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Started by Duke, February 08, 2003, 12:58:03 AM

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 He was drawing out his long spear and sevan barbarians were about to attack when five of them went down by Bask's trustworlthy Captian Bander took of all five heads within ten seconds.

Bran Stoneshield

 Caramon the general found himself outnumbered. Bane and Boar were hurling spears at the barbarians.
RNN Reporter!

Rawpaw's Horde Reborn.

I am back.

Saevel Amalith

 Saevel rushed to Brans aid jumping off of his dragon and killing the barbarian, than he got back up onto silvara and took off back into the sky driveing a spear into a chaos dragon, that he had picked up off of a dead barbarian

[/QUOTE] I am saevel Amalith of Evermeet, let my sword aid those who are my freinds and slay those who oppose them

-Disciple of the gods

Bran Stoneshield

 Bran commanded Caramon to led the troops into the back of the barbarians horde. In the process, he jumped on his black dragon Set and flew off into the air. A green dragon flew behind him and Set. He did a frantic leap whistle weilding his axe, he tackled the barbarian off his dragon...And grasping eachother, they flew off into the open air. Bran wished one thing: Saevel's dragon will catch him!
RNN Reporter!

Rawpaw's Horde Reborn.

I am back.

Saevel Amalith

 As the chaos dragon that Saevel impaled fell towards the earth, Saevel saw it pass two figures duking it out falling to the ground themselves, Saevel dived to save the one that was freind.  It was Bran, with a feirce swipe of his avenger as he past the brawling Barbarian he chopped his head clean off and Bran fell right into Silvara's saddle as Saevel directed her undder Bran to catch him.

[/QUOTE] I am saevel Amalith of Evermeet, let my sword aid those who are my freinds and slay those who oppose them

-Disciple of the gods

Bran Stoneshield

 Once Bran was safe on the saddle, he unbuckled his longbow from his back and turned around. He let a shaft lose into the open mouth choas dragon behind them. He was about ready to boil Saevel and Bran! But....Bran got him good.
RNN Reporter!

Rawpaw's Horde Reborn.

I am back.

Saevel Amalith

 Saevel thanked Bran as he drove his sword through a dragons rider and Silvara blew flames all over the dragon.  Frothno and Ethilon fought barbarians on the ground still mounted while Reinard, Lirethan, and Senge fought with the dragons in the air. The outcome of the battle was looking very good.

[/QUOTE] I am saevel Amalith of Evermeet, let my sword aid those who are my freinds and slay those who oppose them

-Disciple of the gods


 Darkwood then starts to slash through the barbs one bye one with his new weapon and his old sword of Nature.
I am a great Dwarven Warrior

- The great Blue Dragon

-Thorn Destructor Great dwarven Hero

Saevel Amalith

 Saevel takes hold of a riders clothes and tosses him off of his dragon as his dragon comes dangerously close.  Saevels head clerics continued to fight valintky and still alive

[/QUOTE] I am saevel Amalith of Evermeet, let my sword aid those who are my freinds and slay those who oppose them

-Disciple of the gods


 As Duke Continus to fight he notices saevel and goes over to help him fight
I am a great Dwarven Warrior

- The great Blue Dragon

-Thorn Destructor Great dwarven Hero

Bran Stoneshield

 Bran's knights had been beaten back. Many lie dead on the ground. Bran fought weaponless, for he had drooped his sword in the fall of Saevel's dragon. All he had was fire arrows, but no bow.
RNN Reporter!

Rawpaw's Horde Reborn.

I am back.


 Saevel, the riders are made of fire too hehe

Kazaar flies down and with a mighty swipe takes care of a few barbarions and when the looked up 5 chaos dragons... shooting fire towards Cid and Kazaar.... "Ah poo!" Cid holloured as the fire was almost at them. With a quick motion Kazaar dodged most of the blast but one of the wings was severly injured. Cid quickly picked up one spear after another throwing them.

The dragons dodged with quickness as the spears flew at them and went in for the killing blow. The battle seemed to be the armies doom for the dragons of chaos outnumbering the normal dragons started to tear the dragons up.. was it over then?

Bran Stoneshield

 Bran's dragon, Set, flies down with his sword clasped in his mouth. Set dropped the sword and it landed in Bran's outstreached hand. He immeditly beheaded a barbarian.
RNN Reporter!

Rawpaw's Horde Reborn.

I am back.


 Duke hops on moeshin and goes to try and slay the other dragons.
I am a great Dwarven Warrior

- The great Blue Dragon

-Thorn Destructor Great dwarven Hero

Bran Stoneshield

 With a roar of mightyness, Bran had found the traitor Ajax. Bran countered most of Ajax's attacks with his sword. Ajax skillfully manovered his oppent around the bodies of the fallen. Ajax howled a victory cry, he had ran Bran throught with his hidden dagger!
RNN Reporter!

Rawpaw's Horde Reborn.

I am back.