Started by Riverpaw, April 17, 2004, 07:30:47 PM

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Peace Alliance

 How were we even? I had 15K land and he had 40+...

Juby (Tercios)

 Well peace, your mistaken, look at the number of attacks, it shows you attacking me 38 times to start, when that is just not true either, it started out much lighter as you can see in my history, I find that when I attack often the game condenses info, however in our incidence I was focused on you, leaving mine accurate.  And Peace, continually getting my land back wasted my networth so dearly,  Every exchange lowered the sum networth between us and so each time I would take a little more in interest, I repeatedly messaged you saying their, were even, you know you started it now stop because you know I will attack you back and this is just a waste of networth, but you continually ignored me.  And upon seeing your pure perversion of our alliance I was not only defending myself but my clan and took all the land you had pervertedly earned, and the escalation was natural considering the repeatediness of the war that you kept pursueing foolhardedly after you had started it.  And then you got mad and had a real hissy fit.  you started messaging whining messages and completely blown away by the fact that I'd bother to defend myself which is really confusing, if I attack someone and they attack me back I don't start bawling my eyes out.  I don't see why you would poison when our whole beef was over land, and it's not so much the poisoning as the poisoning online.  And you say that you had warned me not to mess with you?  It shows pretty plainly their that you messed with me, and those messages of whining and crying were "I'm gonna kill you"(In game, don't think he's actually threatning me) not don't mess with me.  So considering you told me you were going to kill me, you poisoned me online, you started it, you perverted the alliance, and I'm supposed to just roll over?  If you expect people you attack to not retaliate, you are being just plain old foolish.  You messed with me, if your gonna have a hissy fit and play the victim every time someone retaliates you are gonna dehydrate yourself from all the crying.  When I took the big land back(when we were moving like 40 K between us) you poisoned me online, then I dropped it and you poisoned me online again as if dropping land was attacking you, then we went back to tit/for/tat and eventually northern marauders convinced me to stop responding that he would smooth it over and then you poisoned me twice after that.  You attacked me first, the most, the two last times, why?  Cause I defended myself, how can you possibly cry and get made at someone defending themselves, are you that self absorbed that you think were all here to be taken advantage of by you?  I mean think for god's sake.
Real Betis? ? -? ? Tottenham Hotspurs? ? -? ? Partizan Beograd? ? -? ? Hannover 96

Peace Alliance

 OK first of all, learn how to use parographs. Second, the history is vegue, but whether or not it my attacks before joining the clan were retaliation or not, we do know that we were both attacking eachother a lot. So basicly we were two warring nations , then i decided to ally while on top. You broke the alliance simply because you didn't like me on top? Doesn't sound right to me.

Even with the excuse that you were making a retal, you took me down to 15K land, getting yourself more land then you pretty much ever had before. So you were obviously taking more then you deserved from your own ally.

Also, you seem to be talking las though i am still attacking you... Is this just an attempt to make people think that i'm continuing to attack you unrightly? When i never unrightly attacked you in the first place. When we weren't allies, i had the right to attack. When we were, neither you or myself had the right to attack.

My point here, is that you guys have put all this effort into repaying riverpaw for stuff hydra did to woof, when nothing was done when woof attacked hydra? Whether or not the tri-alliance ... was in place, they were still two ALLIED clans. And when an alliance breaks his alliance because he doesn't like to see anyone else doing better then himself, punishment should take place.

I think woof's taking advantage of hydra. I know the nohc "okeyed" juby's attacks on hydra, whereas skull guy was never "okeyed".  But windhounds didn't demand repayment for the attacks made on his clan. In fact he just sat back and watched his ally get taken down but didn't want to break his ties with woof and do anything about it. Now hydra has done the same thing to woof. The only difference is that this was a rogue hydra member, and the attacks weren't "okeyed by hydra. And yet windhounds STILL made sure a repayment was made for woof?

Taking advantage of wondhounds kindness. Taking advantage of his want for peace between your clans at what has turned out to be the expense of his clanmates.  s'not right i tells ya.


 Man, you guys sure like to whine and complain about stuff that haapened in the past, and although bears resemblance to what Skull Riderz (#18) did in the past few hours, it has nothing to do with it so drop it..
( bunch of freaking kids in here, and i get accused of being childish.. lol )

I don't know who hit first, or last, and i don't care.
If Skull Riderz (#18) hits me or my clan again, thet warlord won't be a happy camper.
I play nice in this game, and i expect the rest of the babies to make nice nice also.

It seems to me that of all the clans, KOWW although may be the smallest most of the time, gathers / plans / mobilizes the fastest. of all the clans.  Which is probably why we get asked to do most of the dirty work for the other 2. " My opinion only.   Not that of the rest of the clan.  So if you have an issue with it, respond to me, and keep them out of it."

But anyway, Skull Riderz (#18) did a bad thing, and it is for their clan to decide what to do about it. not us.
I just don't want to be hit anymore by a trusted ally.  With allies like her, i don't need enimies.   ;)



 way to escalate a situation and wedge yourself between an already tense argument

Peace Alliance

 WipersByte, theres a reason you've called childish. I don't think its childish to simply debate a topic that has a lot of relevence to this topic. But maybe if every second sentence i wrote was calling everyone else in the game babies i wouldn't look so childish would i??

Anyways, I'm pointing out the hypocracy of what they've done here, "if you can't wrap your lil mind around it, then leave the mouth shut so we don't hear your hallow headed echos." -

Juby (Tercios)

 No, the history is not vague, maybe on yours with condensed info from your many attacks but mine is very clear.  You attacked me, I attacked you back, over and over again.  You perverted our alliance by taking advantage of an invite from windy.  I after getting permission and making it clear to hydra, specifically to eveblood that this was simply on you and your evil actions.  I took all the land you took and had actually mentioned to many people that I would share it out and just asked them to wait for me to max out my leaders, so your saying my being selfish in your evil is moot, a few people can attest to it, all and all I probably would have kept 30 K which is just about the land I had plus some interest that comes off your back, for wasting so much of my time and net.  My original point was that it's not hypocrisy, your cowardice led to my action.  Skull Riderz just did it for the heck of it and didn't have permission, even if you don't like my reason, it is a legitamite reason, he didn't have a reason, two different scenario's, it is not hypocrisy.  Don't complain about 15 K, whoopity doo, peace got attacked hard after attacking people, it's not a big deal, stop being such a whiner, i only have 10 K right now.  Your basically saying that on top of the fact that you have a hissy fit whenever someone has the audaucity to retal that if they dare best you that it's the end of the world cause it's only fair if peace is winning, this whole drama queen stuff is so annoying peace, people are not going to roll over for you just cuase your you, live with it.  I'll use paragraphs when I please.  Ally while on top?  Your problems don't end just when you join up, you can't hide from the messes you made.
Real Betis? ? -? ? Tottenham Hotspurs? ? -? ? Partizan Beograd? ? -? ? Hannover 96

Peace Alliance

 Holy ... i can hardly even read through your poorly formed messages without wanting to through a punch. Mainly because you repeat the same points that i've already discredited.

I'm gonna make this nice and big for you:
I don't care about the land, I was pissed because you attacked me when i was allied!

Get it? PLEEASE tell me you do because i an really sick of repeating it over and over. You seem to be so desperite to get the last word in that you have to repeat stuff over and over again.

Also, I wasn't taking advantage of windhounds, you and your clan was. You prooved me right in your last post when you said (and i am 100% sure this isn't the first time you've said this) that you asked people in your clan if you could do it and they said it was ok for you to attack an ally. Thus your clan jsut sat back and watched you attack hydra, not even caring that we are allies, not even caring what windhounds thought of it. And we all know he wasn't exactly happy about the attacks juby, but just because he wanted peace, he let you get away with it. Lucky shot there domi.

At the same time, windhounds knew of my attacks before letting me join hydra, so i wasn't taking advantage of anything because he funny understood that attacking is part of the game. And the fact that after my daily run i decided i was no longer going to take on the entire game was also ok with him.

Lets see if this works again... Hey i bet juby will post again because he ALWAYS needs the last word, just watch.


this'll hopefully be my last post on this issue, but I just wanted to clear somthin up that has been a bit muddled..

Peace, I was peeved at Juby's actions, I've stated my views on this, but, his actions came right after a message from the leader of KOWW stating that the clan that betrayed the trialliance first would be against both KOWW and the other, and I know for a fact that Hydra couldnt withstand both KOWW and Woof against them, there's just no way, so I had to try for peace..  it was that or disband Hydra, and I've come to rather like Hydra..  it may reappear next turbo, may not, 'shall see..

Juby, you may have sent a message to Eveblood, but that doesnt matter, he probubly didnt want to make you mad by sayin' that he was against it, that and he probubly got a Very Bias view of the situation from you..  people tend to do that, twist facts to fit their needs..  I donno what really happend o'couse..
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't

Juby (Tercios)

 Yes I will respond peace, I'm just as bad as you, how come when I get the last point you say I'm being so on and so on and when you go for the last point, peace is good, because your full of yourself.  You haven't discredited squat, you've just cried.  I do care about the land, I was pissed because you perverted the sanctity of our alliance!  get that through your head, you were a wuss and abused the alliance by using it to hide from your enemies and escape the messes you created, I know that your mad about me going outside of the alliance, I get that, but frankly I don't care because you deserved every ounce I gave you and if in that situation I would do it again cause I won't tolerate that kind of exploitation of an alliance and that kind of cowardice, you deal with your own messes instead of trying to hide behind Hydra.  Get that already, I was responded to you, I don't care how much you cry and bawl your eyes out over me doing that, I did it and you deserved it, joining hydra does not result in Immunity for cowards like you.  and stop trying to cry a river over everything, no paragraphs, whoopity doo, live with it.

"Hey i bet peace will post again because he ALWAYS needs the last word, just watch."
Real Betis? ? -? ? Tottenham Hotspurs? ? -? ? Partizan Beograd? ? -? ? Hannover 96


 Thanks Sh0e...  I do try..   :D

Quote from: Peace AllianceWipersByte, theres a reason you've called childish.
Oh Peace, you sweet talker you...   :rolleyes:

I called not everyone babies, just the ones who come in here and like to beat a dead horse. like you, and juby who has a point, you really haven't discredited a darn thing.. but if it makes you feel happy, then you have...  " pats peace's head like a spoiled kid "..  You and juby both seem to need the last word, instead of showing everyone how big and grown up you both are, by letting the topic drop, you have to both get the last word..  lol..   :D

But i say to you, who will be the first one to post back,   my coin is on Peace, cause of the two, he is the bigger   ::cries::   Did you notice, that you were the only one to post a reply to my post?  How strange it is..  Could it be that i bug you?  noooooo  Not the great Peace Alliance...  he is much to grown up for that...

hehehe..   :P

Personnal attacks... too much fun..    :ph34r:

Too bad too.

ok am done..



 Juby proved nothin in that last post,
there was no point getting in the last word 'cause Peace didn't have it, windy had it. and windy actually had somethin' to say where as Juby didn't..  many times Juby's post circle around one common theme, and never diviate within the topic..  

~proves nothin with this post~
~looks at post~
~thinks that its spam~
spaace..  all gonee..  


 and what exactly does your infinitely useful post prove?

anyways im just curious what exactly were the figures of the aid sent out by skull riderz
and the figures for the land taken?


 you know, that would seem to be between Skull Riderz, Sunkist, Riverpaw and one more KOWW member,
you could easily look up land dispersal yourself

my post served no more purpose than any of these last few posts served,  null.  no purpose
spaace..  all gonee..  

Juby (Tercios)

 peace hadn't said squat either, he just repeated himself, so I reiterated myself, just cause he says his points the most or last doesn't mean he's right and I'm making sure of that.  Windy doesn't count, he still had the last word between us.  And I think it's odd that a new persons first two posts and only two posts at this point are in this arguement and he already has a postion against me, maybe random = peace.
Real Betis? ? -? ? Tottenham Hotspurs? ? -? ? Partizan Beograd? ? -? ? Hannover 96