Started by Peace Alliance, April 19, 2004, 01:57:42 AM

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Peace Alliance

 Retto, you assured me that the land being dumped would go to the bounty, and that that part of the game worked. So here i am dumping 30K with confidence that retto fixed the problem, and that this land would go to the land farm, but where IS it retto?? WHERE IS IT?


 it will go into the  land farm at teh begi9nning of the next day,    10k to each land farm.     beleave me i have been watching the farms quite a bit and that is how it seems to happen,      so far anyways

thankyou for contributing to the northlands defence fund


Peace Alliance

 Thats the dumbest thing ever! Why would it go to a different land farm? The whole point of making it go to the land farm is so that dumping land doesn't become evil, and yet now i've just lost 20K land from those of us in mossflower. And Mossflower isn't exactly full of land targets.


 yup  and the newer people in mossflower dont usualy drop land, But basicly i was watching the nrothern land farm,  and every once and a while somone would delete a huge amount of land, or a lot of people would delete a little,     in 3 days the northlands farm went from 60k land to 120 k land,      it didnt do that scouting ;) they all go up at the same rate,  it may be however to mossflowers adn northlands advantage because all think land that is droped in the south,   1/3rd goes to mossflower, 1/3rd goes north, 1/3rd stays,   so it will even out in the end


Peace Alliance

 Actually, I remember about the same time that northlands started getting more land then usual, was right after retto told me that he was gonna make norhtlands more exciting...


 i thought i went over this already
the dropped land goes to a randomly chosen land farm
retto probably has good reasoning for doing it this way
as it is extremely simple to restrict it by era

unless of course you mean you talked to retto about changing it..
there doesnt appear to be any activity in the development section
and the latest source still chooses a random land farm to dump all the land into


 sh0e has it exactly right - the land dropped goes to a random land farm...though it seems to favor the northlands (I don't know why - it could be that was the only one I could measure, as it wasn't loosing land). I could restrict it by era for ladder games...but I think it's pretty fun this way. If you have thoughts to the contrary, talk about it in the development forums.
The 'ittle otter,