A Touch of Nostalgia

Started by Holby, July 22, 2004, 08:00:23 AM

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 If you are reading this letter this means you have been invited to join an elite group of players in an elite clan. This is a clan that will reign in the next expansion. It will consist of ten members. Each member for the top ten spots. We will have no more no less. We will have no allies. But we allow peace treaties with our great clan. The name is Roman Empire or Roman Emperor's. Tag is ROME or Rome. This is yet to be voted on. This clan is a democracy. Meaning everything in this clan is to be voted on. We will not support a emperor with a huge lead over the rest of the game. Meaning if a member in our clan has 100k land and the rest of us 25k. This is mainly because it is more likely for someone to attack and break that person therefor losing our grasp of the top ten. We shall keep close ranks with eachother to ensure equality and domination of the game. Our names will be carefully chosen within the realm of Roman Emperor's. For example. Mine is Titus. The leader of this clan is me for now. Meaning once the clan is set up and the forum is up we will then vote for the leader of the clan. Once we have control of the game we will elect an emperor by sending food to him to raise his networth enough to be rank number one. Each member must send his portion of food. As i said everything will be voted on. Diplomats and everything. It will not be a poll, but a open ballet on our forum. Wether you decide on joining or not please keep this a secret as it is crucial for me and others joining. To join you must reply to this message with a name of a roman emperor as your warlord name.

Chosen names....
Ereptor = Titus
Deadeye = Domitian
Windhounds = Nero
Hexans/John = ?
Beatles = Marcus Aurielius
Merc = ?
Peace = ?
Kilk = ?
Holbs = ?
Nick = ?

Note: the following have not yet been asked. holby, peace nick and kilk.

Ereptor The Great
~Leader of The Brotherhood of Vermin ( TBV )

If it is worth playing it is worth paying the price to win.

~Warrior of the Old Realm~
~Former Leader of ~Warriors of Old~ ( WOD )
~Former Leader of United Vermin ( UNION )
~Leader in offensive points in the First Age
~Emperor of the Dark Age  
I will not deleted this

wolf bite

 Hehe, his mistake was not inviting me.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 He picked people who didn't trust each other. That was a problem. But the democracy worked, and voting was a cool idea.  
For every end, there is a new beginning.  This one shall have no endings, and no new beginnings shall come forth.

~Magnus Proditor~

The Lady Shael


I still have the chat with Beatles when I warned him that he only had 16 acres of land left, and when he let me be a ROME spy. But...I can't seem to find it. *scratches head* I'll look for it later, and post it when I find it.  
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my command...as long as it complies with the rules.


 And they rules for a week or so before Holby decided to tratior. Hehe. And they were all watching Domitian to see if he would tratior, and Holby went right in and did the tratior part. Hehe. But it was a fun plot.  
For every end, there is a new beginning.  This one shall have no endings, and no new beginnings shall come forth.

~Magnus Proditor~

wolf bite

 I don?t think Holby was the trader, it was Ereptor. He had agreed that everything would be by vote, a full democracy.  But then he decided to post a bounty on a player by his own decision.  He did not know that the person he posted a bounty on was a silent partner of Rome.  This partner had made no attacks on Rome and was in fact a protectorate that was sending food and money to Rome.  The player made many peas to Ereptor to reconsider.  Holby asked Ereptor to put it to vote.  Ereptor refused.  When the protectorate was massively attacked, mostly by Dead Eye, it wiped out Holby?s army.  Ereptor should have never placed a bounty on me without checking with his second in command at least. It was I that was forced to retaliate, with the help of Holby, for the war crimes of Ereptor the Dictator.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


Juby (Tercios)

 Bah, I wish there was a great plot going on now, and I wish I had been more apart of that plot, I was a decidedly green member of Loren at the time.
Real Betis? ? -? ? Tottenham Hotspurs? ? -? ? Partizan Beograd? ? -? ? Hannover 96

The Lady Shael

 Surely, Nohc, you can say something more enlightening and awe-inspiring than "Interesting".

Found it. You can see the poll he posted at the ROME forums at the bottom. I used to know the URL to that board, but I doubt I could find it now, if it wasn't deleted.


The Lady Shael: *poke*
laddiebuck1234: Eh?
The Lady Shael: You there?
The Lady Shael: Er..
laddiebuck1234: Yeah
The Lady Shael: You might want to log in right about now...
The Lady Shael: Like, this second.
laddiebuck1234: To where?
laddiebuck1234: okokok
The Lady Shael: RWL, Reg...
laddiebuck1234: where?
laddiebuck1234: ok
laddiebuck1234: why?
The Lady Shael: Time is of the essence...
laddiebuck1234: logged in
laddiebuck1234: what what what
The Lady Shael: Um, well, just look around...
laddiebuck1234: GAH [edited]
laddiebuck1234: thanks
laddiebuck1234: thanks thatnks
laddiebuck1234: i love you
laddiebuck1234: wtc.
laddiebuck1234: SLWO COMP
The Lady Shael: *pats*
laddiebuck1234: the [edited]
laddiebuck1234: thanks
laddiebuck1234: Thanksthanksthanks.
laddiebuck1234: Gah the [edited].
The Lady Shael: No problem.
The Lady Shael: Maybe in return you could ask the Merc not to use me as a land source.
laddiebuck1234: OKies
laddiebuck1234: This is good for us.
laddiebuck1234: They wasted their turns hitting me for no land.
laddiebuck1234: And losing health.
laddiebuck1234: This is very good for us, because they didn't kill me.
laddiebuck1234: Wot's your name?
The Lady Shael: Daughters of Delor, #6
The Lady Shael: In case y'all Romans haven't noticed, I'm willing to help.
The Lady Shael: I know Ereptor doesn't think much of me...
laddiebuck1234: Meh
laddiebuck1234: whoo
laddiebuck1234: that was...exciting
The Lady Shael: but I already know too much for you guys to ignore me.
laddiebuck1234: Guppoint.
laddiebuck1234: Well
laddiebuck1234: Tell you what
laddiebuck1234: I'll put up a vote on the forums on you becoming a member of the forums, maybe later of the clan, k?
laddiebuck1234: And I'll paint in glowing whatchamacallits.
The Lady Shael: Heh.
The Lady Shael: I'm not so sure of being a member of the clan...
laddiebuck1234: Ok
The Lady Shael: Maybe if I knew about this when it all started I would've said yes...
laddiebuck1234: Ye
laddiebuck1234: s
The Lady Shael: but I've already got an account, and I don't feel like deleting it.
laddiebuck1234: All my troops disappeared.
laddiebuck1234: Unfortunately.
laddiebuck1234: Go me.
The Lady Shael: Heh. ^_^
laddiebuck1234: No Roman is on when I need them
The Lady Shael: You just had a near brush with death and you're worrying about a lack of troops...
laddiebuck1234: Hehehe
The Lady Shael: You don't know just how lucky you are....
laddiebuck1234: I'll have some more near brushes.
laddiebuck1234: Not lucky, I'm just surrounded with good friends.
The Lady Shael: The guy who was murdering you messaged me five minutes ago, asking for help.
laddiebuck1234: If I don't get my troops, this could happen again.
laddiebuck1234: Aagh
laddiebuck1234: Yes
laddiebuck1234: Mikalae
The Lady Shael: Oh, that's Mikalae?
The Lady Shael: *ponders thoughtfully*
laddiebuck1234: Bkackknight162
laddiebuck1234: right?
The Lady Shael: No, an in-game message:
The Lady Shael: From Battalion of Rebels (#30)
Hey! Can you attack #44?

The Lady Shael: From Battalion of Rebels (#30)
Darn, I got someone else to help, I just hope it's enough. We and my friend have used 550 turns on him.
laddiebuck1234: :D:D:D
The Lady Shael: From Battalion of Rebels (#30)
Hehe, he only started with a bit more than 5k land, and it takes turns. I'd like to know what they'll do after they find out what we did lol

laddiebuck1234: Gooooood.
The Lady Shael: From Battalion of Rebels (#30)
They just mass rats and attack badly
BTW, he just got on, he'll be furious *grins*
We'll prob get killed

laddiebuck1234: Hmm.. scout.
laddiebuck1234: Lol
laddiebuck1234: No, we don't mass rats.
laddiebuck1234: Merc masses rats.
The Lady Shael: Which explains why he broke through me...hmm...
laddiebuck1234: You guys do the same.
laddiebuck1234: I had 8k gguards.
laddiebuck1234: Some dude massed the 4m rats to break me.
The Lady Shael: lol
The Lady Shael: Here's my messages, in order:
The Lady Shael: To Battalion of Rebels (#30)
Whoa. You got him down good, didn't you? I would, but I can't. He's, ah, a semi-friend.

laddiebuck1234: lol
The Lady Shael: To Battalion of Rebels (#30)
You guys did a good job. It'd be interesting to see if you could take down the rest.

laddiebuck1234: LOL
laddiebuck1234: Whass a 'semi-friend'?
The Lady Shael: To Battalion of Rebels (#30)
Heh, yeah. Only some of them seem to be truthfully skilled.

The Lady Shael: To Battalion of Rebels (#30)
*nod* Uh oh, he's on? You guys better duck for cover there...

laddiebuck1234: Hah
laddiebuck1234: Only a few of us?
The Lady Shael: Hey, I was just playing along...
laddiebuck1234: What's a 'semi-friend'?
laddiebuck1234: <.<
The Lady Shael: Sort of like a friend...
The Lady Shael: You realize I couldn't say you're a good friend?
The Lady Shael: Because then they'd obviously know I have connections with ROME?
laddiebuck1234: Well
laddiebuck1234: Guppoint.\
laddiebuck1234: :D
laddiebuck1234: I don't like good points.
laddiebuck1234: Unless they're mine.
The Lady Shael: I'm surprised they haven't got it through their thick skulls that I know who you are.
The Lady Shael: Heh.
laddiebuck1234: Heh
laddiebuck1234: Ip-watcher.
The Lady Shael: Heh.
The Lady Shael: I watch things closer than people think I do...
laddiebuck1234: Hey
laddiebuck1234: How many of us can you identify?
The Lady Shael: All of you, except Julian.
laddiebuck1234: He's sneaky
laddiebuck1234: So who is Commodus?
The Lady Shael: The Merc.
laddiebuck1234: Wow
laddiebuck1234: You're good.
laddiebuck1234: OK
The Lady Shael: I just mentioned that earlier...
The Lady Shael: In this IM...
The Lady Shael: Here:
The Lady Shael: The Lady Shael: Maybe in return you could ask the Merc not to use me as a land source.
The Lady Shael: ^_^
The Lady Shael: Keep your eyes open.
laddiebuck1234: Would you be interested to know.
laddiebuck1234: That as we speak I am typing up the text on the forums for an appeal like that?
laddiebuck1234: And have been for the last 100 minutes?
The Lady Shael: An appeal for...?
laddiebuck1234: For ceasing attacks, giving you forum access, and aid packages.
The Lady Shael: Wow. Well, yes, that is interesting...
The Lady Shael: Don't make them feel obligated to give aid packages though...
laddiebuck1234 wants to directly connect.
laddiebuck1234 cancels request; no connection was made. (Note: For best results, you and your buddy should use the latest version of AIM.).
laddiebuck1234: Honorary Membership, Think on it.

[ Edit ] [ Delete ]
Should we...
Let Shael join the forums, and be an external member of the clan.
Let her know a bit more about us cease attacks.
Cease attacks on her and occasionally aid her.
Cease attacks on her.
Not tell her anything and keep hitting her. (I'm a pig.)

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Marcus Aurelius Posted on Nov 2 2003, 07:47 PM


Group: Admin
Posts: 73
Member No.: 3
Joined: 21-October 03

Well, as you may or may not know, there are several things about Shael which would merit forum access, and which could actually /benefit/ us. I realize most of you don't like or respect her, though. So let me outline some brief facts.
a. she knows almost exactly who all of us are, with no exception (by our forum IPs), even the merc.
b. she just saved my life on RWL reg, I was down to 16 acres and she distracted Mikalae who was hitting me and IMed me urgently. I scouted 89 turns, so it was OK. I'm inclined to be grateful.
c. She is, if not that skilled, trustworthy and intelligent. She keeps her eyes open, she knows a lot about members, all in all, she's a valuable asset on our side.
d. She /wants/ to join us or help us. If she'd been asked earlier, she would have joined the clan itself.

Shael is Daughters of Delor (#6) on RWL Regular. So, please consider this.


Marcus Aurelius
~The Beatles~


You'd be surprised how many chose the last one.
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my command...as long as it complies with the rules.


 Beatles is such a nice guy. ;)

Well, it /is/ interesting, Shael... Are you saying otherwise? :P  


 heheh. I don't think I trusted you, Shael ;) But I could be wrong :D
Bring Tania in, she always has something to say about ROME.
I will not deleted this


Rome was kewleth..  

aarg..  I cant remember..  Wolf, what horde were you?

quite interresting..
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't

wolf bite

 Hummm, I think I was Right Arm.  There was a bug in the new game and my net would jump everytime someone attacked me and Holby's armies came to protect me.  So even though I had made no attacks, Ereptor thought I was hording great resources.

I was sending aid to Holby and he was sending it out to the rest of Rome.

Erepter refused to repond to Right Arm's letters, so after a week of being attacked, I took down Rome. Holby was also upset that Erepter would not take off the bounty and jumpped in too.  That was the fall of Rome.

It was not, I say again, was not, a plan of Holby to back stab the clan. He did the right thing at the right time.

Wolf Bite

Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 Wow. That was unknown to me, I knew not of Wolf Bite and his attacking being unfair. And I was...ah lets say deep into the mud of it all. This is quite new to me. If this was known to me, I would have never said and thought some things. My opions have changed quite a bit now.  
For every end, there is a new beginning.  This one shall have no endings, and no new beginnings shall come forth.

~Magnus Proditor~


 Ah, but a clan that does not trust each other is less likely to rebel against the leader, methinks.