When do you want Commanders Exhibitions to be held

Started by VinnieOlle, June 06, 2004, 05:56:02 PM

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 Once every other month, or once a month.
Any more than that, and it wouldn't be special anymore. Also, isn't it a lot of work for Retto? Otter-boy needs some down-time.
Also, the more time in between, the more fun the last round's winner can have enjoying his/her victory.


 Some of you I cant understand. There are reasons i could understand not to want it more often but none of you guys are saying them. If you dont want to play it that often just dont enter and wait until you want to play.

Here are some goodreasons it could be a bad idea:

         1. Harder for Retto
         2. Stops some people from playing turbo or regular

I think every other week would be great because thats in the middle of what everyone wants.

Calria you can ignore this post because you actually have some pretty good reasons

Wolf Snare

Quote from: calriaAlso, the more time in between, the more fun the last round's winner can have enjoying his/her victory.
Oh yeah, That's me! :lol:

*finds it funny he actually won something*
1. Fire Bringer (#22)
1. Jaturungkabart (#12)
1. Estranged (#50)
1. Fierce Deity (#17) 
1. bored... (#98)
1. Versace (#24)
1. Noah Calhoun (#10)
1. Day Old Hate (#7)
1. The Grand Optimist (#12)
1. Beast Mode (#7)

Ashyra Nightwing

 Next time I'll win...

I need to improve my food strat.


Quote from: Ashyra NightwingNext time I'll win...

I need to improve my food strat.
No, I'm going to... :P  


 No, I'm going to. Because I Said So, and also because I wont do a kamikaze run
Heark! For the City of God comes before us!
And so he asked, "How is a man to judge in such times as these?" and he was answered, "As he always has judged, for good and evil have not changed and the differences are as great as they have ever been."

Former Emperor

Former Member of Rome


Quote from: VinnieOlleCalria you can ignore this post because you actually have some pretty good reasons
I refuse to ignore it! In fact, I dance around it, because it said I had good reasons! I didn't think of the "stops people from playing the other servers" one, though... that is true, though: A lot of people stopped playing Regular when Turbo was invented...


 every other weekend, so you'll still play the others but take breaks for commanders
Heark! For the City of God comes before us!
And so he asked, "How is a man to judge in such times as these?" and he was answered, "As he always has judged, for good and evil have not changed and the differences are as great as they have ever been."

Former Emperor

Former Member of Rome

Ashyra Nightwing

Quote from: Nohcnonk
Quote from: Ashyra NightwingNext time I'll win...

I need to improve my food strat.
No, I'm going to... :P
Well, I'll come second! Nyah!

I was fourth last time... HPRs forever!

Badrang the Tyrant

 All the time, but slow the turns to 50/10.  But if it was just the weekend, keep the same turns.


 Right now, the plans are to hold it every month. This is for a few reasons:

1. Changing setup one of the points of the Exhibitions is to show off what the code can do, and some of the more unique setups you can put together for playing it. We had one with bread and a fifth troop, and now one with multiple special abilities and lots of berths. If we had it more often, we wouldn't be able to change the setup as drastically or as often.

2. Policing All Commanders Exhibitions thus far have had to have someone sitting over them almost all the time, ready to deal with problems and shut down cheaters. Because of the pace of the game, delays are much more deadly than before. As we often use Commanders to try out new additions to the game before putting them to the other servers, it has more bugs, and those need to be fixed ASAP. I can't spend every weekend available at my computer, and even doing one weekend a month might be pushing it for college. This is especially true if people are trying to decieve the admins and break the rules - I admit, if I didn't have a small hope that most of you will help me identify cheaters, I probably wouldn't run Commanders at all.

3. Rarity By keeping Commanders more rare, it gives an opportunity each month for us to try and get some more people interested in the game. It also keeps some things more exciting, and having it being a more regular and mundane fact devalues it.
The 'ittle otter,


Quote1. Changing setup one of the points of the Exhibitions is to show off what the code can do, and some of the more unique setups you can put together for playing it. We had one with bread and a fifth troop, and now one with multiple special abilities and lots of berths. If we had it more often, we wouldn't be able to change the setup as drastically or as often.

Actually to tell you the truth... we wouldn't be able to change the setup as drastically or as often.... thats the reason i quit for a while i didnt like the new setup.

Anyway, i think you should have it once a month but make it 1 week long( or 2..or 3) but reduce the turns to about 100 turns every 10 minutes


 as i stated before, it should onyl be on the weekends because of school ( well not now since school's out(for me at least :D ))  
With a keen eye for detail, one truth will prevail.
                                      ~Detective Jimmy Kuto


I'm so tired of being lost in a world,
Where no one can find me.
I want to break free of the cage,
That has been enclosing me for too long.
I know that I am alone and no one will save me,
So I am to escape for myself.
I wander down a path,
That will go on for eternity.
I shall never reach the end,
I am trapped no matter where I go.
Though I finally manage to reach the end,
I must fight the monster inside of me to pass.
It is filled with so much anger, hate, and despair,
The only antidote is love, courage, and hope.
The three things I do not have,
And never will.
It is there that I give up,
I have nothing left but myself.
So I lay down forever,
Never going to get up again...as I fade away from all existence.


 i get out in 2 days but my last day s half day and were playing kickball (id rather play this <_< ) and on the next day we are watching movies in almost every class its like elementry all over again