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Started by Peace Alliance, April 18, 2004, 03:53:25 PM

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<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


hey, i like fire, and explosions, what do you expect?
"Less talky, more drivey." ~Hawk, Applegeeks Issue #161

~the mighta awualis


lol im a bit of a pyro myself. i used to make huge fireballs using parafin wax and tin cans. burned my friends eyebrows off once when he took one in the face
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


I've got a bottle of brake fluid in the drawer of my desk I've been dying to use for illicit purposes.
"Less talky, more drivey." ~Hawk, Applegeeks Issue #161

~the mighta awualis


ok i can win this one i can make so many explosives from household/garden products, have to say i love nail bombs so much fun
founder of eire

first emp on the new server

Peace Alliance

alright... terrorist forums are that-away *points*

no bomb-making talk here please (remember PG means no assembly instructions)


i didnt give instructions thats something i charge for or teach the younger generation my skills that were passed on to me by the older generation and so forth
founder of eire

first emp on the new server


parafin fireballs can get the size of a car if you do it right

and me and a friend lit snow on fire with gas once (it doesnt melt very fast) and went surfing through it. i told him to stand back so i could put some more gas on it but he didnt and i poured gas all over his leg while he was sliding through flames. luckily there was a lot of snow around so he didnt really get burned. it was funny as hell.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


I know a guy who set dirt on fire. After filling a large cardboard tube with wood and lantern fuel.
"Less talky, more drivey." ~Hawk, Applegeeks Issue #161

~the mighta awualis


i found a cd store selling all you can carry vinyl recoreds for 5 bucks

i bought about 50 lbs of recoreds and dunked them in gas and threw them like flaming frisbees. sometimes the gas slides off as you throw it, leaving a wobbly disk of flame hanging in mid air
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Peace Alliance

Okay, consider this an OFFICIAL warning. No assembly instructions here please.


<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


*copies and pastes*

have to try that lol
founder of eire

first emp on the new server


***** + ** + *** = ****** + ****

And that's how you make ********* ********** *** ****.
"Less talky, more drivey." ~Hawk, Applegeeks Issue #161

~the mighta awualis

Gen. Volkov

Water + grass + female moocoow + male moocow = younger Moocow

Assembly instructions for making moocows. Whoops. Guess I violated the official warning. I am, after all, advocating the use of several very dangerous ingredients. Water is highly dangerous if you inhale it, grass is very dangerous if you eat just grass for a long time, and cows are very dangerous if you piss them off.

Yes... I am a smartass. Hadn't you noticed yet?
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES