Nohc's RWL Guide!

Started by Nohcnonk, April 07, 2004, 02:10:47 PM

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 I figured more people would put input in here than in the Help section, so here goes.

I'm writing an RWL Guide.  It will mainly be based on the strat that I use, but will have other strats, and tips on everything.  Attacking, clans, what your tax rating should be set at :blink: , you name it.  I have many plans already, and have already done several things.  I'd like to know what some of you would want to know more about RWL, and anything that you think I should talk about, so that I don't miss  anything.  Does a barracks strat not work for you?  Tell me about it, and I'll add why, and how you can hopefully make it work better.  I plan on making a FAQ at the end, to answer all of your questons.  I'll probably integrate many of my answers into the many topics of the Guide.

I might be finished by the end of April, but I might have to do some testing before I show it to you all. ^_^ *waits for comments*

The Lady Shael

 Heh, sounds neat. ^_^  I've been meaning to make a RWL Dictionary....but I've just never had time to actually work on it. *sigh*
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


 Sounds cool, cdan we post strats and stuff here? About your tax thing the best rate is 30% tents 70% markets and then 25 40% then 5 5%. That what I got in my tests.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19


 Good idea, Nohc. I look forward to being mailed an advanced reading copy. B)  
I will not deleted this

wolf bite

 Sounds great. If you also wish to send me an advance copy I would be happy to help check it over too.

When I finally got my journal out, I found many mistakes later.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 'Course I will.  I'll need your e-mails though...

Oh, and you can post your personal strat, and I'll put what I think is good and bad about it (because there is a bad side to every strat). *takes down Juska's building arrangements*


 Good, Here we go:

       Wildcat indy/gt

Buildings%'s 30% camps As many foragers as needed to make a decent profit the rest barracks.

  This strat works best in the Northlands, though will work in other locations as well, but not as well.
As you see you make no money producing buildings at all, or do you? You sell troops on the private market(mercinaries) the 30% camps increase you selling price drastically, from like $175 a rat to $225. They also almost third your expenses. You should be gaining enough troops each turn to sell them. Example of a turn run. Sell the max of stats weasels and skiffs. Attack untill your down to 10% health. Build as stated above forage to full health, repeat. You keep doing this untill you get to around 100 turns. Then you demo your camps and foragers and some barracks and build full guards on the land. By troops %'s are like this 60%'s rats 5% weasels 25% stoats 10% skiffs. When you make your next run just do the same except demo your towers and build as stated. You will have to sell rats on the mercinaries at some point, sell in bulk because after you sell the amount you can sell is taken from the amoutn left, so it decreaes even more. The worst thing is when you can't sell any troops and have to take out loans. IMPORTANT: Try to make it so you always have enough cash to build 30% camps on your land. Make sure you also have enough food and cash to build your towers and then demo then and rebuild ecoomic buildings for your next run. You can also sell on the public, but there take forever to be bought.

Pros: You can only be broken by a minimal amount of people. If you mass rats and to a lesser extent stoats you can break literally anyone in the game. You can attack as long as turns allow. You can change attacking troop type easily. Weasels will never break you ever!!!!!!!!! Skiffs won't either, at least almost never.

Cons: Full blown staots massers can break you and rat massers depending what you yourself mass, pansy vs. weaklings can break you(some :) ) and leaders massers :angry: . You can't do any offensive leader

Ex. Today on turbo i was broken by 2 leader massers and 1 stoats masser, but only after my gaurds were mostly killed by the leader massers. You were the stoat guy btw Noch.

Suggestions and stuff welcome. I'm wondering if there are any other indy strats out htere......
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19


 Ooh... sounds very interesting, but depedant on people buying your troops.  I'll have to try it... sometime, somewhere.

Ashyra Nightwing

 Oou, yay... I need to improve my strat, I do...


 Nohc, selling on mercinaires deosn't depend on anyone, that's why I use keeps. If you depended on the market you'd make 2x as much money but it would take 2 weeks for it to sell.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19

Gen. Volkov

 Ashy... don't you think its time that you maybe CHANGED strats??? I don't think a simple improvement is gonna help much at this point.... LOL. How many times have you massed skiffies now?
It is said that when Rincewind dies the occult ability of the entire human race will go up by a fraction. -Terry Pratchett

cloud says: I'm pretty sure I'm immune to everything that I can be immune to...brb snorting anthrax.

Sticker334 says(Peace Alliance): OMG! HOBOES


 Ashy, you need to listen to me and change your strat.  Over to leaders. ^_^

Juska:  Whoops, didn't look at it too closely I guess. XD  I thought it had markets... somewhere... nevermind.

Ashyra Nightwing

 Leaders? Everyone uses them! I'm different!



 I'd probably need help for the game sometime.
I'm always picking fights and I can never protect myself.



You do have to time it so that you can actually sell troops on the mercs when you need to.  I'm testing it now.