Rpg anyone can join

Started by Duke, February 08, 2003, 12:58:03 AM

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 OOC: I Agree but you know what Saevels rp will probobly be like that.

As Darkwood notices him doing that he cast a water appear spell on Chaos to ad to the Ice
I am a great Dwarven Warrior

- The great Blue Dragon

-Thorn Destructor Great dwarven Hero


 Ice covering Chaoses legs stopping him from moving decided to his a projectile spell on the fighters.


 "Oh poo"Says Darkwood now we must fight these. he says it all while looking at Cid.
I am a great Dwarven Warrior

- The great Blue Dragon

-Thorn Destructor Great dwarven Hero


 Wizards,Fighters, and Archers seemed to turn undead or possesed. "Ah poo.. can this day get any worse?" Cid sighed as they had  to fight the undead forces.


 Darkwood turns and notices the clerics mumbling something as the men started to drop slowly as we sliced at them.
I am a great Dwarven Warrior

- The great Blue Dragon

-Thorn Destructor Great dwarven Hero


 Dark Falz appears on the scene and destroyed the ice around Chaoses legs and had him help him. "Ah crap... that isn't any good..." Cid said as Dark Falz and Chaos started to fight side by side.


 "I think we must retreat for now, we are out powered." says Darkwood to Cid.
I am a great Dwarven Warrior

- The great Blue Dragon

-Thorn Destructor Great dwarven Hero


 "hmmmm only ten minutes till nightfall... if we could wait till then..." Cid said as the sun slowly went down.


 "Alright i shall wait but if we die it is your fault" Darkwood says pointing to Cid
I am a great Dwarven Warrior

- The great Blue Dragon

-Thorn Destructor Great dwarven Hero


 "Don't worry, I am pretty sure we will survive," Cid said in a voice that made Darkwood worry.


 OOC: i wonder where Saevel and Bran are.....

Bran Stoneshield

 OCC:I've been away for acouple of days....wat the hell happened?
RNN Reporter!

Rawpaw's Horde Reborn.

I am back.


 OOC: We fought chaos dragons I believe you were here for that. Then Chaos, their lord came and we fought him for awhile and then Dark Falz came and started to help Chaos.

"Two minutes to go and then we will get some back up hopefully, if not run like hell!" Cid yells to Darkwood, Bran, and Saevel.

Black Claw

 OOC: I'm not an Archer I'm a ranger. :angry:

The ranger had managed to get behind choas and had climbed up to choas' neck lifting his sword above his head he stabs it into choas' neck and holds onto his sword while choas is in a rage from the pain.
An Aztec poem.
Where would we not go to find death? For that desire, our heart bleeds.

Me likes moogles

Black Claw

 After a while of hanging onto the sword that is in choas the ranger removes the sword and jumps down. But as soon as the sword is removed he gets flung of some were in the darkness getting his breath knocked out of him.  
An Aztec poem.
Where would we not go to find death? For that desire, our heart bleeds.

Me likes moogles