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Started by Duke, February 08, 2003, 12:58:03 AM

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Bran Stoneshield

 Caramon, Bran's only general, was lying on the ground, with an enemy spear producing from his back....
RNN Reporter!

Rawpaw's Horde Reborn.

I am back.


 Besk killed one Barbarian but he could not kill the other. Saevel was battling hard next to him. The barbarian grabbed Saevel and Saevel easilie got out and chopped his head off. Bask's General Garidit was turning around when he got slashed in the stomach and got hit with a sword butt and got knocked out.


 After he saw that Besk got angry. He yelled to his wizards "Put all the magic you got in it"  

Saevel Amalith

 A chaos dragon came sweeping from above out of nowhere at Saevel and Besk but, Silvara swooped down in front of them and as she blew a fireball into the dragon it clamped down into her shoulder and ripped scales and flesh off.  Silvara let out a great scream of pain, and Saevel yelled "noooo" as hi beloved shrank to the ground wounded. Saevel ran over to her to heal her, the wound prooved to be great indeed and Saevel used all of his strength to heal her, while he was healing her a barbarian came up from behind Saevel and stabbed him with a sword in the shoulder, he would have cut off his head if Besk hadnt chopped off his first and made him stray to Saevel shoulder.  Saevel out of weariness and loss of blood fainted

[/QUOTE] I am saevel Amalith of Evermeet, let my sword aid those who are my freinds and slay those who oppose them

-Disciple of the gods

Bran Stoneshield

 Bran saw Saevel fall. Quick as the eye could follow, the brought his dragon down. Sweeping at the ground, he grab the back of Saevel's clothes while a barbarian was sneaking up on the unconouis form of Saevel. Set had a quick snack of barbarian!

(thats all for tonight, see ya lata nick  :P )
RNN Reporter!

Rawpaw's Horde Reborn.

I am back.

Saevel Amalith

 Frothno sliced at a barbarian taking him to the ground as he stoped to pray for Saevel and Bran, like an answer from his god,  over in the distance Frothno could see many specks in the air.  "The rest of the dragons have come to aid us the tide will soon change."  Senge felt a great fury build up within her when she saw Saevel go down and after an arrow peirced her right arm, she was a mighty women even when she could only use her off-hand

[/QUOTE] I am saevel Amalith of Evermeet, let my sword aid those who are my freinds and slay those who oppose them

-Disciple of the gods

Black Claw

 From in a tree a Ranger watches the battle intently. :ph34r:
An Aztec poem.
Where would we not go to find death? For that desire, our heart bleeds.

Me likes moogles

 Hmm... I see a lot of spam... 17 pages, in fact...


 Darkwood decides to shoot 3 posion arrows into one dragon as Meoshin blows a fire ball at it
I am a great Dwarven Warrior

- The great Blue Dragon

-Thorn Destructor Great dwarven Hero


 The barbarians falling quickly and the dragons to, not the chaos dragons but the black,red,blue,green, and the other dragons were falling from the great heat of the chaos dragons breathe. "We gotta get rid of those chaos dragons now!" Cid yelled to Darkwood  as a barbarian attacked. "We shant be able to hold them off forever! We gotta defeat them now!"

Bran Stoneshield

Quote from: Ashyra NightwingHmm... I see a lot of spam... 17 pages, in fact...
Dude, who the hell cares? Honestly
RNN Reporter!

Rawpaw's Horde Reborn.

I am back.

Bran Stoneshield

 Bran landed neatly on the ground next to his fallen general. Bran picked him up by the back of his clothes. He whispered a quick command to Bane. " Take our friend, and set him into the tress a mile away. Take Set."  
RNN Reporter!

Rawpaw's Horde Reborn.

I am back.


 As Darkwood and Cid fight of the dragons they finally take down another.
I am a great Dwarven Warrior

- The great Blue Dragon

-Thorn Destructor Great dwarven Hero


 "Hmm those there dragons seem to be leaving! VICTORY!" Cid yells out as the dragons of chaos begin to fade from sight, but then Chaos himself decided to comeout and kill everyone himself.

"Note to self. Do things your self, your lackeys never get the job done" Chaos Says in a grim deep voice as he picks up a big chunk of ground and throws it at Darkwood,Cid, Saevel, and the others.


 As Darkwood decides to jump out of the way he has a hard time and gets hit by the chunk of ground
I am a great Dwarven Warrior

- The great Blue Dragon

-Thorn Destructor Great dwarven Hero