The Noon Sandwich Who Drank

Started by Tea_of_Persia, August 02, 2004, 09:06:48 PM

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 So we begin.
It was the Toothbrush of different colors.
It was the Toothbrush with glasses.
It was the Toothbrush that boiled.
And it was the Toothbrush that I was eating.
See that I capitalized the word 'Toothbrush'. Keep it that way or I'll step on your ISP.
(insert evil laughter)
(insert evil lungs)
Evil laughter: Heheheeeeheeheeehheeeehheeeheeheeeeeeeeheheeeeeeeeeeee-
*passes out*
Here's where the evil lungs fit in...
unfortionately they could not make the appointment.
Next time you see them would you please give them a hard boiled egg and tell them to pass it on. That will serve them right.
Where were we...Ah yes, the Toothbrush being kept with a capital T...
<_< Hmm... it can have a chicken too. *shoves it in his television*
Now you must spell it 't-CH-o-I-o-C-t-K-b-E-r-N-ush"'s a lamp shade, lamp shade, lamp shade, lamp shade, lamp shade, lamp shade, Tooth-chicken-brush, TOOTH-CHICKEN-BRUSH, it's a lamp shade, lamp shade, lamp shade, lamp shade-
Now... History lesson: the english vocabulary was created by: 35 coke cans, 12 sheep, and 24 philosophers. Let's have a big hand of applause for them and their washers.
Now what I came here to say is please, please, insert a quarter into the model of England so it can be happy. It's been pretty depressed lately.
What with the bathtubs an' all...
Give Peace a Chance

Ashyra Nightwing

 You remind me of someone. Someone from VI...

*steals the Toothbush*

The Lady Shael

 You are fitting in here at RWL much too well, Tea. You will go far here.  ::agrees:: Can I call you just Tea? As in Tea Garderner?  :P Or however you spell her name? I know nothing about except that...okay, I'll shut up now...

*steals the Toothbrush from Ashy* (I wonder what our next fad will be? Oddly enough, this is how the cheese fad started.)
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.

Ashyra Nightwing


 No no, dear, not like that. It's all in the hips, all in the hips. Ya gotta move to the dinosaur and then grab it's mountain range. All in the hips.
If Toothbrushes are your next fad I'm sure the dentist will be very happy.
However, I will not... because that is my toothbrush... my zebra's... but mine. He's my slave. He does my evil work for me... Like.. like... he licked my ankles yesterday. Mwahahaa- oh...
Yes, you may call me Tea. You can call me anything you want. And what VIer do I remind you of? *interested*
Give Peace a Chance

Ashyra Nightwing

 Hm. Someone. I can't remember the name- I'm really inactive over there... I'll remember one day. I hope.  


 Be active, Fweheheeeeeheeeeeeee!
Hehehe. If anyone wants to know who I am on VI they have to guess.
*dances in circles throwing random objects at the floor and cursing at it for stealing his lunch*
Give Peace a Chance


 The more time I spend on this site, the less I get it.


  :P *thinks* Are you Moro?  
The man
Of virtuous soul commands not, nor obeys:
Power, like a desolating pestilence,
Pollutes whate'er it touches, and obedience,
Bane of all genius, virtue, freedom, truth,
Makes slaves of men, and, of the human frame,
A mechanised automaton.

Percy Bysshe Shelley

user posted image

Ashyra Nightwing

 Yes! That's the name I was thinking of!



 *laughs* No, ah'm not but I don't mind being associated with him. Pretty great musician...
Anyway, Myrhy? Really don't know who I am?
Give Peace a Chance

Arguia Zsah

 wahey!!!!!! viva la random!

*picks up own Toothbrush*
I shall name thee Elinor and thee shall be my tea cosie
*puits on cup of tea*
*gives random pink elephants a right to vote for FUZZY GREEN CHEES for president*


did you know that there are precisely 6768459239362 eggs floating randomly in some pots of egg fried coffee!!!

(cue maniac laughter)


*laughs at Tea's Toothbrush*
*sets own Toothbrush on tea*
*laughs more*
*flings baked beans at Shael*
*stirs tea*
*adds chilli powder and hard boiled slime8
*feeds to Sonoras*
*laughs at screams*

----- Peru is 100% drunk...

...on rum!!!

that is the order of the letters on my keyboard. woo!!!!

*gives ashy her own Toothbrush*
*Toothbrush bites off ashy's head*


drugs are bad for you and tobacco can seriously damage your health


methinks that someone is slightly hyper


*tells elinor toothbrush to boil eggs*
*chucks eggs at Shael*
*drinks vodka to try and calm down*
*wonders why it didn't work*
oh well....

little random gremlins from san Franciso don't like cheese

*chucks Toothbrush at evil gremlins*
*gremlins decide to eat cheese*
*smiless evilly*
*decides to stop posting*




for everyone's sakes, stops vindictive koala bears from killing a random 450 maggots in Kuala Lumpur

all hail your saviour!!!!!!!!!!


*find nearest zebra and yells at it for drinking my orange juice which has gone*
*blows up nearest boiled egg and stops posting*


Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19

The Lady Shael

 *seethes at the name Moro*

Aus gave him my MSN, and every single time I logged on...he drove me out of my mind. Sorry, that's just how I feel...I don't even use MSN anymore, Raine disappeared again, meh. I only use MSN to talk to him.

Hm. *used to be a VIer, way, waaaay back long ago when it first started* Go RWL. ^_^
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.