The Russian Mafia

Started by Dill, July 23, 2004, 01:14:57 PM

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 This Is Salvitore Leone(86) The Italian Family is run by my older brother. He is trying to run me out of bussines by Have Protection Money and a loan shark :angry: . That was always my way of cash and it will continue. My interest pays are higher then his but for a reason. I am a bigger clan and i can run alot bigger. Borrowing from him is like borrowing from a Friend. He has not much money and not a big army for protection. Borrowing from me or paying me for protection is like highering the u.s army for protection or borrowing money from the bank.

Who would you want to borrow from. Who's Army would you like to be on your side.

But hes right on one thing. If you miss a payment you will be delt with :ph34r: .

If you would like to join my clan, or you would like to higher a couple troops for protection or want a loan message me at (87)

This Is turbo im talking about.

Italian Mafia

 Haha,I have a much bigger army which means my protection is much safer.Borrowing money from me is not from a kid,I take this stuff serious.I have only an 20% interest rate.


Italian Mafia

 What do you mean your army is bigger, you have less money for sure. YOur army is smaller. Why did you steal my financing incomes anyway.


You have just got a warning!  Not only for spam, but for the content that I had to delete.  WB


 Double posting is against the rules. And if you two can fight this out in game, or in your own house. But flaming each other here will get what seems to be the whole Mafia gagged or banned. And I bet that comment on sucking on this and that is a penelty too old chaps. So let's keep it PG and no flaming. Thanks buds, hope the whole blooming family tree doesn't fall down, wot?
For every end, there is a new beginning.  This one shall have no endings, and no new beginnings shall come forth.

~Magnus Proditor~


 Why don't all of you borrow money from me? I've got the largest army in the whole of turbo, better yet become one of my protectorates and never get broken by attacks!!!! Death Eater is my protectorate and his def % is 90+! All it cost is some food and cash.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19


 You chaps should have listen, eh? Now look what the old jolly Wolfy has gone and done, eh chums? Watch the content or the old Wolf-a-thingy shall pull out his blooming banning stick, wot wot. Nasty thing it would be. Ah and look, old Juskabelly or bally or so has you both beat. Splendid old chaps.  
For every end, there is a new beginning.  This one shall have no endings, and no new beginnings shall come forth.

~Magnus Proditor~

Guthorm Swordmaster

 Hey Juska how much food are we talking?

Italian Mafia

 Hello,that double posting was not me!Someone must've hacked into my account,I tell the truth.

Just to tell you all me and my bro are good buds,we just like to joke alot.


 protectorates give like 20% of the food and cash they make each turn to their host.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19

Ashyra Nightwing


..The sheep mafia are out to get us! They're out to eat us ALL!


Arguia Zsah

 what about the cheese mafia? that would be pretty deadly...

Guthorm Swordmaster

 I guess prehaps we should make one a cheese mafia and suffocate everyone with evil smelling cheese.

Badrang the Tyrant

 Another bally hare amongst us!  How jumpinjuniperferusis jolly is that, wot wot?  Now for more moley chaps and chapesses.. ;)

I've got a splendidlyterrific idea.  How about you two chaps duke it out on the game, wot wot?  That way you don't hurt my jolly head by bickering.  

Now, where's the tuck?


 Where are mods/admins to stop the spam, double-posting, and general annoyingness?

Oh well...

Bad posters! Repent!
And the mafia thing has already been done around here several times, I beleive... it's kind of old, and never lasts as a good clan thing...