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Started by Peace Alliance, April 18, 2004, 03:53:25 PM

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Night Wolf

Come to harrison MI and I can show you on my Ipod thats all I can do  :P

Id prefer nobody else actually sees the today she ripped my ipod from my pocket at the flee market and is all like"hey mom look what I made nick do the other day"

ANd then guess what happens...dude in the booth next to us is all like whatcha watching? And shes like o"h just videos of me making my bf get all dressed up"...then all day "hes like hey sally whats up?" Even called be barbra once >:(

Let me tell ya shes lucky I lover her...and shes lucky she has a cute smile

Twilight Shadow

So was that creepy kid at the market this week nick

Night Wolf

Yes but We werent sitting in the truck at all so if he was staring at me I didnt see him luckily...didnt make up for the "hey mom look at this" or the hey sally"  >:(

Twilight Shadow

Hey sally did you have fun playing cards? :-*

Night Wolf

What kind of question is that? Why would you presume we played cards?

Twilight Shadow

Because you said you two always do

Night Wolf

Nope said that was ONE of the things we do when stuck at the fleemarket, that is by-far not all the time.

Twilight Shadow

But the question is did you two play though? :o

Night Wolf

No the question is did we have fun playing assuming we played...and I brought a protable DVD player today  :P

Twilight Shadow

portable you mean and is the market even fun?
*out of curiosity*

Night Wolf

Um no sitting at the booth with her mom trying to sell candles isnt in the least bit fun...but every second with her is amazing so it kinda makes up for it ;)

Twilight Shadow

Makes sense, does anyone hit on her while your there?

Night Wolf

Nope, prolly cuz no one there is that stupid when quite obvious we're together

Twilight Shadow

Enjoy her while you still can

Night Wolf

And why would you say something like that?