Stepping down

Started by Peace Alliance, April 10, 2004, 06:45:36 PM

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Fun For None

 Some people do things for reasons that appear to be nice but in fact serve a purpose.

Perhaps to increase one's reputation or gain an ally? Maybe to win over a few people? Popularity makes the game a bit easier.

Ey, Wolf?

Peace Alliance

QuoteThey either want to kill me because i'm "evil", killing them, or 'cause wolf bite tells them to
What i meant was reasons why people have wanted to kill me in the past wolf. Don't get me wrong, i trust you that you wouldn't tell people who i am... unless you have the slightest  suspicion that i've been cheating... but we don't go there anymore..

AS for why i stepped down. I had no problem staying at the top for longer. Especially since we're closing on the 20% we need in mossflower and i would have liked to be up there to get over to northlands for the land farm. The only problem is that  the entire game has decided to hate me. I heard from several people that they were trying to contract killers and have me killed... All this because i'm in first place? I don't think so.

It doesn't matter that the land targets were far below me wolf, you know my stratagy, so you know that i don't want to have a large army when i'm finished my land run.


 i know that woof clan wanted you taken out
elevated by the setting woof to war incident
nobody seemed to so much as hint at knowing your real identity

Juby (Tercios)

 I knew, but I didn't want to involve my clan and get them caught up in the mix, I know capt term was mad at him but I was taking it to him one on one.  and you didn't step down, I dropped you like 4 positions, then your all like, I'm stepping down to save face.
Real Betis? ? -? ? Tottenham Hotspurs? ? -? ? Partizan Beograd? ? -? ? Hannover 96


Quote from: NohcnonkHere goes Peace... trying to turn a normal act of into something that will improve others images of him... *shakes head*
I meant that you were removing all of the food you had on you to the market, and trying to look decent, when you were only saving yourself.

Peace Alliance

 When the heck did i say i was doing anything but saving myself?

Seriously, can i not just DO something on this game without you jerks getting all hissy about it? I stepped down, Who freakin cares why!? Where the heck did i try to save face, I said right out it was because people wanted me dead, and you'ce just proven me right.

And juby i'd really like to see your evidence that capt term was mad at me. Because I've been talking to him all season, and unlike YOU hje understands that the shifting of land, taking it back and forth, is pert of the game, and when i attacked him and then allied with him, HE didn't break his alliance to attack me.

Now would you all stop trying to make everything i do into a crime? For goodness sakes, i never thought stepping down would make people mad at me. You're seriously grabbing at strings now, its pothetic.

Juby (Tercios)

 I'll post an ongoing conversation me and capt term have going over redwall if he's okay with it.  Also, once again you did not step down, I knocked you too 5thish, then you put a pile of stuff on the market and act like you stepped down from the top, you got punk'd and then you tried to save face.  Also I have in my message history a huge number of posts of you having a hissy fit because you take people retaliating to your attacks personally and act like a victim.  If you attack me, and then I attack you back, you are not the victim, stop acting like people are being mean because they retaliate, I mean when you attack someone should they just roll over and say "well it's peace so it would be mean of me to retaliate" no they should take back whats theirs.  You seem to think that you should be allowed to online attack and take from whoever you please unchecked.  Sorry to say but you are not a victim just because you cry the most.
Real Betis? ? -? ? Tottenham Hotspurs? ? -? ? Partizan Beograd? ? -? ? Hannover 96

Peace Alliance

 What  does it take to get something through your thick little head? I wasn't complaining about you taking my friggin land. The problem was that I was your ALLY! i WAS YOUR FREAKIN ALLY!! You don't go around attacking ally's. Of course i would be pissed off, I had everyhting planned out to not be attacked because everyone in mossflower was my ally. Then one of them turns around and sticks a knife in my back. So you wonder why i'm upset in the messages i sent you in-game? Why the heck wouldn't i be????

You hadn't dropped me out of first place. Sure, you took almost 5 billion food, buit i could have bought out military or taken some stuff off the market and kept my throne, but since i know everyone wants me dead, i stepped down to avoid the heat. So Juby, tell me how i am not the victum? I was just playing the game, and like usual everyone decided to hate me... I haven't done anything to make everyone want me dead, and yet they still insist on driving me out of the game. When holby or nohc are emperors, they barely even get attacked.

And i online attacked you because it was when you had a poor leader ratio... And you were online attacking me at the same time. You would take my land, i would poison you... then you'd take more land (now hows that for brains?).

Screw you guys. I hate how i can't play this game without being drivin out. Of course i'm the victum.

Juby (Tercios)

 ummmm, you attacked a bunch of people then hid in Hydra, members of hydra allowed me to attack and were cool with it.  You tried to leave all the fires you started by hiding behind windy.  The only times I had online attacked you were when I waited for you to go offline, started attacking, then you came back online, soon as I recieved a message from you, I stopped and waited again, and you online attacked me way before this.  If me attacking an ALLY! was such a big deal, how come hydra and woof are still great allies?  I kept taking land cause I wanted you dead, which i already told you but you obviously aren't smart enough to realize I can remember my reasons, and I was sacking so I was maximizing both.  And you could but out alot of troops, then go bancrupt and fall from the top anyways genius.
Real Betis? ? -? ? Tottenham Hotspurs? ? -? ? Partizan Beograd? ? -? ? Hannover 96

Peace Alliance

 Dude, I'm not going to explain to you the clan politics and why woof and hydra are good allies... maybe because i know you wouldn't understand it. But very few people were happy about you attacking me. And I'm not one to be supported by ANYONE, mainly because of the pricks in this game who have put so much work into making me hated.

Whether people went to war with your clan for what you did or not doesn't define whether your attacking an ally was right or wrong. If it were myself who attacked you after you joined my ally's clan, people would be barking at me about how i attacked an ally simply because he had land. Then i would get that "if your allies win then you win too" speech from wolf bite and everyone would go "tisk tisk peace alliance" and once again i'm thrown down into the ground. But it was you, not me.


alright.. fight it out over the ingame message system why dont you..  

just to clarify some things real quick..
Juby, you left Woof and did a major attack on Peace who was in Hydra, then rejoined Woof..  personally, I think that's terrible.  Woof would be at war right now if not for three things..
-Peace swapped Woof to war status to get revenge, he should not have done that, as it effected other members of Woof including sh0e..
-KOWW has stated that they would take the side of the clan that did not break the alliance, and Hydra isnt near strong enough to stand up to both Woof and KOWW
-I concider Nohc a friend and dont want war with him or his clan

Peace, calm down..  you cant win :P  really..  people have diffent views on things, and some wont be swayed to see them any different than they do now..  you think you've been wronged, others see they've been wronged..  
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~ In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded ~
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Juby (Tercios)

 eveblood was fine with the attack and as the only person of hydra online I took his opinion for hydra's,  being your only online rep.  You cannot seriously expect people to let Peace get away with such cowardly tactics.  Obviously since Koww agreed with Woof on the incident, 2 against one would place us in the proper.  I also waited to get permission from Nohc BEFORE leaving attacking and coming back, so my actions at the time were allowed by nohc, a rep of hydra, and Koww (who were similarily upset by his tactics and messaged us with their displeasure over peace's actions).  If Woof allows people to get away with such tactics then we have no leverage, Peace assualted members of our alliance and I defended us.
Real Betis? ? -? ? Tottenham Hotspurs? ? -? ? Partizan Beograd? ? -? ? Hannover 96

Peace Alliance

 First of all Capt Term isn't mad at me.

Second, just because everyones ok with it, how does that make it OK to attack an ally? They were OK with it because I'm EVIl, remember? why would they care if you broke an alliance just to attack the scum of RWL?

wolf bite

 Peace wants me to say that he is not the scum of the game.


Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles

Peace Alliance

 thanks wolf!  :D

I like how that was strategicly places so it would disprove my point, but whatever. Wolf said so, so now you have to believe it!