Juska is Dead

Started by Juby (Tercios), August 12, 2004, 07:45:28 PM

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 First of all, Holby, before I left we were on friendly terms and such, and I agree I am not the best player, but there was no need to take a shot at my skill in RWL like that. Really uncalled for. I just wanted to make the game funner, I am not complaining, I am not saying your evil. We are evil, I meant it that way. We may not be as good as Rome, but I worked with what I had. We took the killing, and of course we don't like loosing, who does. Holby, I agree I am not good at RWL, or as good as you anyways. But there is no call to go making fun of me or my clan. We wanted a story line and plot, and we did that, didn't we? You must agree RWL was/is not in it's former glory, but this war helped a little to return it to what it was. Why do you not understand what I am trying to do. I respect you Holby, I have studied you and fought with you and against you, and I liked you as a person and a warlord. You always knew what to do or say. And you never seemed to take anything to heart, you always were kind to me unless we fought each other in game, but outside we were friendly and looking at it as a chess match or just a video game. But now you come out making fun of me, calling us cowards and wussy's. It's really uncalled for. I see no point in that. When we almost destroyed Nohc, I did not think "Oh he doesn't have any skill" or when we tore apart BA I didn't say "Oh they sucked and were NOOBS" No, I said "Sucks that it was a suprise attack, if they had known it would have been intresting and fun" I called off from killing Nohc because I found killing some one unexpectingly unfair to that person. I know why you killed me and Juska, I understand that. What I don't understand is why you have to say "HAHA YOU SUCK! MORZAN HAS NO TALENT TO BACK HIS MOUTH UP! YOU GUYS CAN'T TAKE WHAT YOU GAVE YOU NOOBS I WILL KILL YOU ALL" Sorry for caps, and maybe I am reading your impression wrong, and if so I appologize. But I always respected you and even after our wars you were always willing to teach me or help me. And then you come out like this, making me feel like dirt. Its a new low for you Holby, I thought you could be good and respectable.

Also, Juby just had an ideal picture of the all mighty Loren, the ones who held peace in the game and basicly lead it with talent and skills and teaching. He doesn't see that Loren here, he sees one who will go to war and kill, something that in his mind is against his ideals of Loren. You have no right to laugh at another human beings ideals, that is like tearing apart some one's world. Truthfully, I thought Juby wouldn't work out in Forsworn because he is too nice and good of a guy. His ideals are very good and moral. And you say Rome was the best, you say "we" I was part of Rome, yet then you imply I have no skill to back my anger and story line maddness up. Your conjradicting(spl?) yourself. BA and the rest of you have right's to attack us, there is no fair or unfair in war, that would be stupid. But I wish you and I could have made a story line, I enjoy thinking of stories and such. That is all I am saying, it would have been funner. You act like this is bussiness and a job and take it serious. I act as it is a GAME and fun! I am having fun, I found it awesome how RWL got up from our attacks so quickly and tore me and Juska apart. We aren't complaining, or at least not me. I will talk to those who are complaining, tell me who they are. We can take loosing, it added to the fun and history of RWL. And we will try, but we won't try changing what we are or saying we have no regrets. Holby, you are one of the best players I know. There is no call to get sloppy in personality and diplomacy and calling us losers and such, or implying it. You are not displaying the image of the all good Holby. I will tell you the same I told Neobaron or TJ or Windhounds when we were had conversations that didn't have flame or yell at each other or make demands, but when we just talked. Good luck in the war, have fun, and hope you do well. That is all RWL is about. You are not the same Holby I fought alongside who the same guy who tried helping me learn strategies in RWL. No doubt you will come up with a retail for all this, probably make me look stupid or say you have no regrets or something, and this whole thing I just typed won't reach to you in anyway, but I wish it would. You are good, we are evil. We may loose, we may win. But we will have fun and not care or look at it as a job.

Dead Eye
For every end, there is a new beginning.  This one shall have no endings, and no new beginnings shall come forth.

~Magnus Proditor~


 I do not treat/see you as Dead Eye, Morzan. You are changed, not I. For that I am glad, you're a more likeable fellow.

You should re-read my post. I am easily swayed and believe what others tell me, my opinions on myself and others changing from post to post. As such, you have put me further on the defensive, an uncomfortable position, as you attack my person and not my points or statements. Through something like pity and previous reflections of me you turn me into a monster. This is an attack, whatever you say.
if I had the time to quote every statement which blatantly proved everything I said, there would be no reply from you "sadly" considering the person I have supposedly turned into, but I didn't.
If it was my intention simply to insult you, I could do it much better. But while my last paragraph displays some spite from the rubbish I've received, it is not the objective.

QuoteBut now you come out making fun of me, calling us cowards and wussy's. It's really uncalled for. I see no point in that. When we almost destroyed Nohc, I did not think "Oh he doesn't have any skill" or when we tore apart BA I didn't say "Oh they sucked and were NOOBS" No, I said "Sucks that it was a suprise attack, if they had known it would have been intresting and fun" I called off from killing Nohc because I found killing some one unexpectingly unfair to that person.

I said nothing about your death openly. I discussed it within my clan forum. I have not gone out calling you cowards or wussies, my only responses in both deaths have been replying to the junk from your clan
If I beat someone it does not mean I think nothing of their skill, it doesn't always mean I am better. I am not arrogant, tho in the past you have claimed I am.
As for Nohc, varying responses on it are present around these topics. Juska said you guys would have killed him with more turns. What can I say?

QuoteI know why you killed me and Juska, I understand that. What I don't understand is why you have to say "HAHA YOU SUCK! MORZAN HAS NO TALENT TO BACK HIS MOUTH UP! YOU GUYS CAN'T TAKE WHAT YOU GAVE YOU NOOBS I WILL KILL YOU ALL" Sorry for caps, and maybe I am reading your impression wrong, and if so I appologize.
I said nothing about killing you or Juska. I responded to your clans open insults. And that they were, on me, on my clan. I don't take nicely to whingeing from your lot when it was their intention to do the same, as you have freely admitted.
I am not yet able to take being insulted without striking out in response. The better man is above it.

QuoteAlso, Juby just had an ideal picture of the all mighty Loren, the ones who held peace in the game and basicly lead it with talent and skills and teaching. He doesn't see that Loren here, he sees one who will go to war and kill, something that in his mind is against his ideals of Loren. You have no right to laugh at another human beings ideals, that is like tearing apart some one's world.
I'm not laughing at Juby's ideals, it takes a heck of a lot of twisting of words to even come up with that statement.
You are saying I am making fun of what Juby thinks Loren should be.
Ok, that makes more sense. Thing is, I wasn't.
Actually, it is more insulting to have your clan stolen in a sense from a former member when many former members are carrying the flag.
At any rate, Juby had meant it as something of a joke- "Bizarro Loren". Still makes me laugh :D

QuoteAnd you say Rome was the best, you say "we" I was part of Rome, yet then you imply I have no skill to back my anger and story line maddness up. Your conjradicting(spl?) yourself.
I know you were part of ROME. I was going to mention last night the words "extra baggage to carry" but I thought that was too cruel.
I see Rome as those who made it, not held it back.

QuoteBA and the rest of you have right's to attack us, there is no fair or unfair in war, that would be stupid. But I wish you and I could have made a story line, I enjoy thinking of stories and such.
There is always a right and a wrong, but they can depend on the side you're on. if it was otherwise, there would be no basis for conflict.
As I said earlier, you could still have your storyline if you could back it up with your playing, which is something that's required for every RP that's game related. Otherwise, no substance, nothing to boast of. Even if your RP was rejected for a period of time, you could still continue it with your successes. I would have contributed had I been asked, but how long would it have lasted?
"I have power, mwaha. Yes! Look at them all hide from fear of me!"
"Er, sir, you're dead and command nothing."
"Ah, yes. I will continue pretending be powerful anyway."
"Very good, sir."

QuoteWe aren't complaining, or at least not me. I will talk to those who are complaining, tell me who they are. We can take loosing, it added to the fun and history of RWL.
Read the topics. Almost every post is a complaint. Don't ask me to point out stuff specifically, just read it.
If you could take losing, no complaints would I hear.

I have quoted everything worth responding to. Everything else is to enhance your touching story about me- It puts you in a good light, makes me look evil and heartless, gathers support and responds to me while overlooking all of my points. Those points made in defense from the wingeing attacks and complaints from your clan.

Edit: one word. WB
I will not deleted this

General Austin

 #1. Morzan, if you are going to make up yourself as the bad guy, and do all this RPing, I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't blow up like this once your plans fall apart because you're losing. I can understand easily your frustration, but you need to remember to keep your evilness intact instead of saying "I set all this up! I was doing this to revive RWL, and you all are angry at me for saving it!". You invited the anger, etc, by being the evil person, and you should take the crud as it comes.

#2. Holby, I think you're being a bit arrogant towards Dead Eye, talking about "extra baggage", etc. Also your claim of "You are changed, not I." is really not true. Both of you have changed, only you've changed ALOT more this past year.

I also think that you really shouldn't have used the name of Loren for your clan and then do two kills on your opponent, who, while claiming to be evil, never killed a single enemy, although we did come close to killing Nohc before we decided not to. It has destroyed the assumption that Loren is always a "good" clan. Now Loren has become a regular old clan that's out to get their goal no matter what the cost. I don't know if you care, or ever cared about that, but I just wanted to point that out to you.

#3. This war is really exciting, especially since I'm on the evil side and losing! I've never been an evil minion before, seems to be fun... :P
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.


 Eh? Who're you? Speedy Gonzales?


Quote from: General Austin#3. This war is really exciting, especially since I'm on the evil side and losing! I've never been an evil minion before, seems to be fun... :P
I'm playing Reg but I barely have any idea what you lot are talking about.  :D  

*smiles because she has no idea what's going on*
The man
Of virtuous soul commands not, nor obeys:
Power, like a desolating pestilence,
Pollutes whate'er it touches, and obedience,
Bane of all genius, virtue, freedom, truth,
Makes slaves of men, and, of the human frame,
A mechanised automaton.

Percy Bysshe Shelley

user posted image


 You're a bad liar, Myrh...


Quote from: General Austin#2. Holby, I think you're being a bit arrogant towards Dead Eye, talking about "extra baggage", etc.
*Shrug* I will accept the comment on my arrogance about "extra baggage", although it is a statement of fact, but what do you mean by etc?

QuoteAlso your claim of "You are changed, not I." is really not true. Both of you have changed, only you've changed ALOT more this past year.
The point is, there is no change in my playing now than 6 months ago. I still held the same principles and fought the same.

QuoteI also think that you really shouldn't have used the name of Loren for your clan and then do two kills on your opponent, who, while claiming to be evil, never killed a single enemy, although we did come close to killing Nohc before we decided not to.

If you proclaim evil, are you not evil? Despite the fact you have not made a kill, you strike out against the game. Now, does that mean there should be a certain level of retaliation or a place to stop? Of course not, and I have never played that way.

QuoteIt has destroyed the assumption that Loren is always a "good" clan.
No it hasn't, I will not believe we are being evil in all of this. I believe we (or maybe you would just like to refer to me as Loren?) are doing the right thing in ridding a threat of evil to this game. I will not make things harder on myself by waiting to be killed or for a clan to overpower the game before I remove them.

QuoteNow Loren has become a regular old clan that's out to get their goal no matter what the cost.
Old, yes, regular, no. :D What do you think Loren's goal is? What do you think every other clan's goal is?
The latter answer will probably be to take the game.
The former answer is to remove a threat to the game.
You could call that an excuse to take the top, but it is not my goal. I made that clear to those who started Loren with me.

QuoteI don't know if you care, or ever cared about that, but I just wanted to point that out to you.
More pity coming my way.
I will not deleted this


Quote from: RazorClawYou're a bad liar, Myrh...
That's why I don't lie.  :D  
The man
Of virtuous soul commands not, nor obeys:
Power, like a desolating pestilence,
Pollutes whate'er it touches, and obedience,
Bane of all genius, virtue, freedom, truth,
Makes slaves of men, and, of the human frame,
A mechanised automaton.

Percy Bysshe Shelley

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