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Started by Duke, February 08, 2003, 12:58:03 AM

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 Cid attempting to jump out of the way is hit by the chunk of ground Chaos threw "OUGH!" Cid let out a gasp of pain when the ground hit him.


 As Darkwood decides to stand back and shoot fie arrows at Choas, He then tells his dragon to go in for a fireball.
I am a great Dwarven Warrior

- The great Blue Dragon

-Thorn Destructor Great dwarven Hero

Bran Stoneshield

 As Bran was on the ground swinging his sword like a maniac, His dragon set had a smaller choas dragon in his mouth.
RNN Reporter!

Rawpaw's Horde Reborn.

I am back.

goggle head

 hay tom why don't you stop all of this bull spam and get a life instead of being a looser! laser swords, yah right.

Black Claw

 The Ranger that had been intently watching the battle from a tree loses balance and falls on top of choas.
An Aztec poem.
Where would we not go to find death? For that desire, our heart bleeds.

Me likes moogles


 As he watches the archer fall he laughs and keeps shooting
I am a great Dwarven Warrior

- The great Blue Dragon

-Thorn Destructor Great dwarven Hero


 Cid jumping up with his spear stabs it into the giant. Chaos feeling a bit of pain swings his hand and hits Darkwoods dragon down to the ground and started to bat away at the others. Cid jumps up to help the Archer off of Chaos before they both got seriously hurt.


 Darkwood decides to try and set chaos on fire by shooting 3 arrows at once at him with fire on them
I am a great Dwarven Warrior

- The great Blue Dragon

-Thorn Destructor Great dwarven Hero


 Chaos who is very big swings his arm hitting the arrows back at Darkwood. "HAHAHA! DO YOU REALLY THINK THREE ARROWS COULD STOP ME WHEN THEY ARE ON FIRE? HAHAHAH!" Chaos laughed at Darkwood when he hit the arrows back.


 As he laughs Darkwood feels inraged and goes up to strike at him with his spiked hand and the nature sword.

He now glows red with enragement.
I am a great Dwarven Warrior

- The great Blue Dragon

-Thorn Destructor Great dwarven Hero


 Chaos feels a sharp pain then graps Darkwood.  The sword of nature and the spikes stuck in Chaos. "Hmmmm. I am hungry...." Chaos said in his grim voice then threw Darkwood in the air and try and catch him in his mouth. Cid quickly grabs his spear and throws it at Chaoses head hitting him and stunning him saving Reosin.


 " darn him for thinking he will eat me" Says Reosin to Cid.

Reosin Then decides to shoot fireballs at Choas.
I am a great Dwarven Warrior

- The great Blue Dragon

-Thorn Destructor Great dwarven Hero


 "night is in 1 hour... Dark Falz is approaching... I hope he gets here before that hour is up," Cid says as they continue fighting Chaos.


 Ah yes if he does we have a better chance of winning this fight as he notices Auron come in to the battle
I am a great Dwarven Warrior

- The great Blue Dragon

-Thorn Destructor Great dwarven Hero


 OOC: Auron won't be back forawhile but he will be back and you wanna know what we should have done? We should made this into chapters, Prolouge till Dark Falz comes out, chapter one till chaos dies, chapter two whe Dark Falz dies and so on.

Cid uses his best ice spell on Chaos a few times.