tactical strike

Started by alacazar, April 13, 2004, 07:48:55 PM

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 windy is probably the only one I wouldn't touch...

They killed a rather nice player. Two, in fact. :(

But none of that is windy's fault.


 as far as proof goes  concidering this is comming from the former leader of good, and befor this OCP had not real contact with good...........    The intel he is refering to is the reasons I beleaved that good was targeting OCP,  SO if all that was fals then they were just going to kill out of the goodness of their hearts....  JOY

Eather way after a while OCP will be fully clanned again.  sometime somewhere

QuoteTue, 13 Apr 2004 13:55:07 -0700From: Northern Marauders (#123)
... i dont know where you got your inte lfrom.. it must be wrong...
what i heard was, is we're going to kill all of ocp,



 Excuse Me, but the evidence you gave hardly seems privy.  That post is mangeled and is probably taken out of context.  Someone could have sent you that in order to trick you into attacking, why would northern marauders tell you that he's going to kill your clan?  Something smells fishy and there's a mess in this water, evidence seems privy but is truely cannon fodder, supposed justified actions are trumped and not at all somber, accidental mishaps will just make our dominacnce take slightly longer.


 I'd just like to poin out that "Good" started this killing cycle... So don't complain.

Plus, everyone hates the big guy. No matter how nice they are.

I was the co-leader* and founder of the largest and most influential clan for most of the last era. We weren't very violent at all, but we still had plots against us. You can't please everyone if you are big and own the top.

* = (It was sort of Juby/Holby/Me/and sometimes wolf, although he was more a tactical planner)

wolf bite

 The good part of having 12 people in a clan is that you have 12 times the turns.

The bad part of having 12 people in a clan is that you have 12 times the mouths.

Reliability was/is very good that most of the clan of Good were/are saving their turns for the reason of killing any person in a clan in the top 20. Not to mention they had already done it to 2 people

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 weather it seems butcherd or not,   it is as it was mostly,    here is the full record of conversations between the leadership of the 2 clans,  up to the moment the leader of good fell,  Unedited.  which mean my bad deplomacy is exposed for the world here.   Also note that i said ALL contact between clan leaders,  the intel im reffering to comes from multiple members of OCP, as well as outside friends...   I was going for a oh yes oh hostile one,  no there is nothing planned, but if you want a fight youve got it responce,  standard operating procedure for most clans ATM,  want expecting we kill you know but feel free to join my clan.  The epic wars i had with eretor over that stance still come to mind.  

of well,  for better or for worse ehre it is the full undisclowed pre slaying messages passed between the clan leaderships this game

Tue, 13 Apr 2004 02:38:03 -0700From: E.D.209 (#61)
would you kindly explain the intel im getting that there will be a concitrated attack on my clan tuesday night, going for a kill of all 4 members in one night. This comes from people I know that do not speak lies, so as a result I find this more than a little disturbing and a good reason to coardianate my clan into a hit on good leadership resulting in at least one kill somewhere in the next 24 hours, I DONT KNOW WHAT CAUSED THIS, Nor has my clan done anything exept that one strike on peace aliance that was a result of him hiding under our clans banner for several days befor he joined you. Confessed from his own mouth. I also hear rumors that your clan is assuming wolfbite is in my clan. I have no info to conferm or deny that fact, but i doubt he would join my clan. Im not much of an effective leader, i can organise attacks but i let them due as they will, concidering my clans net is standing for itself so far thats not a bad thing.

Mark my words though if you fail to reply to this, or any member of my clan dies in the next 48 hours, If you dont get us all somone will fall

Alacazar of the timberwolves tribe
Commander OCP
Second Commander KOWW

Tue, 13 Apr 2004 13:55:07 -0700From: Northern Marauders (#123)
... i dont know where you got your inte lfrom.. it must be wrong...
what i heard was, is we're going to kill all of ocp, if you want a position in "best" msg me.


 The oldest trick in the book is to lie, say it's OCP when it's really Third reich who were to fry, the oddest part of your story is why why why, would NM tell you it's your turn to die?


 And BTW     unless somone hacked 123's account,     there is no way in game to deceve someone by making a message seem to have come from someone else   So i realy dont understand it myself,        The only thing I can think of is that he figured a 4 person clan could not possably do any damage,   for a kill at least 2 members of 4 have to have 450 turns,  3 is preferable, and it usualy takes 48 hours to organise a strike,   OCP organized and attacked in 2 hours


 you can edit the post that you did type, make an ingame PM seem malicious when trite, your word vs mine is what I see on this sign, your doom shall come quicker because of these lies.


 your right   i edited out the point that peace aliance is in good,  but realy  do i ahve to screenshot the conversation and add it to my sig, or ask the admins to post it here,  it was between myself  #61, and NM #123.  I dont lie outright,  I will exagerate numbers and omit thing like the fact that peace aliance is currenty residing in good.  but i wont make up a message for the shear reason of blackballing NM or making myself look good,  it is not honeralbe and its not the warriors way


Gen. Volkov

 Who the heck cares? You killed Marauders, now you will die at Good's hand. Unless you have disbanded? In which case you will die slower. I am pretty sure I know how this clan operates, cause I know who is running it. I am currently in Best... but I just joined, I needed a place to rebuild after SD collapsed. So there you have it. What exactly led to the attack doesn't matter, OCP is Good's main target and are probably being ordered to kill the whole clan.
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES

wolf bite

 So, you not in the clan of Good, only in their stooge clan of Best, thus you don?t really know what Good was planning and may be defending the wrong side.

You also say: That because the OCP refused to die and fought back instead, that they will now die.  What has changed?

Just a point to remember, those that are running Good have run other clans that hired smaller clans to do their dirty work, when they were done with those smaller clans, they attacked them.

This is all getting really funny.  Hehe

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 I agree with Wolf Bite that it's getting hilarious, a note to all, your positions are precarious because my reputation is utterly Nefarious.


 Quite hilarious indeed
Apparently people are getting angry at me for having too long of a sig. when all you have to do is press three buttons to not veiw someone else's sig. if you do not want to see it so I no longer have one *grumble* lazy people *grumble*.  Whew! Run on sentence.

Oh big fish I took out the pictures.  Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...

Lol big fish is the word for cr.p
user posted image


 yall think mass killings are funny?  
I disagree..  
the only thing less funny is being killed yourself  :P
anyways, Best is more of an expansion to Good..  Good grew too large and needed an extra building to put all their stuff in..  heh heh..  
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't