
Started by Retto, August 01, 2004, 05:52:13 PM

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 The game got hacked. Everyone got a ton of free money, and the records were not very fair, so no legends database.

I'm going to be spending at least the next day or two using Commanders to test out the new Iron Gate security improvements, so I'll let it keep going. The "winners", as the be:

Redwall: Commanders
21 of the 59 Commanders in the game are considered active.
29 Commanders have been destroyed, and -10 Commanders have been abandoned.
6 accounts have been disabled by Administration.
There are 0 Commander protectorates, and 6 active Coalitions.

1. Wolf Bite (#8)
$12,709,599,171 with 43,406 Islands

2. N81JW9)( (#21)
$1,406,269,921 with 111,053 Islands

3. Alicia (#6)
$1,248,776,915 with 110,204 Islands

4. Strike''s Revenge (#51)
$860,627,115 with 47,610 Islands

5. Rat Masser (#42)
$454,372,962 with 7,603 Islands

6. Iced Tea (#53)
$441,894,383 with 204,179 Islands

7. Death''s Crown (#45)
$276,394,746 with 1,897 Islands

8. dark elve general (#31)
$266,201,910 with 4,019 Islands

9. Reborn Warrior (#26)
$264,915,117 with 10,601 Islands

10. TheDemonSlavers (#54)
$262,589,705 with 19,967 Islands

11. Nohc the Bugger (#19)
$260,790,898 with 708 Islands

12. Random (#47)
$260,375,019 with 9,212 Islands

13. Wolf Snare (#20)
$258,967,116 with 12,747 Islands

14. Blackbeards Revenge II (#34)
$258,512,444 with 3,127 Islands

15. Farmers are Losers!!!! (#17)
$256,362,342 with 25,465 Islands

16. Lady Bloodrose (#25)
$253,404,929 with 6,927 Islands

Most Rowboats
Dino-mite (#8)
2,473,997,561 Rowboats

Most Brigs
Dino-mite (#8)
1,656,824,881 Brigs

Most Corsairs
Dino-mite (#8)
1,586,120,048 Corsairs

Most Sloops
N81JW9)( (#21)
145,644,612 Sloops

Most Grub
Alicia (#6)
79,576,265,053 Grub

Most Gold
Alicia (#6)
1,216,009,137,210 Gold

Most Officers
Death''s Crown (#45)
6,741,146 Officers

Most Pull
Dino-mite (#8)
732,822,727 Pull

Most Territory
Iced Tea (#53)
204,179 Territory

Most Total Offenses
Alicia (#6)
916 Total Offenses

Most Total Defenses
Lady Bloodrose (#25)
752 Total Defenses

Most Kills
Alicia (#6)
3 Kills
The 'ittle otter,


 That was exciting. fourth place. well.. not that bad i guess. After all i only had 30 minutes to play because i never got validated till the end. Plus my first name got killed by snowflake. i planned on killing snowflake rather then getting a high rank but he was dead. then i ended up helping a guy then he told me he was snow flake after i just helped him double his net.


 Not bad, second place and most Sloops. Thankes shoe!


 That was an awesome quick and brutal game, When can we do it again?  :P
It was the most times i died in 1 round ever,  :blink:

And David didn't do it this time..  lol

Just 1 thing i don't understand, How can you change your warlord name at the end of the round? or anytime in that round?

" looking for Dino-mite #8, and now Wolf is #8? "


 Ya Just glad i got in the top 10. And ya when can we do it again? lol!!!
allo i am Demonslavers.  Feel welcome to P.M me anytime

Aim: Babylocke991


The # 1 Turbo Playa'

wolf bite

 Not bad for my first time playing a commander's game. I did sign in on one to watch, but this is the first I have played.

*thinks of selling his commander Strat*

Is this 21 or 22 times an emperor?


Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


Quote from: VipersByteThat was an awesome quick and brutal game, When can we do it again?  :P
It was the most times i died in 1 round ever,  :blink:

And David didn't do it this time..  lol

Just 1 thing i don't understand, How can you change your warlord name at the end of the round? or anytime in that round?

" looking for Dino-mite #8, and now Wolf is #8? "
Heh, not this time mate.


Quote from: wolf biteNot bad for my first time playing a commander's game. I did sign in on one to watch, but this is the first I have played.

*thinks of selling his commander Strat*

Is this 21 or 22 times an emperor?


Wolf Bite
I thought of it first, Wolfy, because I've played them all. :P Seems great minds think alike, eh?


Quotethen i ended up helping a guy then he told me he was snow flake after i just helped him double his net.
Mwahahaaaa! I'm evil.

Well you have to keep in mind that you helped me double it after the game was already over. You gave me a lot of useful information though.
Many many thanks.
This game is so much fun! I love it.
Ah joined up Friday and have been on it I think every awake hour. (every sleeping hour too I think) :P
I was Snowflake first yes... That was fun... got to freeze a couple of people... like Peace Alliance. Mwahahaaaa... err... was that evil laughter? Terribly sorry.

And then Death's Crown killed me. So... that's how I became tea.
You there take notes. There's going to be a test over this you know?
Yeah... And due to my horrible strategy I became the one with the most land who used it in the worst ways. But I did get to push a few people around.  :)
Give Peace a Chance


Quote from: Tea_of_PersiaMwahahaaaa! I'm evil.

Well you have to keep in mind that you helped me double it after the game was already over. You gave me a lot of useful information though.
Many many thanks.
This game is so much fun! I love it.
Ah joined up Friday and have been on it I think every awake hour. (every sleeping hour too I think) :P
I was Snowflake first yes... That was fun... got to freeze a couple of people... like Peace Alliance. Mwahahaaaa... err... was that evil laughter? Terribly sorry.

And then Death's Crown killed me. So... that's how I became tea.
You there take notes. There's going to be a test over this you know?
Yeah... And due to my horrible strategy I became the one with the most land who used it in the worst ways. But I did get to push a few people around.  :)
You forgot the best part!  When Myrh sent you a lot of money and I took most of it along with food, then sent back a massive army along with some cash and food!


 ...Huh? My memories not that great. When was that?
Give Peace a Chance

Badrang the Tyrant

 I thought Influencing Behaviors had the most kills, or do you only count the accounts that are alive?

I had to get myself killed then disabled...Just like Regular. <_<  


 Someone kill me. ^.^
The man
Of virtuous soul commands not, nor obeys:
Power, like a desolating pestilence,
Pollutes whate'er it touches, and obedience,
Bane of all genius, virtue, freedom, truth,
Makes slaves of men, and, of the human frame,
A mechanised automaton.

Percy Bysshe Shelley

user posted image


Quote from: Tea_of_Persia...Huh? My memories not that great. When was that?
Go log in.


 ....O.o Wow. Me have much big navy.
Thankee much! I don't know why you did it but thanks!
Give Peace a Chance