end, there is a new beginning.  This one shall have no endings, and no new beginnings shall come forth.

~Magnus Proditor~


 Great idea, Wolf! Have you ever noticed that plots in RWL are always about domination? Meh. We need, in RWL, more realistic, subtle, badguys. 'Course, wouldn't be as entertaining, but I've got a winning line: "Quick, to the Bat-Fax!" Stolen from Calvin and Hobbes for attempted humor. But I do think a middle server would be good.  


 Hmm... that could really help.


QuoteI think that we lost a lot of people for the following reasons?
The evil emperors locked up the top and punished the bottom.

This might be true, but at the same time, having an "evil" villain in the game does tend to make the game more interesting.  I think this works both ways.

QuoteMany people were immature and belittled people in the mail.

Is probably true, although I personally haven't really received much junk in the mail, and when I do, it doesn't bother me in the least.

QuoteTurbo was too time consuming and regular was too slow.

I agree 100 percent.

QuoteGreed for land overtook and people would max out uncontrollably.
Although we offered training, many would not take help and could not keep up.

Both of these seem to me to be more of a result then a cause of problems.

QuotePeople got depressed that they either could not get anywhere or were so intimidated that they left.

I think this is the biggest problem of all.

Highest rank in Regular: #6 (August '08)

Highest rank in Turbo: #1 (July  '09) as The NKVD
Highest finish in Turbo: #4 (August '09) as The NKVD

Also played as: Roadkill Collector (June '08) Gotten Smart (July), Mr. Holmes (August), That's What She Said (September)


 Sounds like a great idea.  
The man
Of virtuous soul commands not, nor obeys:
Power, like a desolating pestilence,
Pollutes whate'er it touches, and obedience,
Bane of all genius, virtue, freedom, truth,
Makes slaves of men, and, of the human frame,
A mechanised automaton.

Percy Bysshe Shelley

user posted image


 is having four different servers the way to liven up all the servers? Or will more people play the middling server, and drop out of regular all together?
The 'ittle otter,


 The way the server is going to be so safe that the only people will just play it are the food massers. How about you make kills illegal too?
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19

wolf bite

 Thanks everyone for your comments, please add more.

Checkerpaw, I don?t recall if you were around in the first and second game. But I got threats and s p a c e d out swearwords even before I ever could get in the top ten. Then as emperor I got a lot of letters from people saying that they did not sign up for this kind of abuse that some people were doing to them.

Retto, I don?t know. And it is more work for you thus your final decision. I see regular as the true game of skill here at RWL. But even many of the forum community do not play it anymore. I would like to think of the middle game as a learning place because with all the additions the game it is quite hard for new people, then they would move on to the different servers. The very good and great players would be more of guides thus would not take over.  But if the middle server took off and left regular behind, then so be it.

Juska, it is not that safe. In the old days a person would wait 3 days for full turns, take land, then have everything taken away and have to wait 3 days knowing they had been wiped out. How depressing is that? People will be maxed out at (say) 8 hits, but also unmax faster. That will keep one person from slamming someone and getting all their land, but not save them from attacks over time.  One person wanting to take all the land will have a hard time finding the targets to get too much of a lead.  People will have full turns in about 1.5 days. There will also be clans that can have unlimited attacks, but not if the opponent is too high or too low.  As far as the anti-killing thing, I have not thought of that.

Edit: the clan restriction was kind of my way to reduce kills. A person in rank 50 would be too low to kill a defenseless top ten. And someone in the top ten could not attack a dieing person in rank 50.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 If someone really wanted to kill someone they could modify networths wolf. Even if that is a little advanced for a noob server. By modify networth I mean send send the little guy food or sell all your troops and drop your land to kill the person. Don't people wait 3 days for turns now? I do you can do more damage that way and get stronger than if you run when you only have 200 turns. It won't really matter wolf. If the turn rate is 2 per 10 now they only have to wait. 1 1/2 days, they just get beat down quicker.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19

wolf bite

 Juska, Yes, people could modify their net, I teach a class in it. hehe. I only said that I thought this would make it harder to kill and had not thought about making it anti-kill. It could be.

At least with 8 max attacks, one person will not get all their land taken right after they got it. The bully would be gone by the time they unmaxed. Maybe a differant one would come around, maybe not. But at least one person could not wipe out a person that was not in a clan.

In turbo you must play 2 times a day. In Comanders you can not sleep. In reg you have to wait for turns. This is were a person could wait 2.5 days, have full saved, then play agian in 1 day with full turns. Not being there all the time will not let turns waste. And they could play once a day if they wished with 288 turns each day.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 To answer Retto's post, I don't think we need another server. I think we need to modify reg's turns, to make it more of a happy medium between old reg and turbo. i.e. 2-3 turns per 10 minutes.  


 I think that regular should give 2 turns per 10min or at atleast 2 per 15min, because with 450 max turns and 150 stored it's way too slow.

The only thing 8 max attacks would do is hinder noobs from learning the whole game and how to successfully destroy an opponent. Smart players use turns when they have 450 and use all 450 of them in one run. If someone just did that then why can't someone come along and take everything they've got. Look at turbo Nohc is sitting in first without a clan and no one can beat him down because of it. And that's with 21 max attacks.

I guess I'm really looking at the negatives of this server and what an experienced player could do to ruin the game for all the noobs.

One more things how are we going to get it started? Redwall might get 1 noob a week and even with advertising this new server I'm seriously doubting we could get more than 5 and even if those 5 play and we get like 1 a week it's still won't be very fun.

The thing we need to do before anything else is MAKE A COMPLETE WORKING GAME GUIDE

If I'm not allowed to use those caps I'm sorry, but we really need one.

Are we allowed to use bold? if not I'm sorry about that too.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19