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Started by Peace Alliance, April 18, 2004, 03:53:25 PM

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Ringo the Communist

Neither would I.
But I enjoy life. Life is fun. Life is extremelly flammable, combustable, and acidic, but hey, you can't live without it.


Sometimes I don't blink for a while. Like for more than thirty whole seconds.

I stare at people like that to make them uncomfortable . Especially as they eat. Lol. People I know though.
Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works

Ringo the Communist

But do they know you?


Yes. They stare back then we giggle.
Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works

Ringo the Communist

hmm. you seem like a creeper though.. ;)


Only a little. *twitches*
Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works

Ringo the Communist

Good, I'm not alone. *twitches back*


OMG HUG ME. *tacklehug*
Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works

Ringo the Communist

*twitch hug*


Lulz K bby. :D

*offers friendship shoe*
Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works

Ringo the Communist

*eats it with some hesitation*
Umm, yummy?


Yes. Yes it is. That was a good pair of loafers.

So, tell me about you. Interests?
Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works

Ringo the Communist

I love to draw, speak French, and eat chocolate. I own three dogs. I've lived in London and Dublin for a few years, and my favorite books are by John Green, Brian Jacques, and Terry Pratchett.


Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works

Ringo the Communist

Animals mainly, but really anything.