Smoke dope?

Started by Peace Alliance, April 12, 2004, 05:49:39 PM

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Peace Alliance

 Personally, I've never smoked weed, and never will. There are too many reasons not to, and too few to do so.

However wether you do so or not id your own decision. And although i find it hard to, i try my best to respect everyone regardless. But when i find out someone i know and respect does it, no matter what, it brings them down a notch in my mind. I don't know if it should or not, but it does.


 Does the same for me, Peace.  Well, in almost all cases, not that I know many. XD  It's a morale thing though. ^_^

I have never smoked anything, and never plan to.

Wolf Snare

 I'm not part of that croud.
1. Fire Bringer (#22)
1. Jaturungkabart (#12)
1. Estranged (#50)
1. Fierce Deity (#17) 
1. bored... (#98)
1. Versace (#24)
1. Noah Calhoun (#10)
1. Day Old Hate (#7)
1. The Grand Optimist (#12)
1. Beast Mode (#7)


 well someone put all the time, but I think it was a prank
I'm so tired of being lost in a world,
Where no one can find me.
I want to break free of the cage,
That has been enclosing me for too long.
I know that I am alone and no one will save me,
So I am to escape for myself.
I wander down a path,
That will go on for eternity.
I shall never reach the end,
I am trapped no matter where I go.
Though I finally manage to reach the end,
I must fight the monster inside of me to pass.
It is filled with so much anger, hate, and despair,
The only antidote is love, courage, and hope.
The three things I do not have,
And never will.
It is there that I give up,
I have nothing left but myself.
So I lay down forever,
Never going to get up I fade away from all existence.

caedo caelestis

 Answers I'm assuming are going to be mostly at the top. Just a guess since its comming from a redwall forum. Ask the same question at Overgrow and the results would probably be vice versa.


 well, it's a marajuana site :rolleyes:  
I'm so tired of being lost in a world,
Where no one can find me.
I want to break free of the cage,
That has been enclosing me for too long.
I know that I am alone and no one will save me,
So I am to escape for myself.
I wander down a path,
That will go on for eternity.
I shall never reach the end,
I am trapped no matter where I go.
Though I finally manage to reach the end,
I must fight the monster inside of me to pass.
It is filled with so much anger, hate, and despair,
The only antidote is love, courage, and hope.
The three things I do not have,
And never will.
It is there that I give up,
I have nothing left but myself.
So I lay down forever,
Never going to get up I fade away from all existence.

Wolf Snare

 oh wow.

I just clicked the link. that is one weird place..
1. Fire Bringer (#22)
1. Jaturungkabart (#12)
1. Estranged (#50)
1. Fierce Deity (#17) 
1. bored... (#98)
1. Versace (#24)
1. Noah Calhoun (#10)
1. Day Old Hate (#7)
1. The Grand Optimist (#12)
1. Beast Mode (#7)

caedo caelestis

Quote from: IFmanwell, it's a marajuana site :rolleyes:
Little extreme for an example but still just proving the theory that people under the average age of 15 don't smoke dope, unless you live in Almonte.


 this is the creepiest poll ive ever seen, i voted for the first one, if not id have to die
Apparently people are getting angry at me for having too long of a sig. when all you have to do is press three buttons to not veiw someone else's sig. if you do not want to see it so I no longer have one *grumble* lazy people *grumble*.  Whew! Run on sentence.

Oh big fish I took out the pictures.  Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...

Lol big fish is the word for cr.p
user posted image


  :rolleyes: they want you to buy seeds to support their site..  
maybe someone should make real retto plushies and such and give the proceeds to this site..  hehe..

*detests smokin of any kind*
it stinks up any place..  what's really gross is if you're sitting at an outside table at a restaraunt and someone lights up a cigarrette or cigar or such..  disgusting even outside..  especailly if the wind is blowing just in the wrong direction..

bleah..  gross for the consumer, gross for everyone around them..  and if you're caught underage you're probubly gonna be ina bit of trouble..  if you're caught with marajuana period you're toast..  neah.
A Goldfish has an attention span of 3 seconds...  so do I
~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't

wolf bite

 After thinking of becoming all parentally admin-ish and closing this poll, I decided to make statement.

It is said that marijuana does not lead to heavier drugs.  Untrue! The crowd of people that will be using pot will also be using other stuff and eventually most pot uses try other stuff. Also when a person becomes more resistant to the drug, they must use much more or other stuff to get the same ?high.? I have first hand detoxicated heroin (and other drugs) addicts. It is not pretty!

I know people that have been smoking it for 30 years. Most were in to other stuff but have cut back just to pot.  They are all lazy losers. Sure you can point out movie stars that use it and are rich, but those are the few. Most never exceed in life.

The drug makes people not care about the simple troubles of life.  Sure that is a great way to hide from reality as does excessive drinking. But most users never stop using so they never have to face life. After all, hiding from it only makes things get worse.  Never facing life?s problems makes people not care about their friends or family and have little desire to succeed in life because they would rather hide from it.

Wolf Bite

?Wisdom is what we have learned from our own experiences and those experiences of others that listen closely to?
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 Gad. Never, never, NEVER smoke stuff. Or inject stuff.

Smoking is not only bad for your health, it's also poisoning other's health.

I did a site on second-hand smoke once... Too bad it has my name in it, otherwise I'd post a link here. Nasty stuff. Over 50 KNOWN cancer-causing substances, if I remember correctly.


 can't be 15 feet away from any smoker, can't stand the smell, I hold my breath if I go by 1
I'm so tired of being lost in a world,
Where no one can find me.
I want to break free of the cage,
That has been enclosing me for too long.
I know that I am alone and no one will save me,
So I am to escape for myself.
I wander down a path,
That will go on for eternity.
I shall never reach the end,
I am trapped no matter where I go.
Though I finally manage to reach the end,
I must fight the monster inside of me to pass.
It is filled with so much anger, hate, and despair,
The only antidote is love, courage, and hope.
The three things I do not have,
And never will.
It is there that I give up,
I have nothing left but myself.
So I lay down forever,
Never going to get up I fade away from all existence.


 Wow, funny. I'm doing an essay on 2nd hand smoke right now. I have to be FOR smoking in public places. Ugh, people are always smoking in my screenhouse, argelae (I can't figure out how to spell it; it's like a hooka that smokes tobacco instead of pot) and cigarettes and it's always in my face...this essay sucks XD


 Huh? What was this teacher smoking?! XD

Really, I can't see a SINGLE advatage to allowing smoking in public. I'm personally glad that smoking is banned inside restaurants where I live.

I understand, IFman. For me it's even worse...