Nohc's Fan Club!

Started by Nohcnonk, April 18, 2004, 12:43:42 PM

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 I didn't say attractive... well, If I did, I meant cute.  
How do I look at people?  Usually like this  :P   J/k, usually I try to smile...  :unsure:  Uh...maybe more like this   ;)   Not that bad, actually... there:  :D


 I look like this: :l No smiling for me, unless something funny or joyful is said...


 What is it with men and not smiling?

Girls, including myself, are most likely to approach somebody who doesn't look like the world is dirt to them:  <_<  


 Ye Olde Aplication Forme
For ye general publick

Tricky the Frappuccino
Nocember 43, ~<|>~
Post Office:
...Tricky the Frappuccino
Postal Stamp:
....Yon Bluee One Withe Stars
Preferred Milk:
Eeehhh... 2%
John the Geometry
Sandwich Artist
Being ee Frappuccino Ye Idiot!
Why Ye Alayes Aske Such Stupidee Questshuns?
Frappuccino! Ahg!
Current Beatable Egg?:
Danny Cabbage
Current Beatable Egg Address?:
Current Beatable Egg Nose?:
Grass!... Bloody heck man...
Is Thise Wat Ye Olde Fan Clube Is Alfays Like?
Are you a Starbucks Frappuccino?
Howe Did Thee Knowee...
Tropical Fish:
Ee Worde Beef Is Efil
24 I Eat Tem Laste Week
So we do know the location of the secret gems?:
In Ee Lefte Corner. Now Go Afay For I Chopa Your Pafes Off!
Give Peace a Chance


Quote from: TridentWhat is it with men and not smiling?

Girls, including myself, are most likely to approach somebody who doesn't look like the world is dirt to them:  <_<
never know.. some girls will be desprate...  :huh:  
allo i am Demonslavers.  Feel welcome to P.M me anytime

Aim: Babylocke991


The # 1 Turbo Playa'


 I think I'm the only teenager who's yet to like anything coffee-related, including frappuccinos.  At least I save myself from the addiction.    :D

Desperate enough to go for a non-smiling guy?  The girl must go for anyone; unless that guy is outrageously hot.   ::agrees::  ::agrees::  ::agrees::   Lol.

BTW, congrats to DemonSlavers for being the only person who has a long signature, but it's not annoying to scroll through.  Wolves and foxes rawk!  *Wonders why there's no "rawk fist" smiley*


Quote from: TridentI think I'm the only teenager who's yet to like anything coffee-related, including frappuccinos. ?At least I save myself from the addiction. ? ?:D

Desperate enough to go for a non-smiling guy? ?The girl must go for anyone; unless that guy is outrageously hot. ? ::agrees:: ?::agrees:: ?::agrees:: ? Lol.

BTW, congrats to DemonSlavers for being the only person who has a long signature, but it's not annoying to scroll through. ?Wolves and foxes rawk! ?*Wonders why there's no "rawk fist" smiley*
YAY :lol: Thanks :snicker:  Where'd you get the pic of your wolf. I WANT IT! :ph34r:  
allo i am Demonslavers.  Feel welcome to P.M me anytime

Aim: Babylocke991


The # 1 Turbo Playa'


 Desperate are we mister Nohc?  Had to start your own Fanclub, how sad! lol...Even I will not lower myself that low, lol jk
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
Emperor of  RWL Photo Album
In-Character Album

Arguia Zsah


anyway I don't need fans... I can be evil all by meself!!!!

*decides to bring back annoyingly long sig* :P  

Arguia Zsah

 *decides it's too much bother*

I'll do it later... be warned!!! :lol:  


 where's a hacker when we need one?  quick! go into Arguia's 'puter and delete the siggy file!

speaking of which, Norton told me that somone from Germany tried ta hack my 'puter this morning..  with some sort of Trojan Horsey..   :blink:  ah well..

Demonslavers.. your siggy would be extremely annoying if I had a slow connection..  but, I dont..  10mbps..  so instead it tis rather spiffy..  hee..
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


Quote from: ScarwakeDesperate are we mister Nohc?  Had to start your own Fanclub, how sad! lol...Even I will not lower myself that low, lol jk

Quotewhere's a hacker when we need one? quick! go into Arguia's 'puter and delete the siggy file!

speaking of which, Norton told me that somone from Germany tried ta hack my 'puter this morning.. with some sort of Trojan Horsey..  ah well..

Demonslavers.. your siggy would be extremely annoying if I had a slow connection.. but, I dont.. 10mbps.. so instead it tis rather spiffy.. hee..

well thats not my fault....IF you did have a slow connection
allo i am Demonslavers.  Feel welcome to P.M me anytime

Aim: Babylocke991


The # 1 Turbo Playa'


Quote from: ScarwakeDesperate are we mister Nohc?  Had to start your own Fanclub, how sad! lol...Even I will not lower myself that low, lol jk
Hehehe.  I didn't start it, people liked the idea of the topic, so :P lol jk to you!

10mbps per second, windy?  Wows... is that residential?


A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't


Quote from: windhoundcollege line  XD
Thought so. XD