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Started by Peace Alliance, April 18, 2004, 03:53:25 PM

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Night Wolf

Oh ****
*runs back inside grabs different gun*
Did I get the right one?

Ungatt Trunn II

Lulz, that's Dirty Harry's revolver. Take it, lol. Watch him get all pissed wondering where it is.

Night Wolf

*spins revolver on index finger like cowboys did*
*shoots self in foot*

Oww son of a ..... didnt see that on the quick and the dead.

Ungatt Trunn II

So much for your foot... It's a mushy paste now. I shall use it to make mashed potatoes. Do you submit?

Night Wolf

Only if u share  :D

Ungatt Trunn II

Well with that logic, everyone in spa will have to get a share like some sort of communist system.
Is that what you want?
I know I don't, which is why if you want to protect freedom you'll just give it all to me and let me do the fighting.

Night Wolf

But its my foot should I be entitled to some of it?

Ungatt Trunn II

With that logic, you should be the one making the mashed potatoes if you really want it. However if I'm the one making it, it's ALL MINE! Your mushy foot was just a donation made during your anguish.

Night Wolf

But as im providing the foot for u 2 make mashed potatoes Should I not get at least a wee bit of the spoils if not for anything else as a token of gratatude?

Ungatt Trunn II

Well in any case it sounds to me like you're trying to make a welfare state.

Night Wolf

Explain yourself...and here have my foot,even if you dont plan to share it with me its owner

Ungatt Trunn II

I shall sacrifice myself and this foot for the needs of the many.
HAHAHAAA! Sorry, I couldn't keep it in. The very thought of me doing something selfless makes me go into a tizzy woa.

Night Wolf

Sellfish and people like you are the reason the world is going to hell

Ungatt Trunn II

Interesting. But is it not human nature to be self serving? People use religion and government to fool everyone into thinking they have a duty to sacrifice themselves for the good of mankind. If people stopped leeching of the few who work to provide for themselves, and everyone was self serving, the world would truly be a great place. Why? Because everyone would take care of themselves (and those they love) instead of trying to rely on the efforts of others.

In end a man's only duty is to himself. Anyone who tells you otherwise either has his hand in your pocket, or a gun to your head.

Night Wolf

Im not even going to bother arguing w/u right now
Its just not worth it