Okay, okay!

Started by Angst Vulpine, June 06, 2004, 10:46:31 AM

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Angst Vulpine


*looks at Angst Vulpine*

Angst  Vulpine: "All in all it's just another brick in the wall...
All in all you're just another brick in the wall."

I hope you're not talking about me...

Angst Vulpine: "Hey! Wait! I gotta new complaint! Forever indebt to your priceless advice..Your advice! Your advice...!"

More like it...

Angst Vulpine: "Broken hearted of your highness, I'm left---black..."

Cut that out.

Angst Vulpine: "Seen it before, but not like this, never before have I seen it this bad! She's just a woman! NEVER AGAIN!"

Get your scythe! We have a battle to fight!

Angst Vulpine: Okay. Who'm I fighting?

...A seven foot robocat?

Angst  Vulpine: "And I froze inside myself and turned away...I must be dreaming...We all live, we all die, that  does not BEGIN to justify, Oh! I must be dreaming!

...No more Evanescence for you.

Angst Vulpine: "I could be cruel, I could be ruthless! Ya know, I could be  JUST LIKE YOU."


Okay, Blip, ya've meet yer match!

Angst Vulpine: *shows off scythe* "Pull me back together, or seperate the skin from bones, leave me all the peices, then you can leave me alone..."

[songs, in order, Pink Floyd, Just Another Brick In The Wall (part 2), Heart Shaped Box, Nirvana [Evanescence did a great cover], same thing,  Nickleback (gag), Never Again,  I Must Be Dreaming, Evanescence, Three Days Grace, Just Like You, and SlipKnot (gag), Duality.]
Angst Vulpine  
-Unofficial forum artist, and resident furry..Now an Unchallanged Retto Fangirl, and owner of teh one and only  Retto Plushie, OtterSocks, Big Plushie Donut, X-mas Wolf Bite Plushie, A Pink Lightsaber (With a flower coming out the end), and a TGF Plushie!

I have the X-mas Wolf Bite plushie. It's mine, no one else has a Wolf Bite plushie, except Teufel, she's got the original one.  Mine's wearing a Santa Hat. <3



Can I have the Limited Edition Wolf Bite beanie baby?

Angst Vulpine

 Okay! (sorry, Ashyra.)  Have the Ad Plushie, too...I don't need it. 0_o *huggles her Wolf Bite Plushie*
Angst Vulpine  
-Unofficial forum artist, and resident furry..Now an Unchallanged Retto Fangirl, and owner of teh one and only  Retto Plushie, OtterSocks, Big Plushie Donut, X-mas Wolf Bite Plushie, A Pink Lightsaber (With a flower coming out the end), and a TGF Plushie!

I have the X-mas Wolf Bite plushie. It's mine, no one else has a Wolf Bite plushie, except Teufel, she's got the original one.  Mine's wearing a Santa Hat. <3



Hmmm I don't need the Ad plushie... I've got the real thing...
*adds suction cups and sticks the Ad plushie to the back window of her New Yorker*
W00t! It's like those Garfields, only not. ^^

Angst Vulpine

 I have one of those. I've got a pink pig, too. 0_0
Angst Vulpine  
-Unofficial forum artist, and resident furry..Now an Unchallanged Retto Fangirl, and owner of teh one and only  Retto Plushie, OtterSocks, Big Plushie Donut, X-mas Wolf Bite Plushie, A Pink Lightsaber (With a flower coming out the end), and a TGF Plushie!

I have the X-mas Wolf Bite plushie. It's mine, no one else has a Wolf Bite plushie, except Teufel, she's got the original one.  Mine's wearing a Santa Hat. <3


 *Finds a 4 year old nohc beaniebaby under his bed*
*gives it to nohc*
I'm so tired of being lost in a world,
Where no one can find me.
I want to break free of the cage,
That has been enclosing me for too long.
I know that I am alone and no one will save me,
So I am to escape for myself.
I wander down a path,
That will go on for eternity.
I shall never reach the end,
I am trapped no matter where I go.
Though I finally manage to reach the end,
I must fight the monster inside of me to pass.
It is filled with so much anger, hate, and despair,
The only antidote is love, courage, and hope.
The three things I do not have,
And never will.
It is there that I give up,
I have nothing left but myself.
So I lay down forever,
Never going to get up again...as I fade away from all existence.

Ashyra Nightwing

 *Blip walks over*

*Blip stares*

*Blip grins*

*pats Blip*

Gimme plushie.

Angst Vulpine

 Angst Vulpine glares...

Angst Vulpine  
-Unofficial forum artist, and resident furry..Now an Unchallanged Retto Fangirl, and owner of teh one and only  Retto Plushie, OtterSocks, Big Plushie Donut, X-mas Wolf Bite Plushie, A Pink Lightsaber (With a flower coming out the end), and a TGF Plushie!

I have the X-mas Wolf Bite plushie. It's mine, no one else has a Wolf Bite plushie, except Teufel, she's got the original one.  Mine's wearing a Santa Hat. <3

Ashyra Nightwing

 *Blip unsheathes his claws really slowly*


Angst Vulpine

 Angst Vulpine growls, gray head beaded with concintartion sweat.

"Blip, I will defeat you."

She swings her scythe.
Angst Vulpine  
-Unofficial forum artist, and resident furry..Now an Unchallanged Retto Fangirl, and owner of teh one and only  Retto Plushie, OtterSocks, Big Plushie Donut, X-mas Wolf Bite Plushie, A Pink Lightsaber (With a flower coming out the end), and a TGF Plushie!

I have the X-mas Wolf Bite plushie. It's mine, no one else has a Wolf Bite plushie, except Teufel, she's got the original one.  Mine's wearing a Santa Hat. <3

Ashyra Nightwing

 Blip's green glass eyes flicker. He grins. He doesn't look speedy, and that had been many opponent's downfall.
Suddenly he leaps forward, swinging his left hand's claws towards Angst Vulpine.

(oh, yiss.. here's a tip - aim for Blip's wires. 'T'would be a good idea. ^.^)

Angst Vulpine

 (NO! He'll electrecute me.)

Angst Vulpine barely sees the attack in time, and awkwardly blocks with the flat of her scythe.  Growling, she fishes for her dagger in the folds of her cloak, and prepares herself.
Angst Vulpine  
-Unofficial forum artist, and resident furry..Now an Unchallanged Retto Fangirl, and owner of teh one and only  Retto Plushie, OtterSocks, Big Plushie Donut, X-mas Wolf Bite Plushie, A Pink Lightsaber (With a flower coming out the end), and a TGF Plushie!

I have the X-mas Wolf Bite plushie. It's mine, no one else has a Wolf Bite plushie, except Teufel, she's got the original one.  Mine's wearing a Santa Hat. <3

Ashyra Nightwing


(I'll make sure Blip doesn't summon the Green Yoshi this time... x.x)

Blip steps back and folds his arms, watching Angst Vulpine's every move. Blue sparks flash in his eyes.

"I summon the Green Yos-"

*thwacks Blip*  NO YOSHI! OKAY?


 Cal grows to amazing proportions, picks Blip and Angst Vulpine up with leather gloves, and sets them in opposite cages with crackers to eat, and plays with their plushies.

Angst Vulpine

 CalRIA! Ashyra doesn't have any plushies. Bah.

And this was just getting good. As good as spam gets. BTW, Angst Vulpine doesn't eat crackers...Neither does the Blipstah. Angst Vulpine.. Just doesn't. Blipsi can't.

Angst Vulpine darts forward, holding the shaft of the scythe in a deathgrip. Leaping forward her sweaty hands slip a few inches back inches. As she swings it, the  weapon flies from her hands, and lands with a clang on the floor. Now she has only chain (manacles hanging from her left hand) and a dagger.

"I summon the spirt of Kurt Cobain!"

"You can't do that."



Angst Vulpine contently sits down with a cracker and a plushie and goes back to cutting her wrists.
Angst Vulpine  
-Unofficial forum artist, and resident furry..Now an Unchallanged Retto Fangirl, and owner of teh one and only  Retto Plushie, OtterSocks, Big Plushie Donut, X-mas Wolf Bite Plushie, A Pink Lightsaber (With a flower coming out the end), and a TGF Plushie!

I have the X-mas Wolf Bite plushie. It's mine, no one else has a Wolf Bite plushie, except Teufel, she's got the original one.  Mine's wearing a Santa Hat. <3