What do you think of Elton John?

Started by Menatus, May 28, 2004, 02:50:46 PM

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 Wow... that was amazingly abrupt...

In other news, I downloaded an Elton John song today. *spiffs around with it*


 I've never listened to Elton John. I don't even know what songs he sings. *shrugs* He's rather an odd fellow from what I've seen of him.
"Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace, The soul that knows it not, knows no release from little things." - A. Earhart


 Odd indeed... but a good artist nonetheless... they always are a bit on the odd side when they are talented...

You would probably notice some of his songs if they were played for you... he has been making hits since the 70's.


If you enjoyed the soundtrack for "The Lion King" then you probably like Elton John...

He wrote most of the music for the film...

I made a change from the word 'like' to 'enjoyed' because I made the realization that I find the word 'like', when used in the context I was going to use it in, is very annoying and I could not help but reread it 965785 times and say "By God... I find that annoying. I think I will change it!"

[edit of the edit]
I capitalized all of my 'I's because not doing so is just as annoying as using 'like' in the context of enjoyment...

Furthermore, I got rid of all my contractions because I am already here... so what the [explicative]!     ([explicatice] explicative catcher! I cant get any emphasis on my [explicative] points!)
Neobaron, first among the lords of the south and captain of the flying skiff

Quote from: Death on February 08, 2010, 09:40:29 PM
oh lawd the drama done begun yo

Quote from: HolbyI am writing a post explaining how lame you are.


 I think the word you want is "expletive," and if you want emphasis on your points try using italics or bold to emphasize certain words.  ;)

The sound track for Lion King was rather... corny in my opinion.  
"Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace, The soul that knows it not, knows no release from little things." - A. Earhart


 (Scrambles to dictionary)

Well ill be [expletive]ed.......

I dont know where i got that other word from... (blush)


(Remains silent)
Neobaron, first among the lords of the south and captain of the flying skiff

Quote from: Death on February 08, 2010, 09:40:29 PM
oh lawd the drama done begun yo

Quote from: HolbyI am writing a post explaining how lame you are.


 I didn't really like the Lion King songs, either. But I have one big rule when it comes to Elton John: If Bernie Taupin didn't write it, I generally don't like it. (Bernie is his song writing partner of over 30 years). And he didn't write the Lion King stuff.

Anyway, I have a few records of Elton that I probably posted elsewhere but whatever.
Elton John...
-has played the most concerts...out of anyone...ever
-had a top 40 hit every single year from 1970 to 1999, and some after 2000.
-has the number one selling single OF ALL TIME (Candle in the Wind '97, for Princess Di)
-has the most top 40 singles of any artist, more than twice as many as the Beatles
Actually that last one is for America, but not for the UK for some reason. But other places as well.
He has about 10 #1s, as well.

Anyway, I don't think there's anyone in the world who hasn't at least heard of him.

What song did you download, Cal?


 Now that I think about it, after reading more recent posts on this topic, I don't like his music just because it sux. I would like to say that i don't like it because he's gay but I don't like him as a person because he's gay. His music is almost decent, IMO, but like Angst Vulpine said "it's not my style" and it isn't my style. I like Hard Rock and Heavy Metal not flowery music.


Quote from: NeobaronOdd indeed... but a good artist nonetheless... they always are a bit on the odd side when they are talented...

You would probably notice some of his songs if they were played for you... he has been making hits since the 70's.


If you enjoyed the soundtrack for "The Lion King" then you probably like Elton John...

He wrote most of the music for the film...

I made a change from the word 'like' to 'enjoyed' because I made the realization that I find the word 'like', when used in the context I was going to use it in, is very annoying and I could not help but reread it 965785 times and say "By God... I find that annoying. I think I will change it!"

[edit of the edit]
I capitalized all of my 'I's because not doing so is just as annoying as using 'like' in the context of enjoyment...

Furthermore, I got rid of all my contractions because I am already here... so what the [explicative]!     ([explicatice] explicative catcher! I cant get any emphasis on my [explicative] points!)
I approve of you heartily! *Grammatica stamp of approval*

Tania: I downloaded Bennie and the Jets, and I've also downloaded Goodbye Yellowbrick Road since then.

edit: Elton John also wrote the original version of "Your Song," which was in Moulin Rouge. *listens to it*
I swoon over that movie...


 Elton John didn't write flowery music, he did write some ballads but he also wrote a great bunch of classic rock songs, which was his main genre. And the song "I think I'm Gonna Kill Myself" which is just so catchy.

Anyway, Cal, Bennie and the Jets is one of my least favorite ones, and GYBR is a good slow one. I should recommend my absolute favorite, Funeral for a Friend/Love Lies Bleeding. Love it. In fact, go out and by the CD "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road". It's my only Elton CD (I have mostly records). It has great ones like, besides FFaF/LLB, GYBR, and Bennie, it has Saturday Night's alright for fighting, Candle in the Wind, and a bunch of lesser known ones I like such as Harmony, this song has no title, Gray Seal, and whatnot.

Honky Chateau is my favorite album though.

Odd story. I just came to realize how important Moulin Rouge is to me. I mean, I've watched it many times, and I have the soundtrack and know all the songs by heart, but that movie is what got me into Elton John AND Queen, basically my two favorite bands. I was already in to Kansas and The Living End, so it doesn't matter it didn't get me in to those.

YOU MUST download "The Show Must Go On". The original is way better. WAY. better. No vibrato! Well, a little, but not nearly as much. MR! totally butchered it.

It's (a little bit) funny...I HATED Elton's version of Your Song (I was interested so I downloaded it, I didn't like him...I thought his spacing was terrible and it wasn't good). Then my mom sang it at karaoke bar once and I listened to it again and I'm like..."it's not that bad..." now I like it more than the MR! version ^_^;;