this could be interesting

Started by alacazar, June 06, 2004, 12:15:09 AM

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 This round has teh seeds of a good old war.     first you have the vengence clan,  you can use that for geting a great old war going.    All you ahve to do is attack somone 25 times, immediatly join vengence, and when they counterattack call vengence in for unlimited attackes on the empier you started a fight with,  who then calls his clan in for support,   allies get called   WWIII starts.   and yes I have had a breaf descussion with peace on this,  2 messages acctulay.    And yes untill he changes clan rules thats exactly what will happen.    

Then there is me,    just as fair warning  recently ive had the diplomatic leaning of a mule.   AKA   i give 1 warning if you over attack me then counterattack my counterattack.      After that im not going to touch your land much unless i need it,    im going to make sure your econ is dead.  very easy to do without the mecenaries to help balance you country out.....

From the one who must be having a night of dark moods

Alacazar of the tribe,   the wolf brother      

wolf bite

 Then there is me, more thinking about who will not win then winning himself.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 You guys still make threats? Need to cry over every attack?

wolf bite



He talked about peace's clan then stated the facts about how he is playing.

Then I posted how I am playing this round.

Nope, nothing even close to a threat there.

Wolf Bite

Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles



 what are you talking about? :huh:  
I'm so tired of being lost in a world,
Where no one can find me.
I want to break free of the cage,
That has been enclosing me for too long.
I know that I am alone and no one will save me,
So I am to escape for myself.
I wander down a path,
That will go on for eternity.
I shall never reach the end,
I am trapped no matter where I go.
Though I finally manage to reach the end,
I must fight the monster inside of me to pass.
It is filled with so much anger, hate, and despair,
The only antidote is love, courage, and hope.
The three things I do not have,
And never will.
It is there that I give up,
I have nothing left but myself.
So I lay down forever,
Never going to get up I fade away from all existence.


Quote from: IFmanwhat are you talking about? :huh:
I was losted as well... *sigh*


Quote from: NohcnonkI was losted as well... *sigh*
Well nohc, I shall start a club and you shall join it because we are both lost. So as I said, join the club.


 *is now even more losted because Jagar isn't in his clan and hasn't been affected by it*
I'm so tired of being lost in a world,
Where no one can find me.
I want to break free of the cage,
That has been enclosing me for too long.
I know that I am alone and no one will save me,
So I am to escape for myself.
I wander down a path,
That will go on for eternity.
I shall never reach the end,
I am trapped no matter where I go.
Though I finally manage to reach the end,
I must fight the monster inside of me to pass.
It is filled with so much anger, hate, and despair,
The only antidote is love, courage, and hope.
The three things I do not have,
And never will.
It is there that I give up,
I have nothing left but myself.
So I lay down forever,
Never going to get up I fade away from all existence.


 "Losted" isn't a word, guys...


Apparently people are getting angry at me for having too long of a sig. when all you have to do is press three buttons to not veiw someone else's sig. if you do not want to see it so I no longer have one *grumble* lazy people *grumble*.  Whew! Run on sentence.

Oh big fish I took out the pictures.  Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...

Lol big fish is the word for cr.p
user posted image


 Bravo, Wildwood. You get a brownie point.


 *has 354 brownie points*
my teachers this year really liked me
I'm so tired of being lost in a world,
Where no one can find me.
I want to break free of the cage,
That has been enclosing me for too long.
I know that I am alone and no one will save me,
So I am to escape for myself.
I wander down a path,
That will go on for eternity.
I shall never reach the end,
I am trapped no matter where I go.
Though I finally manage to reach the end,
I must fight the monster inside of me to pass.
It is filled with so much anger, hate, and despair,
The only antidote is love, courage, and hope.
The three things I do not have,
And never will.
It is there that I give up,
I have nothing left but myself.
So I lay down forever,
Never going to get up I fade away from all existence.


 Yay!  A brownie point.  I feel so special.
Apparently people are getting angry at me for having too long of a sig. when all you have to do is press three buttons to not veiw someone else's sig. if you do not want to see it so I no longer have one *grumble* lazy people *grumble*.  Whew! Run on sentence.

Oh big fish I took out the pictures.  Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...

Lol big fish is the word for cr.p
user posted image


Quote from: calria"Losted" isn't a word, guys...
We know that. :P

Do I get a brownie point?  Pweeease?