The dawn

Started by Nith Batoxx, May 24, 2004, 10:14:52 PM

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Nith Batoxx

 The sun was staining the Eastern sky pink as the first group of Sabbats hand-picked ferret scouts crested the hill overlooking... a city place ((I don't know any cities so it would be nifty if someone could tell me one, please?)).  The one in the lead, a black-armoured black-and-brown striped ferret wielding a wicked-looking dagger, turned to the others.  He was Sabbat.
"They are unprepared.  We can be in and out before these weaklings know what hit them." He hissed.  The others nodded silently, weapons bouncing in their sheaths.
"When they have worn all of their Earths away, only then shall they truly turn to the skies..."
Sentient. PSX

"The stupider you appear to be, the more surprised people will be when you kill them."

"The gate to tomorrow is not the light of heaven, but in the bowels of the earth..."
Vincent Valentine

user posted image

The ORIGINAL Avatar games.  Ultima!

~Nith Batoxx, of the Kundalan Subjigation Force
Temple of Mnemonics, Axis Tyr


 ((Any relation to the duy from 2000AD?))

Nith Batoxx

 ((Not sure what you mean... probably not.))
"When they have worn all of their Earths away, only then shall they truly turn to the skies..."
Sentient. PSX

"The stupider you appear to be, the more surprised people will be when you kill them."

"The gate to tomorrow is not the light of heaven, but in the bowels of the earth..."
Vincent Valentine

user posted image

The ORIGINAL Avatar games.  Ultima!

~Nith Batoxx, of the Kundalan Subjigation Force
Temple of Mnemonics, Axis Tyr


 Unknowingly, Deathclaw had the same thoughts of the below city. He wanted to plunder for weaponry, food, farmers, and farming tools. Quietly he ordered archers to eliminate four late night prowlers. Silently the four fell, and Deathclaw's plundering party of five hundred moved into the town, swiftly and silently capturing those of use and killing those without use. Then he saw the ferrets above the hilltop. With a quick hand motion archers selected targets and 400 soldiers flanked the ferrets. Two runners ran off in opposite directions to bring back a total of 2,500 soldiers in reserve in case things went awry. They were to split up and circle the ferrets, and attack on Deathclaw's signal. Holing up in buildings and huts, the archers opened fire with reinforcements expected within two minutes to flank and circle the ferrets. A little chaos would be created with the unseen attackers. Troops on the flanks of the ferrets took out slings and circled in behind the ferrets to cut off retreat, slinging stones into the ferrets. Another runner went to find a recruiting party about a mile away of 5,000 soldiers, with one more ordering 10 patrols of 10,000 to be on standby for quick reactions in case the battle turned heavier than expected. A team of 5 otters went to estimate the enemies numbers in case more troops were needed on standby.

OOC: RWL won't let me log in, and I've been busy and away from the forums, but I'll get on when I can to post in here.
Glory, Glory, Man United!

Nith Batoxx

 ((Whoa? o_O Numbers?))
A heavy stone cracked into Sabbats helmet, almost knocking him over.
?We are attacked!? One of his guard cried, unsheathing a wicked-looking sword.  Sabbat threw himself low on the ground, signalling to the warriors to do likewise as a hail of rocks sailed overhead.  Rolling to a thin ferret in leather armour, Sabbat kicked him savagely in the ribs.
?Get moving!  Tell Kiros that we are attacked and to bring the entire force forward, leaving reserves a half-mile behind!  Archers and slingers to the flanks, with a full battalion each to guard!? He hissed. ?We will show this new foe that we are not to be trifled with!?  The ferret swallowed, nodded, and scuttled for the trees, dodging stones as he went.  Sabbat risked a quick look up to check the surrounding terrain for cover.  Spotting plumes of smoke rising from the city, he swore savagely and ducked down again.
?Those sons of toads have beaten us to the prize!? He told his warriors, scowling in fury. ?All we have left now is revenge.  Jarva!?
?Sir?? A burly ferret with a greataxe saluted awkwardly, due to the fact he was belly down in the mud.
?Take two men and run a perimeter check.  I want to know how many enemies surround us.  Kill all that you can without risking the rest of us.  Understand??
?Yes sir!?
Three ferrets bounded away into the dawn.

((RWL won't let me in either since SOMEONE ELSE is using my e-mail to log in.  I sent Admin. and e-mail but they haven't replied.  Grr!))
"When they have worn all of their Earths away, only then shall they truly turn to the skies..."
Sentient. PSX

"The stupider you appear to be, the more surprised people will be when you kill them."

"The gate to tomorrow is not the light of heaven, but in the bowels of the earth..."
Vincent Valentine

user posted image

The ORIGINAL Avatar games.  Ultima!

~Nith Batoxx, of the Kundalan Subjigation Force
Temple of Mnemonics, Axis Tyr


 "Deathclaw, the ferret is sending his full force. I suggest you do the same."

Deathclaw sent a runner to bring his army in full force. He fortified his position and set out guards around his location as well as others as decoys. He ordered all archers to pin down the ferrets, and he sent ten thousand of his soldiers that arrived ahead of the others to look out for reinforcements to the ferrets.
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 RazorClaw smirked. A position that could possibly bring about great profit. The weasel cut a dashing figure on the walltop, in his silver vest, with black diamond plates concealed behind it. Beneath the mail he had a black silk shirt, tailored perfectly to fit and with an insignia embroidered upon the heart. Unbeknownst to his enemies, however, the insignia concealed a black diamond plate which had saved his life from many a sharpshooter. His pants were a tough fiber made from spider webs. It was uncolored, leaving it with the silvery shade of a spider web. On the sides of his legs he had the same diamond mail, covered with black Cape Buffalo leather. The buffalo had nearly killed him. But not quite. Instead, he had used his silver handled, black diamond bladed, scimitar to cut off its head, which he now had on display at the tavern in his hometown. His mother was ill, and he hadn't the money to get her a cure. He was attempting to raise the money, as a mercenary, to get a cure for her. His father, before he went off to the war where he died, had given him a bow. It was a beautiful weapon, made from a young yew that was selected out of the finest area in Mossflower. His arrows were made from ash, with peacock feathers on the rear and a black diamond arrowhead on the tip of each one. He had forty arrows. Twenty were carried in his quiver, the others concealed in the town which he was currently bedded. He surveyed the scene of battle in front of him. Whom should he offer his battling skills? He decided the ferret wasn't in a very advantagious situation. He couldn't afford to attempt to move to a postion with more cover. He shot an extra arrow, with a cable attached, down near the (OOC:Deathclaw, dunno what animal you are). He attached the other end of the cable to one of the battlements, and he used a rope to slide at insane speeds down to the creature who appeared to be in charge. He gave his most serious look and said, "Hello, good sir. I'm a mercenary, and I wish to discuss a contract in which I offer you my services. The negotiations need not take place now, but initially, I will do this skirmish for free." He waited for a reply.


 (OOC: That's me, you know, forgot to switch...  :unsure: )


 "Aye, we can arrange a contract. For now, circle around and see if you can see the ferret leader. Kill him. Otherwise, just kill his soldiers. If you need more arrows, report to one of my archers. They will be informed of your presence."
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 RazorClaw grinned and nodded. "This should be fun." He circled around the battle. It raged on now even more fiercly than ever. He grabbed an arrow out of his quiver and fired into an organized line of enemies. The arrow sped through all eight of them, thudding to a halt a few feet from the ferret leader. Not wanting to waste any more arrows, he started picking off troops with normal arrows. After he was out his makeshift arrows, he flew into the enemy troops with his scimitar. He was a silver and black blur, with his pitch black fur disguising him in the now dark night. He slew as many creatures as attacked him, and then took a slight rest, waiting for more events in the battle to unfold.


 Then, just as the battle had taken place, deathclaw let one slip. The most smelliest, loudest ones ever known to animal kind. Everybody fainted, accept for Deathclaw and said
"Geese, Must of been the bean sprouts"
and he laughed until the stench talk over him and went periodically insane. *GREAT ENDING* :snicker:  ::agrees::  
I'm a Boy

Fat Country

 That was a.... pretty [edit] ending.
haxor, why don't you try and use ur "wannabe funny" to be funny? for petes sake, don't be a doozy.
 <_<  ::disagrees::

[Please don't use that word in that context.]
Who likes short shorts?
I like Short Shorts!

Redwall Warlords is so like mathematics, They both have "Rulers".
I Think im soo funny!!!!
I just have to be the jerky one...

you know i'm the jerky one.

now you all know i'm the jerky newbish one, happy? im going red

No Consideration? Hmmpfff i just won't talk to you!! HAHAHAHA

Fine, I'm sorry, Let's Talk. What is your name?

Wow! That is a funky name, my partents would never name me that. I guess its not so bad.


Hahaha, made you sigh with relief, i'm still here so turn that smile upside down, because ur listening to me now!!

Well i guess i could be friends with you

Even thou you have that funny name

Bye Bye, and i hoped you enjoyed listening to me. Next Update...