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Started by Duke, February 08, 2003, 12:58:03 AM

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Saevel Amalith

 Saevel reluctantly said "Yes you can go but pleadse stay out of harms way and let us handle it."

[/QUOTE] I am saevel Amalith of Evermeet, let my sword aid those who are my freinds and slay those who oppose them

-Disciple of the gods

Saevel Amalith

 "We go into great danger and i do not want anything to happen to you." Saevel said worridly  "Dont worry about me, for our love is true i will folllow you to whatever end is to come." She responded with a peck on the cheek

[/QUOTE] I am saevel Amalith of Evermeet, let my sword aid those who are my freinds and slay those who oppose them

-Disciple of the gods

Saevel Amalith

 "very well than we must ride soon we cannot lingre her for to long. I fear that the worst is still yet to come for we face a god, but luck is in our favor for i believe that lord Auron has delt with a creature like this before.

[/QUOTE] I am saevel Amalith of Evermeet, let my sword aid those who are my freinds and slay those who oppose them

-Disciple of the gods

Saevel Amalith

 Saevel went out to meet the others with his feance,  in the form of an elf, she turned back into the silver dragon that she really was when she got out of the caves.  There were about 100 dragons that were willing to go with the army

[/QUOTE] I am saevel Amalith of Evermeet, let my sword aid those who are my freinds and slay those who oppose them

-Disciple of the gods

Saevel Amalith

 Saevel mounted Silvara and took to the skies with his generals flying around him,  "Now it is time to end this threat, we can not let such a hoared beast run rampant around faerun."  Saevel's generals all cheered there morale all boosted by the dragons joining them

[/QUOTE] I am saevel Amalith of Evermeet, let my sword aid those who are my freinds and slay those who oppose them

-Disciple of the gods

Saevel Amalith

 "Now Auron, Reosin, and Bran we ride out to meet our destiny."  Saevel cried out in sort of a prayer.

[/QUOTE] I am saevel Amalith of Evermeet, let my sword aid those who are my freinds and slay those who oppose them

-Disciple of the gods

Bran Stoneshield

 "Let us ride to the fate of our people." Bran excalined unhappily.
RNN Reporter!

Rawpaw's Horde Reborn.

I am back.

Bran Stoneshield

 They rode for hours. Bran and Darkwood were in the front, followed closely by Saevel and his clerics. The rest of the troops marched behind Saevel. Bran felt an unpleasent shudder run up his spine. Darkwood notched he winched and pointed out. "Stoneshield, whats the matter, old friend?" Bran could only nod his head back and forth. At that momunt, Ajax and his barbarians stood cooly infront of the two leaders. This time Ajax had at least one hundred million barbarians with him.
RNN Reporter!

Rawpaw's Horde Reborn.

I am back.


 I've only scanned the posts, but stop spamming, Duke!

Oh yeah, and also all you other people with more than 1 post in a row!
Glory, Glory, Man United!

Saevel Amalith

 The dragon riders swept down first in a massive fury killing many barbarians with there breath weapons.  Saevel schopped at the barabarians as they tried to attack Silvara

[/QUOTE] I am saevel Amalith of Evermeet, let my sword aid those who are my freinds and slay those who oppose them

-Disciple of the gods


 my dragons name is Kazaar :D

As the battle waged forth the sky darkend for he was only a few miles away... nightfall was in a few hours. Cid, riding Kazaar since Auron was away fought fearlessly with the barbarions but knew what the real threat was.... and it was coming...... to kill us all.... "We must hurry and think of a battle plan, he will be here soon!" Cid yelled to Reosin and Saevel and Bran, "What the........" Cid said when he saw dragons made of magma approach at hight speed. "Chaos a great demon had come.... at a time of great despair, is he working with Dark Falz? Or did he just decide to come and try to destroy the planet before Dark Falz?" Cid said as the dragons fired they deadly breath the burned the dragon scales like paper.

Bran Stoneshield

 Bran jumped off his dragon with several feet to go until the ground. He jumped, drawing his longsword. Immeditly two barbarians jumped on him. One fell off him tranfixed by an arrow fired by Bane.
RNN Reporter!

Rawpaw's Horde Reborn.

I am back.


 We heard the Barbarians from miles away. Me and my 25,000 blue robed wizards marched on to the battlefield.

Saevel Amalith

 "Auron we must deal with the dragons forst they are but far a greater threat,  what do you suggest for dark Falz,  obviously we have to hit his middle head

[/QUOTE] I am saevel Amalith of Evermeet, let my sword aid those who are my freinds and slay those who oppose them

-Disciple of the gods

Bran Stoneshield

 "Saevel get this lump of poo barbarian off of me!" Bran struggled to say as the barbarian started to choke him with a noose. Saevel charged up, sword drawn. The barbarians head thumped to the ground. Saevel helped Bran up to his feet.
RNN Reporter!

Rawpaw's Horde Reborn.

I am back.