Stepping down

Started by Peace Alliance, April 10, 2004, 06:45:36 PM

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Peace Alliance

 It seems my position as turbo's emperor has made quite a few jealous warlords. Warlords who then complain and while and try to figure out how to kill me.

So, I've stepped down, out of the spotlight. I'm hoping this means you will all stopd complaining?

They either want to kill me because i'm "evil", killing them, or 'cause wolf bite tells them to... so why is it that now everyone wants to kill me just because i'm winning? Thats not very fair... I seriously hate having to play with a different name every season. I'd rather just be able to go out and say its me, but then people wouldn't even wait for a reason to hate me.

Juby (Tercios)

 jealous or retaliating?  you are so full of yourself, I want to kill you in game now cause of what you did to me and your wussy way of playing.  pfft, as if you would blame wolf bite or people being jealous, if you attack someone, their not attacking you back out of jealousy genius.
Real Betis? ? -? ? Tottenham Hotspurs? ? -? ? Partizan Beograd? ? -? ? Hannover 96

Peace Alliance

 ^^ case and point ^^

and i didn't say wolf had anything to do with it

Juby (Tercios)

 case and point? errrr peace, do you really expect someone to let you step all over them because your you.  Actions have consequences, your not immune.
Real Betis? ? -? ? Tottenham Hotspurs? ? -? ? Partizan Beograd? ? -? ? Hannover 96


 wait wat i thot peace name was a secret?

Badrang the Tyrant


Heh, I thought Peace was Holby cause Holby usually has names after movies..

Juby (Tercios)

 and stepping down? I dropped you from the top like 3 times in the last few days, you got punk'd, you should ahve quit a few days ago
Real Betis? ? -? ? Tottenham Hotspurs? ? -? ? Partizan Beograd? ? -? ? Hannover 96

Peace Alliance

 I was down from the first spot for a few minutes when you made your sacks agains me when we were allies. But then i got right back up... so i don't really think that would make any difference.

Juby, what makes you think this is about you anyways? you call me selfcentred.

Juby (Tercios)

 wel considering me and you have been going crazy on one another the last few days and the hissy fit string of messages you've sent, I think its pretty obvious that it's mostly about me.
Real Betis? ? -? ? Tottenham Hotspurs? ? -? ? Partizan Beograd? ? -? ? Hannover 96

Peace Alliance

 you still talking?


 Here goes Peace... trying to turn a normal act of into something that will improve others images of him... *shakes head*

Juby (Tercios)

 this thread is nothing more then an attempt at pity parade, I say attempt because it's painfully aware it's unwarranted therefore failed.
Real Betis? ? -? ? Tottenham Hotspurs? ? -? ? Partizan Beograd? ? -? ? Hannover 96

Peace Alliance

 Juby i didn't even want YOU to come on here. This disconcerns you.

Nohc, what the heck are you talking about?

Juby (Tercios)

 doesn't concern, poor peace. ::cries::  
Real Betis? ? -? ? Tottenham Hotspurs? ? -? ? Partizan Beograd? ? -? ? Hannover 96

wolf bite

 Oh, lets face some facts.

First I have NOT been after you. I have not told anyone to be after you. I have nothing to do with why people feel they want the land back that you took from them.

As far as you stepping down, it was not to be nice and get everyone to stop attacking you. You put all your goods on the market to protect them so you can take them back when needed. You were so high you had few land targets. Now you can build loyalty and resorces again at a greater rate.

Some people do nice things for nice resons (remembers X-mass gifts), Some people do things for themselfs and pretend it was for a nice reason.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles